Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1995, p. 17

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Whltby Free Pross, Weckiesday, Mardi 22, 1M9, Page 17 The. KipsinnClub cf Whitby wlll pisent a Yuk YuIBs Conedy Night and Dance on Saturday, April 1. Tilckets cost $20 per pErsan, and include four couies, a DJ. daIIC and midnight buffet. Tables may b. reserved for parties of eirt to 10 people. For 430-1375& CHILI DINNER A chili dinner wiil b. held by the Mi Saints' Anglican Chuh Parish Hall, 300 Dundas St. W., Whiitby, on Sunday, March 26, 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for aeits, $3 forchildren aged-10 and under. Tickets are available by calling the church office at 668-5101. HILD FID Child Find Ontario - Durhami Region wiil -hold its on.-year anniv.rsaiy during a volunteer meeting on, Thursday, April 6, 7 p.m., at the. Pickering Recreation Complex meeting room, O'Brien rink. If interested ini services or becoming a volunteer, attend the anmiv.ruary or cail (905) 420-9917. DINNER AND DANCE maritime di&nner and dance wiil b. h.ld at MoSe Lodg, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa, Saturday, March 25, starting with cocktails at 6 p.m. Music by Wild Country. Cost is $10 per person. Public wlcome. For tickets cail 723-2891 or 433-1465. PIANO TECHNIQUE FORUM The Oshawa and District Brnch of tiie Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association wiil hst a piano technique forum on Monday, March 27, 9:30 ta 11:30 a.m., at Thomas House.of Music in Whithby. Coct for non-members ins$5. rH r IK'HEDUCATION Mb. Childbirth Education Aociatof0<Durham 'wil present iChoices for Childbirth' en Monday, March 27, 7 to 8:30 p.m., at Ajax Public Library, main franch (Harwood Ave. and 401). No pre--reg -istration is re1uired and everyone is INNUSHARE Innushare, the. Whitby-based volunter grqup sup rting Innui Labrador, Wil? meet on Thurs- day Marcii 23, 7:30 p.m., at 239 Wel'ingon t., Wlutby. For more infrmtincaîl Mar Wood at 430-1653 or Joyce YMrahall at 668-5504. ONE PARENT FAMILlES The On. Parent Familles Association will meet on Tuesday, March 28, 7:45 p.m., for coffee and conservation, at the Croatian Adria cultural club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Ail single parents, custodial or not, are welcome. For information and details, cali Doug at 728-1011. CANCER GEROUP Oshawa Breat Cancersupr groezp meeting wiil b. ield on Thur.day, Mrci 239 at Kinoview United Churcii (corner cfI0mand Adeaide), Oshawa, frin 730 ta f9:30 pin. For more infrmtin eil Carolyn at 576-4204 or Sylvia at 579-2680. TAI SEMINAR National Trust wiil hold a seminar focusing on income tax issues and the. new capital gains reguatns t ti. hy Senior Actvit Cetr.on Thunsy Marcii 30, at 2 p.m. Tlhere is no cost for ftus seninar. Cail the centre at 668-1424 ta reserve a place. Registration is und.rway for the. Arthritis aquatie program at the. Civic recreation complex, Whitby. Classe wiil be held on Wednesdays from 3 ta 4 p.m., starting April 12. The. fee is $35 for thie classes on. day per week for 10 weeks. For more information, eaU 434-7221. M ETINGS The. Multiple Scierois Society (Durham Chapter) is offering an information sern.a in April and May for permon who have been diagnosed. within the. last two y.ars. Reserv by caling the. office at 905-686-1801. Registration is lixnited to 20 people. Cal 686-1801. WALKATHON The. Pregnancy Help Centre of Durham is having a walkathon on Apnil 22 ' 10a.m., as afundraising event. l. renacy Help Centre is locate at 127 PrySt. (behind the. post office) i Whitby. For more' information regarding walking or pledging, oeill 430-8784 or 668-2984. 'Breaking Bread' RED CROSS volunteers Anne Labelle of Oshawa (let) and Gladys Everett of Brook- lin display bread bakediusing recipes from the, Society's "multicuktural" cookbook, VIRTUAL ELVIS lb. Whitby Tormina Terriers soccer team will hold a fundrais- mng dance 'on Saturday night, Marcii 25 at Jackson's ITouch of Class ballroom, 104 Consumers Drive Whitby. Tickets, for $10, inclucte ligit buffet, door prizes, disejockey and Virtual Elvis, rturnig ta this area from a western tour. Cash bar. For tick- ets, calI Mary at 430-6026 or Sandra at 430-0303. CLOTING SALE lb. Durham Region Parents of Multiple Bfrtiis Association wiil iiold a clotiig toy and baby equiment sale at the. Metro, East Tae Centre in Pickermng, Satunday, April 1, 9 a.m. ta 1 pi. There wili b. gently us.d clothing hrm newborn sizes Up ta size 14, plus maternity clothes,' baby equipment, tays and crafts. For more information, cail (905) 686-2395 or (905) 432-6007. WEUIL SPOUSE SUPPORT lb. Durham Multiple Sclerasis Society wel-spouse support group wil meet at the Dunham Board of Education building, Taunton Road IWhitby, on Monday, Marchi 27. An award-winning video dealing witii medical and personal aspects of MS will b, shown and discussed. To confirm attendance, cail 905- 686-1801 or 1-800-667-0397. 'Breaking Bread Together.' The book fea- tures almiost 300 favourite bread recipes submitted by local residents and will be on sale for $7 at the Oshawa Centre. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Press YWCA ANN1VE1WARY lb.e Oshawa YWCA wiil b. celebrating its 5tii anniversary tins year and organizers are looking for past fitness class participants for a fitn.ss reunion on Sunday, April 9, in the gym of the. program building at 1 MeGnigor St. begfinnine at 2:15 and ending at 5 p.m. lb event wiil feature pictures, mements and archives of tii. past 30Oyears of finees led by instructo Donna Davidson. For more information, contact Heatiier Abramczuk at 623-2781. JUVENILE ARTRrYf The. Juvemile Arthritis support Igroup wiil meet at the. Grandview ]Rhblitation and Treatment centre on Monday, Mfarcii 27, 7 ta 8:30 p.m. For more information, oeil 434-7221. SUJPPORT GRtOUP On Monday, Marcii 27, the. Multiple Sclerosas Society (Durham Chapten) wiliiold a support group for the. spouses, faumily membens, partnens and friende cf persons witii MS. Tii. meeting wiil b. iield at the. Durham Board of Education building, 400'Taunton Rd. E., Wiiitby, 7:30 ta 9:30 Pmn. Ini addition, lawyer Andrwe Felciier wHi discuss the. Substitut. Decision Act - Power of Attorney. To attend, caIl 905-686-1801. MIG SALE The Durham Rogion chapter et the. Ontario Mardi of Dimes wil hold thi. ueceid annual <Largent Indoor Winter Garage Sale on March 26, 9 a.m. to 2 pin., at the Royal Canadian Lwegon, Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. Items such as clothing, housewares and hard- ware are ail being sold at the garage sale, a fundraiser for Ontario March of Dimes assistive devices prcgram. For more information, cail the office at 434-5280. iING WIM [CANCER iàving with Cancersppt jgrupfor adulte, frinsad me ets froen 7 te 9 p.m., March 27, in room GO013in the Ajax-Rkuing Haqàtal, Harwood Avenue South and Clements Avenue, Ajax. Youtli aged 7 to, 17 dealing with cancer eitlier persoeall or with aý parent or uibling meet from 7 to &309 Mmrh 27, at the. Hdy Trinity Church, 91 Kinga Cres., Ajax. For more information, cai thé. Canin Cancer Society, West Durham unit at 686-1516. CELIAC A Canadian Celiac Association au r group meeting will b. at Courtrice =orthPubhî c io For information,oel Linda at 666-1993 or Cassandra at 728-8531. FIEW ~ NATURALUST The Durham Field Naturalis wilI celebrate 40 years of conservation through education'4 on Monday, March 27, 7:30 p.m. at the. Northview Public Librazy, Oshawa. Everyone welcome, admission is free. For further informa±ioei, cal 576-0492. The Joy of Folk Art OPEN HOUSE March 26, 1995 12 noon - 4:00 p.m. tessons - Beglnner Begin ner- ntermediate 8 weeks - $60.00 Beginner Kits & Supplies 4675 Old Slmcoe St. Oshawa-(Raglan) (905) 655-8556 GREEN RENOVATIONS A wide variety of environmentally sensitive materials have contributed ta thie recent office renovations at the Recycling Council of Ontario (RCO). Ini February, more than 200 weil- wishers attended the RCO's College Street offices ta officially launch the organization's newly renovated space. Executive director John Hanson thanked sponsors and donors. lb. goals in revaniping its cramped quarters, were ta creat. a healthjy and estheticaly pleasxng work environmient, ta- miimz waste during demolition, and ta demonstrate environmentallII sensitive materials and building procedures. Hanson was p ased that they were able toaéaccmplisii al three. During demolition, metal wail studa, drywall and.old wiring were separated for recydling. Insulation and oerp.ting were reused. New materials and office products wer. chasen for their reusable, recycled content, non-toic, recyclabl. and energy-conserving attributes. lb. experience pnoved there is a wide variety of environnentally sensitive materials available todaýy for construction and renovation as well as gatopotntefr business growth in the recycled product dvelopmnent field. Ail staes of the renovations wer. videotaped and photagraphed. In addition, the. names of tii. sponors, donoré and descriptions of materials used in thie renovation are now displayed on a wall at tii. RCO. Witii environmiental building consultant Ed Lowans, an in-deptii report, which offers suggestions ta companes and associations degnmg a green Fakor of tieir offce space, is now in tii. lanning stage. Frinformation about the RC Ys' reen Materias Directory,' cail 1-800-263-2849. CORRECTION: Due ta, a typesetting erron, an incorrect phone nuxnb.r was given last week for the. Ontario Healthy Communities Secretariat, takig *nertio for thei. Greater Toronto Area Workshop on Heath y munx *esii , on April 8 in Bramnpton. The numben is 1-800-766-3418. CONMNG EVENT: Marcii 23, 7:30 p.m. at Durham Coilege ini Oshawa, Durham Environmental Network hasts a discusson on «Mei Effects of Chlorine on the Great Lakes Ecosystem and Human Health.' A~'~' ~ I mil m 1 id il ' i: 1 m

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