Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1995, p. 13

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Whilby Fru Prim, Wscidmy, Apnil 19,1006 . Pao. 13 Dîsabili ty no deterrent to. local artîst BLimsa Gardner BernielIainbrildge of Whitby ià painfting ber wayte succesa. The .32-year-old 'Isélf-deacribed efetiostexcels -at' créating fie-detailed artistry, ber works ranging from flowerpots to enchanted archways.-: , Inspired 'by ber imother,,Mine, Bermie beld ber flrst -art show, attended'by- about 75 people at ber home last year snüd «Was happy1ith -thé resuits" - 19 of the2 paintings on display were sold at prices ranging from$2 to$300. - When painting, she-gets great satisfaction out of a flniébed viece of work and, she jokés, "I lilke thé fleible bours.» But sbe bas other- career plans - «She still dréarns about a careeri computers,» says Mine. Although disabled by thalido- mide, Bernie 'Ifinds no diff iculty i paitinarticu1aly still-life. .Intealfy 1960sthalidomide was given te prégnant women to, prevent morning sickness. But the drug also caused abnormal fêtus growth (limbs, feet, etc.) depnin on how much was takén and at wbat stage of deve-' lopment was thé child. Bérnies arms were just begin- ning to form when she was affec- ted, and her arms ceased to develop. Artistically indlined, at age 10 she was erolled in art schooli Montreal. She bas worked three years with artist Catherine Deihaise of Raglan (north of Oshawa), whose work appéars ini several collec- tions and has earned local awards. "I consider Bernie a student and a friend,»" says Deibaise, who frequently spenda time »-- profes- sionally and socially --wit Ber- mie. Bernie has been tutored hi three-dimensional perpective and shadows as ýweIl as3 other techniques. She now paints i watercolour but may go mto oil. Via Spark gets big talent BERNIE BAINBRIDGE held her first art show her paintingsi sold. She receives tutonnrg trom. Ia'st year at ber Whitby home, wth many of artist Cathenne Deihaise'of Raglan. Photo by M" flRoou«, AItby Frée Prou Sîngers t fer 'eel use A varied and stellar group of musacianswill -perform at HorséshoeValley Resort, Barrie, as artofthe-Vtal SparkFPolk Sociey% annual Hormeshoé Valley- Music Festival April 28-30. Thé al-andia taent lined IIISTORICAL FEATURE Whitby Free Press i .What service club purchased the Whitby Lawn Bowling and IfTennis Club when it was sold for unpaid taxes in 1943? 2.When were the stables behind the Royal Hotel demolished? 3.What was the name of the stone house that is now Sunnycrest Nursing Home? 4.Whitby was once called Windsor. Where did that name corne from? Answers on Page 35ý This featu re p rovided by Local Arckitectural Cormr,,etion Adviso! Corwitte -qw up for thé weekend includes multiple Juno award winnér Muriray M aulin h a rare appearance, as well as, 1994's Juno Award winner, in thé rootatradtional category, James As weil 1994 Juno nomme Oliver &chroer, along with bis band, Thé Stewed Tomat;oeds, will join thé festivities te add a spécial brand of worldbeat; funky fiddIlé music. Musical styles ranging from blues te folk te Celtic to acoustic rock will be réprésented by New Brunswicles Brent Mason, Ontario's Jeif Wiseman, transplanted east coaster Mary Knické and ber band, and a new trio. from New Brunswick calléd Modabo wbo com~ure up réminisceonces of thé harmonies of Crosb, Stilla and Nash. Patrons cari buy singlé day passes for thé festival, or tbheY can catch thé wbole weekend at an icredible price of $50. Children 12 and undér will bé adniitted for free. Horseshoe Valey Resort bas put tgthér a wéékend package witb a ang of 'rates. For hotél réservations, cail 1-800-461-5627 or (705) 835-2790. For more information about thé festivitiés and, te purchase advance tickets, cail Bobby Watt at (905) 430-2529 or Michael Ryan at (905) 430-7426. e . e I «Helping you maintain and improve your hom's good Ioks. e Special seasonal discounts on duot cleaning and chimney sweeping now n effect. *Also featuring special discounts on carpet and upholstery cleaning. * CLEAN * DECORATE * RENOVATE (905)>619-6622 ext 261 0 J416) 249-4136 Asic Robeil for FREE Esbiae The County Town Singers will present 'Réel Music,' a tribute to the movies cabaret, dinner and Home show is upcoming The Whitby Homne & Backyard Show will be held at Iroquois Park April 28 to 30. Local businesses will have displays and démonstrations in.such areas as landscape design, opéning and closing a pool, spring fashions, table settings and decorating trends. The show is on Friday, April 28, 4 to 9 p.m.;.Saturday, April 29, 10 arn. to 9 p.m.; Sumday, April 30, 10 arn. to 6 p.rn. Admission is free, and sernunars are free. For more 2885 Altona Rd., -Pickering HILARIQUS COMEDY "DON'T DRESS FOR DINNER"f Now playing tili May i 3th LAST FOUR WEEKS TICKETS SELLING FAST. For tickets & information, please cali (905) 472-3085 dance undér thé Barbara Ouellette. direction of Thé cabaret and dance will hé held Frday, May 26 and Saturday, May 27, at thé CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Avé., Oshawa. Sliowtime is 7:.45 p'.m. with a light dinmer toe éservéd'after thé cabaret. Dancing mil fllow. Tickets coot $20 pér pérson (includes cabaret, dinner and dance) and" are available at LaotieTrading Post, 106 Dundas St..W., Wbitby. si r

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