Whltby Free Proua, Wechiesday, March 29,1995, Page 13' 'Waltzing Matilda' Composer to perform. in Whtby Eric BogIe, on hie sixth tour of. Canada and the U..,Ilp or- form at a Vital' Sparik Folk Club concert ini Witby. on Thursday, Ao le acomposer of protest songe, balaeadhilarlous t,ýns eflormed at a Vital prksow i Oshawa a few years aoM.1 HsApril 6 show will be at the WhtyCourthouse Theatre, in the entennial Building on Centre Street South. Bo eSottish-born but a naturlized citizen of Australia, wrote 'And the Band Played WaltingMtilda' in 1972. Itisustralia's most recorded song; when recorded by Makem and Clancey, it becaine the 1er- gest-selling single in Irish hie- tusconcerts are described as a «wonderful night of song and story." Tickets, at the door, will be $15. Teenage Hea at AUl Fools Teenîage Head will perform at the ',Al -ools Bail' on Saturday mlght, April 1, at B.F. Idaho'si Ajax. The band, i its l7th year, will soon. release, an album -- the tiret i fi. year. Tcesare at the door at the 610 Monarch Ave. location (no - advance tickets). IW 'i I The Oshawa Symphony Orchestra (080) will hold its annual book sale in May. Ail bard-bock and paperback books are welcome, but no magazines. The 080 also accepte musical tapes and CDs, but. no records. Éa4-591611or723q-3183toM LETS ROLL skate fored A new roller skate group has been established for adct (ed 21 and over) who are intereste ini dance]skatminfer L "lLet's RY 'a 0 eso a arn to Dance' progam, a five-week course, a Kinway College, east Oshawa. Once there are enough gra- duates of the program, a dance will be held at Wheelies iný Whitby. The first dance has been tentatively scheduled for June. The program teaches dance stops,poion and other eie- menteatvaioislevels. - Theinstructor has competed at the world championships -in pairs dance, free dance and original set pattern, and won bronze at the Pan-Ainerican Games. Deadline for registration (at Wheelies) is Aprir 5. Cotter's art shown ART FROM the 'Whitby years' (1911-22) of Norma Wrig ht Cotter, former art teacher at Ontario Ladies Col [ege (now Trafagar Castie Sohool) is being shown at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa until April .16. Shown at the'openlng of the show are Cotter's son Graham, a Warkworth area resident,> and gallery community relations director Alexandra Morin. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whltby Fre Presi Egg hunt at Parkwood The flfth annuel Easter egg hunt will be held Saturday, April 16, ýat 1:30 p.m. at Parkwood Estate in Oshawa. The hunt is geared te children under age 10. Admission is free with advance registration. The, event features a hunt through the grounde for chocolate eggs and other surprises, in a festive atînosphere of music, costumed - characters, face painting, and refreshments. To regieter ca] 43-4111. This year children are invited to, bring along a donation of non-perishables such as canned goode, baby formula and baby food. Food collected will be turned over te the Simcoe Hall Settement House Crisis Food Bank for distribution. Registration is limited te 500 children. Williams Chocolate of Whitby is one of the local businesses that is helping out with the event. 110W TO rNTrR: Whitby Courthouse .Theatre HARLEQUIN in advertisements in this week's and every week's WHITrBY FREE PRESS. Take the ad to the merchant along with the coupon below. (or reasonatble facsimde>. No purchase necessary. NAME: uADDRESS: - --, 1PHONE 9- IMERCHANT: ___ ____I One ontre rweeklydraw. I rHLOaCALLV ENTER EVERY WEEI --------------- HISORIALFAUR HISTORICALtheAT Whitby Free Press i .Two residents of the rural p art of Whitby served as Dominion Livestock Commissioners in Ottawa. Who were they? 2.What former mayor of Whitby had only one armn? 3.Who established the f irst co- operative agriculturat implement rmanufacturing business in Whitby? 4. Where did the people* cf Whitby see King Gpeorge VI and Queen Elizabeth (now the Queen Mother) when they came through the town on May 22, 1939? Answers on Page 35 This feature provided by Local Are6itectural Con.ervation Advisorg Commttec From the creator of AI.IAANý NEW UNE v A Nightmare on Elin Street ll()Nll: VIDII( -OTTERC:r Ri Ei EX:YID -WEST LYNDE VIDEU 73Mi H L V (acmé from the schôô 66 -Rose u fle 66 92K HILARIQUS COMEDY "Dn' Dress For Dinner" Now Playing IGod FrIday Se March 31.- May 13.I April 14- $28.95 2Yckes ScliI~ Fas PRICES START AT $30,95 PER PERSON Dinner, show, ail taxes inctuded- For tickets& information please oeil (905).472-3085 JLMOS S s:aýiýenj,