Page 22, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Maroh 22, 1995 t VOUR OLD LANBOYi tTrade-In Value i Dead Or Alive! If you trade in your old Lawn-Boy mower, you will receive $100 off the retail price of a new Lawn-Boy Gold Series model, or $50 off a Silver Series model. We'1Il even give you at least $50 for a non- Lawn-Boy rnower! But hurry, thisýoffer ends March 31, 1995. Limit one trade-in per custorner. Gold Series Model1 #10515 As an authorized Lawn-Boy dealer, we offer the complete line of Lawn-Boy rnowers, with parts and service backup that is second to none! Corne in to see the difference: OMowers starting under $400 0 Alurninurn or steel. decks 0 2- and 4-cycle engines 0 Easy Mulch TM systern with tri-cut blade gives LAWkN-Bk:m oyal *GOING0jT Lowest Price Ever ORTHO-MATTRESS 5 Year Warranty 39" Single 39" Set ~1 54" Double 2wSS U54» Set , r16s« rFRlEE Two PilIows or Same Day Delivery on ail purchases of $200 or more. 721-0331 Same Day Deliveries Available WHITBY Shop by phone -1T 25 Thickson Rd. N. (R ilX«Wck Open Sunday iqiL Au, 11:00-4:00 H-. 2(DU ASST. We specialize in wateted conversion matresses* Unique sizes made to order.1 i UY i FOR $22u9 1V GEI17 i FREE A m Not valid wih any other specials, promotions, oCers ordiscounts. M~id Mon. b FrM. 7:Oam to 1 1:OOam * Offer Expires: March 31,1995. Kendalwood Park Plaza * 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby * 723-4538 Don't disüount Our servcing dealer difterence. *Factorytrnd techolclans. *Parts & service deparbont. *Authorlzed wra*y. *Accessodes in stoký. *PMI(mmwesetpuad Inspection).'. *We know aur praduc! Complete SINGLE BED Ensemble M-169 4 styles to ~IJJlNgjV choose from. ,Headboard, frame, mattress, foundation. Simmons* - Beautysleep SIMCO-PEDIC FEATURING Adjusto-Rest* Coil Construction 39" Twin ~ 1 54" Double ~ 7 60" Queen ~1 U78" King 15-4.1qi ill