Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1995, p. 5

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MALVERN SOCIAL CLUB members Mar- celle Belle (let), Hedesn (Cherry) Downs, Mike B elle and Tony Knobb enjoy a pame of dominoes. Downs and Belle (middle), who make up the 'A Team,' are the domino champions of the club which has 65 active members, mostly from On Saturday night, Durhamn East riding Liberals wiIl choose their candidate for the provincial élection. The nomination meeting will ho held at Bowmanville High School, starting at 7:30 p.nx. There are four candidates for Whitby. Club members meet at least twice a week to play dominoes and every weekend for cricket dunn the summer. New members are welcme. Caîl Mike Belle at 668-9013 or Mike Phillips at 619-9833 for more information. Photo by RMrk Rleesor. Whitby Free Pres North Whitb y MP criticizes gun proposalis Canadians are tireci of politicians sicking taxpayer wîth bila for legisiation that is flot affordable and ineffective, Durham riding MP AWo Shephord told Justice Minister Allan Rock in the Cemmons, Mlardi lM The NP mae!.the remarks whfilodébating second reading of Bull C-68 which deals with firearms registration. Shepherd quotod frim tho Auditur Gonoral'. 1993 report' whicbheh said found present gun control laws to be ineffoctive. N "W. found several wealmesses* in the mothodology which eignificantly reduces the extent govermnent, MPs and the Canadian public can rely on evaluation to e .asured that the gun control program is effective," Shopherd quoted from the report. "Canadiens will regard the bill as an unwarranted tax, the proceeds of which will ho wastod on furthor bureaucracy with ne tangible resuits,"0 Shepherd told Rock the Dopartment of Justice is about te repoat the error the Auditor'. report found with the curront lefflslatiofla Ho aise pointed out the justice departmentls budget projection contain no cost estimates for gun registration. "The taxpayers acrSss Canada want to know how much tis is ging to coet and who is gong to pay. It simp, isn't good enough te introduce legisiation that isn't costed," Shiepherd said. No pay off for thiev es Would-be thieves camne away inmpty-haded atrbreaking itoWht Rose Garden Centre, 1243 Dundas St. E., overnight FridaLy. Police say after the cuiprits discovered the tilis were empty theyleftapparently without tak- mlgan yuthinelse. e burgary attempt occurred sometime between 8 p.m. Friday and 8 a. Saturday. the nomination -- Doualas Bird of Bowmanile, Dave Robinson of Port Perr, Mary Novak of Plant a Seed Courtice and Geofrge Khouri of D amSn East includes the Whitby area north of Taunton ]Road.________ __ Whitby Free Press, Wecknesday, March 22, 1995 ,Page 6 AT E TO e £ e-OR ___ý Coach ATLTu rOig 14D.ay un 2 ,-Itil TOUR INCLUDES Motorcoach transportation 13 Nights accommodation Guided tours of Ottawa, Quebec City & Halifax Visit to Ste. Anne de Beaupre Visit to Pt. Joli Visit to Magnetic Hill Ferry crossing to Prince Edward Island and return Visit to OId Montreal Visit to Mount Royal Reserved seats at the Charlottetown Festival (Juty Tours> e Lobster dinri e Tour around " Visît to Alexa Bell Museur " Visit to Fortr( eTour of Pegg *Cruise across *Visit to Reve *Ferry across *Hotel taxes *Luggage hai *Services of a wad Marlin OoVTravel Whitby Town Square (RosslandlGarden) 666-8266 SINGLE $2089 TWIN $1495 ier (Soptember tours> DOUBLE J Cabot Trail ander Graham $1459 nl ress of Louisburg TRIPLE gy's Cove $1289 s the Bay of Fundy QA Brslng Falls QA Lake Champlain $1225 ndigPrices qotdper a Tour Escort Funds. G.S.T. Net Inciuded ivl with Loretta Lynn, Roger Whitaker and Charlte Prose- 3, Days, November 17 - 19 /95 T s allS'S.rt So aly Marlin T in conjunction wi ravel ithTOR Reernsitahly - ruase Saur. ore oparaled b>, Patina.> Tours, orc.. M29Rktwrnond Stret Lonidon. Ontario. Canada N6A 3H17 - Phonea (519) t6791160 and art ikmc se, d 1. Onedo TmaelInIustryan R*Wffltin Na. 1429139. In coan wtilhahr canardaa. Padm>,Tours, Ina. acte ccl>, es agent fortaur marabars in arangagrocanacconraiodatane, tranaportation, a ei«n adrrnlaaonand rentaurenta. Patirway Toura, Inc.. rervs lm redIlistasols decrebon ta malta changea In iloaerar>, andie nol reponsible Io an>, par= sfor napana.. catalof ou or roony, or cUrer clotoatancas reacdtirg tram a change Ir. ifourmi>,or change af torcarmranrnt maria b>, i fr Isean e. Pad*a>,Tours, tac. remservthé rgil la dacbrra o sangan>,persona* a tour marrber on an>, lour et anylte. Pah lay Tors. Inc. la nol reaponsitde for an>, cas or danagea ta peaLpropf or for Injures, sapensian or danuagea rahatacavar incurred or ch.rrred b>,Wour encara. PaUma>, Tours, Inra. raséeatIers tlçiItacancal or alr. a ur .t ls dscrean ahotiri il bacora nacassar>, and ail mordas wcsid bIreurtala should il be cancad. Ontario Travel Industr> Regetralion llNholesaee Na. 1429138. IFA WIETO: Hepburn Blk, 101th f loor, 80 Grosvenor St.i :phone or write Queens Park M7A 2C4 TEL: 416-327-4300 jRE:@ Acufe Care Services at Whitby General Hospital j 1 appeal to the minister to respect the wishes of the citzens of Whitby and maintain acute care facilities at Whitby General Hospital. 1 Nrnm-- Tlcer'honre- Address:. Postal code:- FAX, PHONE OR WRITE TO THESE PROVINCIAL LEADERS AS WELL. HON. BOB RAE, PREMIER 0F ONTARIO, Legisative Building, Room 281, Queens Park, M7A lAi TEL: 416-325-1941 FAX: 416-325-3745. MS. LYN MCLEOD, LEADER 0F THE OPPOSITION, Legisative Building, Room 223, Queens Park, M7A 1 A4 TEL: 416-325-7155 FAX: 416-325-9895. MR. MIKE HARRIS, LEADER 0F THE PC PARTY, Legislative Building, Room 116, Queens Park, M7A 1AB, TEL: 416-325-7800 FAX: 416-325-7810. Meet the 'A Team' 370 Brock, Ste S. Downtown Whitby BIG V PLAZA 666-3831 r---------------------- ---------------- 1 $160.OO$50m00 OFF: A~TUOTHER NAME BRAND piaticL Pro ~PROGRESSIVE LENSES Patewith UV 400 & Scratch Complete Prescription Eyewear (Frames & Lenses) CoatProgessve Lnse Glass or Plastic Lenses with UV 400 CotPorsieLne Filter & Scratch Resîstant Coating or CopeePrescription Eyewear (Framnes & Lenses> Hardening. RX Up to + or -4. Present coupon at tirne of order. Present coupon at timne of order. I Offer expires April 29/95 I Offer expires April 29/95 I 1[Special 0f fer 1 $30wOO OFF: 1 Buy your lst pair of SILHOUETTE I SINGLE VISION or BIFOCALS glse tregular price. Buy a 2nd 1 pair and pay for the lenses only and Complote Prescription Eyewear (Frames & Lenses)I get a cornplimentary frame from ourI Glass or Plastic Lenses with UV 400I special SILHOUETTE selection. îFliter & Scratch Resistant Coating orI 1 Present coupon at tim ofoer Hardening. RX up to + or -4. 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