Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1995, p. 7

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Mardi 15, 1995 ,Page 7 Grand battie Much has been written i the past few months about taxpayers, and about how revolting these creatiires can be. Almoat as much has been written about politicians, and how revolting they can be. Especially how greedy th ey are when it cornes to pensions. Especially their own. And as we lurch toward income tax deadline, we are bound to hear stories about how revoltingly greedy the tai collector is. But just when we thought we heard the penulti- mate in revoit and greed cornes the Grand *Banks story. Since our government has grounded Canadian fishermen, it has te reach into international waters and try te ground fishing crews of other nations. The Spanish dont like it. They're 50 angry they're sending another Spamish armada toward Newfoundland. What the CanadiÂn Coast Guard wll do, faced with armed -Spanmsh vessels, we may soon find out. An armed force with more generals than tanks also may have more rear admirais thon frigates, or whatever kind of ships water-type soldiers have. Perbaps we could drop a few generéls on them from great heights. Draw up a few clour charte and graphs for the Public Relations war. in any other oge, this would mean a shooting war. How Canadian, when you think of it that way: te begin World War III over a fish that nobody heard of before somebody caught the last codfish. (1993: off the coast of Prince Edward Island: Bifi Swan, trolling from the back of a tourist boat,, dragged two codfish from off the bottom. Where these the last two of their kind? Did codfish.when caught always fight like a rubber boot, or were these two depressed and lonely?) While we're meandering about nothing in particu- lar, isn't this wonderful about the two-dollar coin? Double-loonie, te be shortened lovingly te, doubloomie, thence te dubloomie. You already guessed that. What possesses the Government te continue to mint one-cent coins (pennies, or coppers when yours truly was a lad)? Back in those days, a penny represented coinage you could buy something with. We did have aunit so smoll that no one ever saw it or minted it. It was co]led a miii, or one thousandth of a dollar. It was s0 small that only a tai collecter could see it, and then only with a magnifying glass. ,That was in the days when a penny bought several penny candies; when a nickel bought you a single-dip ice cream cone; seven cents bought a bottle of Pepsi (bita the spot, 12 full ounces, that's a lot) long before the days when it made you feel young. Heck, then we didn't need it because we were young. Because we drank 80 much Pepsi. In the forty-odd years since, the price of neorly everything has increased tenfold. So have pay pack- ages. .That7s why coffee is now a dollar ten (seventy- five -cents if you drink the dishwater brand). 'The resit: wre xa narin tfime. Tbink your ronperty taxesi Rik L! =1q% -,6 y..... ..... .... ...... BROCK STREET LOOKING SOUTH FROM MARY SI'REEI' 1944> Most of the buildings in this picture oif 55 years a go are stili standing. The ornemental street lights were installed in the downtnwn in December 1939 and were in use tili early 1960s. The gey building at the centre of the picture is the Dominion Bank, now the Silver Thimble Quilt Shop. Whftby Archives photo 10 YEARS AGO From the Wednesday, March 13, 1985 edition of the WETBY FREE PRESS 0 Whitby's growth s0 far this year has outpaced that of 1984. 0 The Town of Whitby will initiate a pilot recycing programn in the West Lynde subdivision. 0 New homes in Whitby are selling for $122,900. 9 Business and Finance magazine for February 1985 features the Town of Whitby and its deveiopment opportunities. 35 YEARS AGO from the ThumsdaIy, March 10, 1960 edition of the Yari WEEKLY NEWS 0 Wbitby's town budget has surpassed $1,500,000 for the first time. *Anew2pieog anha been instailed at St. John's Anglican Church. 0 Mrs. EBiif n has been named a life member of the United Church Women's Association. 0 Sixty new books have been plaoed on the shelves of the Wihitby Public Library. 80 YEARS AGO from the Thursday, March 10 1915 edition of the WH1TY GAZEllE AM1Ù CHRONICLE (This issue is missing) - FA ý ý M., M. l , , M, m M'm, - - M , 1

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