Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 19

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WhiU>y Fr.. Prou, W.frsosd. April 12,1995, Page 10 WOMN'S"AGLOW Womens Aglow Fellowship of Canada, Oshawa-Whity Chap- ter, will meet on Thursday, April 13, 7 p.m., at Cullen Gardèe. Guest speaker is Mary Audrey Raycroft, who looks after the miuistry teams for The Vineyard in Toront6. Cost is $7. For more information, cail 723-9458. EM) INJURY Head IrWury Association of Durham Region will hold .a su=ppr group meeting on Wededy, April 19, 7:30 p.mý., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors group meets on main floorj, famIlyad caregivers group upsirsFor ItraUnsportation, oeil 723-2732. STAMP CLUB The. Oshawa Stamp Club wil meet on Tuesday, Upri 189 7 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Neil* CVI Oshawa. Colectors and guests are welcome. For more information, calI Roy at 728-2599. PARENTS AND TCYIS 'Parents and Tots' wiil meet at St. Mark's United Church in Whitby on Tuesdays, fromn 9:10 to 11:10 a.m. Each seven-week- session offiers qu alified daycare and activity for infants and children up ta age. 5. A separate parents' program includes guest speakers, crafts, outings and social time. On April 18, there wiilbe avisit toWeall & Cuen for a presentation on 'What's new in garden planning,' A visit toaa trout factory and a speaker on decorating ideas for the. home are also planned for upcoming sessions. The registration fee covers ail child care, materials, refreshments, craft supplies and speaker fees. For more information, oeilLynda at 430-1375. The Whitlty Photographic Club Winl meet Monday, April 17, 7 p.m., iroom M.1,Henry Stre High School. The pç -wil progamaandfavourite subect. Ailare welcomne. For more .nforation,"oeil Peter Tomblin 430-0823. OerOMY The Oshawa and District Ostomy Assocation, a mutual aid group for ail persons who have or are about ta, have ostomy surgery, wiil meet on Wednesa, April 199 at Oshawa (3eneral Hiopital in room 1002F. For furtiier information, oeil Velora Gibson at 434-2886 or Estele Casýweil at 723-1376. CRATIVE PLAY Creotve Play Witii Children, a workshcp fuil of craft idems ta work on at home with children, wiil be offered et Kinark Child & Family Services, 1916 Dundas &9t E., on Thursday, Aprl 209 7 ta 9 f gf Th fe is$8 per parson C>r-registratnn is requied To registor, oeil 433-0386, ext. 316. DISCIPINE 'Positive Discipline,' a discusson group for parents of children aged five ta 1il, wiil be ofered by the Family Education Resource Centre of Kinark at the Ajax Public Library, 65 H[arwood Ave. S., startig Thursday, April 27,. 6:45 ta 8:.45 p.m. Cail 906-433-0386, ext. 316. LING w1TTEENS 'iàving witii Teens,' a discussion egpfor parents of teeageswil bthe focus of a nine-ssson pares*dygroup startig ondy April 24 at Paul Dwyer Catiiolic Hi Sciioo, 600 Stevenson Rd., Oshawa, from 7 ta 9 p.m. The cost is $54 per person or $81 par couple plus a textbook f.. of $21. Cail 433-0386,' ext. 316. Pre-registration in requied DISCIPLIN 'Positive Discipline for Teens, Resolving Conflict with your Teens,' wiil b. discussed in a study grop offering by the. Family Education Resource Centre of Ktinark at M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Schocl, R1 Hampton, starting Wednesday, Apri126, 7 ta, 9 p.m. The cost is $48 per persop, plus a textbook f.. of $20. Cail 905-433-03869 ext. 26. Pre-regiutration is required. STEP FAMJLY The Family Education Rosoerce' Centre of Kinark is offering a study group for stop-parents focusing on the. advantages sud positive aspects of being a stop-parent, sud the. adjustment issues faced by bothi rreante sud children in stop. ailies. The group.wiil meet at Fatiier Josephi Venini Catiiolic School, 120 Glovers Road, Oshawa, fr-om 6:45 ta 8:.45 pan. on Tuesdays starting April 25. The cot is $48 per. person or $72 par couple .plus a book fee of $17. Prýe-riistratin is re4uired. Qf 433-0386, ext. 316. d 1a3 O-RiENTATION Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Witby" will hold a volunteer orntin session on Wednesday, April 19, 7 ta 9 p.m., at 555 Wentworth St. E, unit 1, Osiiawa. Big Sisters has 39 young people waiting ta, be matched. Cai725-9300. DANCE The Women ocf the Moôme, Lodge will hold anu«'Old Tyme Country Dance' on Sunda% April 23, 2 p.m., at Moose Lodge,731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Music by the Shades- of Silver Bsud. Admission is $4. Guests are welcome. For more information, cail 666-1449 or 728-5630. Yf C The First Oshawa ITC Club, which helpe develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, wiil meet on Tuesday, April 18, 7 p.m., at the Michael Starr Building, flrst floor, 33 King St. W.3, Oshawa For mor information, call 725-9179. HEALTHY PREGNANCY The Childbirth Education Association of Durham wil present 'Growing a Baby:" Monday, April 24, 7 ta 8:30pm. at the Ajax Publieiàbrary, main branch, Harwood Ave, and 401. No pre-registration is required sud everyone in welcome. Cail 905-420-3890. -iommun lt g rou p1I Wlorhewhch are 9ae In sbtantal Whltby membershlp may 1ryplace ther UPoOM iq meetIngs Pot mkg wnrfrWpage atno cost. Prft~ne o m.f«~ <CrsiRONIC FATIGUE Durham .Region *Chronic Fatigue iSyndrome/ME. support grour ii meet on W9ednesday, Ail19y 7 p.m., at A.E. King Memorial Complex, Kingswlay College, Oshawa. For more information oeil Renee Leahy at 656-4M9. APRIL DANCE BrianSmith wiil be the NJ for a dance on Saturday, April 22 at the Whitby. Seniors' Activity Centre at 801 Brock St. S. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Dancing starta at 8 p.m. lhere will be acash bar 'and light refreshments as weil as door prizes sud spot dance prizes., Cst is $4 at the doo;r. NEEDLES ARE FLYING at St. Marks April 21 and 22, from 10 a.m. t'O 4,p.m. United Church, 201 Cnetre Street S., as- Admnission is $3.50 per person and iight ladies get ready for their 1 5th annuai quilt refreshments will be served. - show, to be heid Friday and' Saturdiay, Photo by M"r Reemor WhItby Fme Pross RUMMAGE SALE A rumnMge sialsd bake sale wiil be held on Saturday, Aprl 29, 8 a.m. th noon, at the Savation Army, 12 Kent St., Whitby. JEUCHflRES The. Withy Legion Branch 112 Ladies Aujriliary 'wiIl hold a euchre on Thursday April 20, 8 pm., at 117 Byron kt.as, Whîtby. Admission ($2) includes primes sud lunch. Ail welcome. WRMTRS' WORKSHOP The Writers' Circle of Durham Region wil sponsor the second annual workshop, .in- its series for beginners, 'Novice Writer 101: A Tad More,' Thursday, April 20, 7 ta 9 p.m., at the Toronto School of Business,* 1450 Kingson Rd., PIckering. $10 members; .$15 non-members. To register, cal 686-2085. SPRNG DANCE Aspring dinnerand dance will be held on SaturdayApril 29 at Thunderbird Golf Club in Ash- burn. Dinner in the Bunkers Diing Lâounge is at 7 _p.m., dancing in the Compton ËRoom starts at 9 pm. There will be door prizes, spot prizes sud even- ing sweet table. 'Tickets, $49.95 parý cou ple for dinner sud dance, sud $19.95 for dance only are available by ealling Carol Mdags- ter (686-1121) during business hours. ADE The AIDS Comiittee. of Durham- wiil hold a half-day workshop on legal issues, focusing on confldentiality, disclosure, wills, es"ateplanning, livi*ifwiil power of attorney * an the Susitute Decison Act for people witii HIV/AIDS sud interested family membpers sud caregivers. The workshopwii be iield on Wednesdaty,Apr%- 19. For information or ta register, oeil 905-665-0051. YOUTH WALK On Good Friday, April 14 'Youth Walk ta Calvary.9 an interdenomninational event involving churches f&om Whitby sud Oshawa, begins .at St. George' Anglican Church, Oshawa at 1 p.m. Throughout the. walk, paiMicipants will stop at varions points for brief devotioris Anglcan ChrSintWhtby. SUPPORT 'GROUF R.ach to, Recovery, breast cancer support group for patients, faniily sud friends, wiil meet, on Thursday, April 20, 7 ta 9 p.un.1, at the Farnily Trust. building, soutiieast corner of Bayly sud Finley, Ajax. For more information, cail the Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit at 905-686-1516. FI"LDNATUBALISTS Durham Field Naturalists will meet on Monday, April 24, 7:30 pam., at Northview"Publit ]Libr-, ary, Ritson Road and Beatrice Street in Oshawa. Five members of the group will discua various subjects. Ail welcome. CHOIR Choral* Evenson and Easter Cantata, J.S. Bach's 'Christ Lay i Death's Strong Bonds,' will be Presented by t he Ail Saints' Cjhoir directed by Elaine Brougiton, on Sunday, April 23, 4 p.m., at the church. ABROBATHON The staff Of Simncoe Hall Settlement Housewll hold their second annual aerobathon, 'Dressed to Sweat,' i support of the women7s wellness centre, on Saturday, April-22. Registration begins at 9:30 a.mn. For more information., cail (905) 728-7525. At ieresource Cenltre EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday April 15, 1995 1.1:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Egg Hunt Times: 3,4,5 year oids at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. 6,7,8 year olds at noon and 1:30 p.m. 9, 10, il year oids at 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p. m. Gate Admission: $1.001 person -WiSIT WITH THE EASTER BUNNY- At Hsber Down Consmeatiofl Are., from Hwy. 12 and . TAUNTON ROAD, go west on TAUNTON to COUNTRY LANE F4b: ànd-then nh orti n m re ino nn -mIl 57j-O411. Hoqàtal. ALL ABOUT ASHMU The Lung Association (Durham ReV is lahSting its second Foha air on Saturday, April 22, 1 to. 5 p.m., at Sinclair Secondary School, 380 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. Cail 436-1046 for more information on this free event. The Invisible Disability Suppr Group will meet on 91e1ay April 18, 7 p.mn, at 947 Adelaide St. E., Oshawa. The meetings are forpe nts of children with ADD, soc, Nial, emotional or behavioural problems. Ail are welcome. For more information cail Mary Lou at 623-5414 or Nancy at 436-7706. CAREGIVER SRIs An information seres for' individuals caring for an adult famil1y member or friend wiil be held on Wednesday evenings from Arl19 to May 24, at the Glazier Médcal Centre i Oshawa. Each two-hour session, 7 to 9 p.m., will deal with topics such as coîn with stress, understanding egl issues, handlfing medication and accesaing community resources. To registero ial 723-8521 or contact Beth Lettner, Glazier Medical Centre at 579-1212. OLDIES DANCE Radio DN Don Daynard will make 'bis annual appearance i su pport of the Canadien Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, at the l3th annual, '50's and 6019 Oldies Dance,' at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium on Saturday, Mfay 6 at 8 p.m. The evening will fature a best dressed contest, door prizes; iweekend getaway draw, T-shirts and hairdressers to slick back or pony tail hair. Tickets are $22 each and are on sale at the Civic box office on Saturday, April 15,9 a.m. There is a limit of 10 tickets per person. Cal 668-1599 for more information. FINANCIAL PLANNING Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service wiil hold a seminar,, with Sandra Sherk discuss=«a money management and how to deal with problems of credit and debt,. on Wdedy April 19, 7 p.m., at MLuhi Public Library, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa. Free tickets available as of April 5. WALKATHON* The Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham is having a wallcathon on April 22, 10 a.m, mas fundraising event. The Pregnancy Help Centre is located at 127 Pry St. (behind the post office) ihitby. For mor information regrdig wlkig or pledging, cail 430-8784 or 668-2984. Cail before April 14 to receive a ' Walk for Liife' T-shirt. . y,

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