Whftby Fm rPms.Wokiosdy. W .M.y3,900Pop 25 Interestlng, FROM PAGE 1 «WhÃŽetber itfs health care, Akills training or wbatever, this rvn is having tepick up the galfr the -federal govern- ment,» declaredWhite. «W. neeed someone wiiocan articulate the. needa of a. major industrial province 1ke Ontario and not be an echo of the federal governmient," he said la veiled reference te Liberal leader Ln Mcl.à od's initial support of the federal budget. Altbough bis party su=t eliminating the de cit, said Ontario votera muet decide bow this in best acomplished. «Do you want toeslasb and burn or do you want tekeep the standardof li*ve've e oed since the SecondWodWarb asked. By «living witbin our means,» Ontarlo'. d.bt can be controlled witbout infiicting pain, White said. lu past elections, the NDP bas been able te count on thebakn of organized labour (at least fo the union leadership, if not the rank and file), but not this time. Anger over the socal contract has, led many unions te, witfhold theïr traditional support of the pa-r ut White la not worried. leparty la la better hp financialyihn la1990. W. still have the support of moit private unions and some public sector ones." White said that despite tbefr unhappinesa over tbe socal cou- tract, union members appreciate wbat the NDP has dnfor tbem overall. For instance. a Conservative The. cost wouid1 be'bigb - $60 million --"if ail of Whitby's defi- cient roada were repaired. Thats the oneùrvative esti- mate of the tens road repair bill, according te, public works director Wayne Hancock. He said during Monday's ope- rations committee meeting that the "now needa" road repair bill la $8 million. HI1STORICAL FEATURE in the Whiftby Free Press 1. .A husband and wife had the unique distinction of dying on Feb. 29, eight years apart. Who were they? 2. Myrtie Station once had a hotel. What happened to it? 3. How many Whitby people died in the Spanish Influenza outbreak in the fali of 1918? 4. Why were the shade trees on Whitby's street cut down during the winter of 1918? Ans wers on Page 32 This feature provided by Local ArcIitccturol COners.'.tiOn MA<JO.< Comi.ttec 9overrnment wiIl revoke Bill 40 ~e law which -bans the use ol repaceent workers during a str.ke, Whie noted. "There were distortions that it would kil thousanda of jobs but the month it waa introduced 43,000 new jobs were created," be said. Bill 40 bas not bind.r.d ri- vat., sector investinent andh as brought peace te the work place, White said. "In the hast two years we've had the lowest nurnier of days lot te strikes iu our bistory.» Last week's election calI did not come soon .nougb for Liberal candidate Furlong. 'Tv. been nominated for over a year. You get a little anious,» said- tie. 53-year-old Oshawa lawyer. But now that the campaign l uaderway, the former MIPP la out te reclaim bis old job. "On the basis of bis early statements, Bob Rae la not pre- pared te stand on bis record. He wants te blame everyone for bis problemo,» said Furlong. «But bis legacy te Ontario han been to lacrease the. deficit from $39 billion te almost $100 billion. He bas to, accouat for that, over- ail he'sbeen a bad manager." Furlong said the- NDP wËIl abandon its attack on Ottawa wben party officials realize the votera are not responding. "I tbink that was always the strategy and tbey were looking for an earlier opportunityr," he ssid. «But the. pole said 75 per cent of people in Ontario supported the (federal) budget.» lHowever, the Town1 now spenda only $1.5 million eacb yeron rear, ibhaif the. fuding povddb eii ric and thé.oter hlbyteTOwn «I cant blevee state of some of our roada,» said regional councillor Gerry Emm,- noting especally roada l in ortbpart of Wty In tii. p ast, Emm went on, some of the roada wer. only temporarily fixed. "Itfs really, reaiiy siowin, be said. Councllor Dennis Fox. said an Elizabeth Crescent resident twisted ber ankle i a pothole. The. woman bad te) spend some time la hospital, h. said. Emm recommended that cm mitte. tour roads. Main e imarkers washig ashore Durham 'Regfioral Police are cautorân the public ,about marine"'focation markers bat have been wasbing ashor. la tii. Ajax and Plckering beach area. The latest marker was found April 25 la the. Montgomery Park Road area of Plckering beacb. l'h. location markers are descrlbed as ilver lancoour, 20 inches lon& 2.5 inciies - in diameter with warnings la French and English: 'Warning, HazadousMateis], contact Police or Military! The markers are dropped lby Air Sea Rescu. anid give off a. white, chemoical-type aoa n ascontain aaai explosive charg that la supposed te discharge once the. cannister is empty, Sending the. rem ainseof the flare to the. bottom af the. body of wat.r. But some ai tiiae s are now wasblng asiioe unexploded. Anyca. wbo fanda markers should contact police at 579-1520. DRUMMOND WIHT Furlong conceded the cuts madU-bh is party's federal cou- sins w'll urt, «but we all have to get our bouses in order.7 While Ontario and Québec are stiil "sittig and -whing" about the budget, the other provincs have been planning on how te cope with leus money, he said. Ifthe Liberals are elected on June 8,* Ontario' resideuts can expect a balanced budget la four year, along wth lower taxes, Furlongsaid. Un* ke Tor leader Mfke Har- ris «uneabsi 730pr cent tax cut, the Liberals propose' a «mnodestr.one pr cent reduction per year over five years b. said.9 ~e wiil add te eà &b more witb bis plan than w. lwi " said, Furlong. 'Tm haTpy withOur balnoe buget plan beause it!s backed with 1e sation. After four years we Nwilook at ways and means te reduce the (long- term) debt. Although bis purtyba bee comfortably atep he pinion polis for more than two years, Furlong takes nothing for gran- ted. "It. e~ethtey'll go down some- wa.en you're the frontrun- uer tbey ail attack you" Furlong expecta the NDP and Conservaitives to accuse the Liberals of creating the. financial probleme now plagning Ontario. «Botb Of them wlsaywer big spenders and taes. But i you look at the record of ail tbree Sarties the last 15 years, the t deficit'- before the NDP taoo power was from a Conserva- tive goôvernment. "I will stack our record agaînst any other government's. ossi- bly for the ouly time between now and June, 8, Tory candidate Flaherty agreed with bis Liberal opponent on two points. «I wish h. would have calIed the élection a year ago," said the 45-year-old Whitby lawyer. "Then our debt wouldn'l have igrown by nearly $1 million every Flaherty also believes that High Pressure Drain Cleaning e Plumbing e High Pressure Drain Cleaning e CCTV Pipe Inspection e Underground Pipe Locating ,@ Pressure Systemns e Pipe Thawing à *P Building RMaintennce JIM ALLAN FLAILERTY FURLONG Raels criticism of the fedoia-l government will not strike a receptive chord. "I dont think the votera are that naive," he said. «Peop1 i glass housesshoulda't tr stones. Let's gt our own bouse in order first.' According to Flaherty, the elec- tion wiil b. won by the party and leader that best represents usig- nificant"change. "I tbink'the popleo Otro know we have what it takes te make Ontario great aain," he said. "'I thik we'l 'seetat Mrs. McLeood will not stand up well te P ublic scrutiny and tht Mike Harri will. The leadership isue a also be applied te helocal level, Flaherty said. I §pring'.3 Clip this ad and save Tes g10% off tree & shrub F ruit Iordèrs over $50 *Fri id Expires JuIy 1194 > Shrul *Hedg eSod ib t bl capaguexpece l uham C!enre g_________ -é.d a.. leadership *nDurham R¶ion for the lastTO years. 1 dont think people realize how underfunded DurhamRegionlhas been.» Flaherism8issd moot of the rojeetscted by White as pro that. Durham has not n ne~eced.~about spenduxg money we o have My cli dren's money. What 1m tafldng. about is a reallocationofaal able reeources. For instance, Whitby General Hospital receives only 60 per cent of the funding enjoyed by other hospitals ii ntroFa- hrtclaïrmed, ht a Perhaps Mr. ht a explain that.7 No other' candidates have declared an 'Intention te, rua in Durham Centre. Created in 1987, the riding encompasses Whitb~y south or Taunton Road, as well asth &orti on of Oshawa north ofKg treeti,west of Ritson Roadaad south of Tauntou. Iu 1990 White received 12,594A votes, follÃowed by Furlong withi 10 246 and Flaherty 9,126. f'ami1y Coalition 'iParty candi- date Nino Maltese collected 1,186 votes; Confederation of Regions cadidate Phil Wyatt hadi1,087, aad David Hubbell of the Green Party traied with 857. trees Rackery s *Peat: Mass rs Fertilizer i ng * Lawn Ornaments I *Omamentals 980aTauntondRdA Whltby 7558 Hw #7 X Winchester 655-5926 E9Taunton ~ HWY .7 »LAKERUDGE RD i2I Total road repair bulwould be 60m You can be certain with tuîfgrass sod. Unlike seeding - with its delays, uncertainty, andfrequentfailures "ALLGREEN" SOD GCROWERS 725-9674 e 26322131 aim