Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1995, p. 27

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Maroti 15s.1995 , Page 27 Palaeta' ReportiPi ITVANa.u Reduce foreign aid By Alex Shepherd Canada, on a per capita basis, spends twice as much on foreign aid as the United States, and a third more than either the United Kingdom and Australia. This country can no longer afford te b. this generous. Our foreign-aid budget shouid b. cut in hall; saving taxpayers billions of dollars each year. During my recent trip te the United Nations, paid.for out of my pocket, I met many Canadians NGOs (non-government orgzanizations) invoived in negotiations which wiil b. part of the world summit in Copenhagen this ring. I think NGO is a misnomer, as7> suspect many of these NGOs are funded by you. Many. are weli m eaning but are having littie effect on their areas which include world proverty and nuclear non-proliferation. I have brought this matter up with Andrew Gueilet, Minister 0f Foreign Affaira. Md like te know what the taxpayer is shelling out* te, these groups. I was at the UN as treasurer of the Canadian Chapter 0f Parliamentarians for Global Action. And it. was interesting te hear the views 0f others from around the woriLd Although the state 0f worid poverty is improving, hundreds 0f thousand 0f children are dying eaeh year. Having said this, it was interesting te listen te ambassadors from United States, United Kingdom and Gerrnany defend why they were going to extend the nuclear non-proliferation treaty which cornes due this year rather than commit te, further reductions. It was dlear the countries with big guns de what they want. As they see it, their job is te try te make it sound reasonabie te, the rest of the wonld.. Britain, for exemple, is actualiy increasing its stockpile of nuclear weapons. How reasonabie is it for the United States to create, a reputation for itself as the world's policeman and then ship $52 billion worth of armsail over the worid? Perhaps Canada should be.piaying a greater statesmanship role worldwide. After all, Canadians pay billions of dollars in peacekeeping -- and iateiy we are paying with the lives of our youth - while the. U.S., France and Brazil carry on bisk trade in conventionai arms the sole purpose of which is te Ill. Since the Second World War, 90 par cent 0f the casuaities in nilitary conflicts have been civilians. To what extent are countries like the U.S., Russia, South Africa, Israei and Brazil responsible for this.holocaust? Canada can assist third world countries without' usin~g "cheque-book dipiomac.". We have a high]y sklhed retirement community and a well developed telecommunications industry. Why can't we depioy these people, their skMls and our technology threughout the world? Canada cen increase the utility 0f its aid programs, and at the seme time, reduce taxpayers costs te, countries receiving our aid. Ail it takes is common sens.. Alex Shepherd is MP for Durham riding which iflude8 Whitb-y, north of Taunton RoadL To reach his constituency office, cati 721-7570 (Oshawa). 15 coniplete hospice tann Fifteen people recentiy completed the Hospice Durham vlunteer training program. Hospice Durhami provides free in-home support te individuais and failies facing a life-threatening ilness. The new graduates join 58 previously trained volunteers who provided 2,589 client service heurs in 1994. Hosrpice Durham has volunteers who provided1 4,ý volunteer hours last year. rj number includes fundrais hours and hours spent attend meetings and in-service trainir For m'ore information about program or te, become volunteer, call 905-43,5-5242. 8 4,7 BIMBO AND DINI help Wardrobe Exchange owner Bonnie Diskey try on a blazer atthe grand. openiria of the Brook Street North store that iells new. and nearly ne-w fashions for ladies. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fre. Pre88 OGH ecouraged.by studv -recommendationis The Oshawa General Hospital board of govemnors supprts the findinge released in the Durham. Rogion District Health Council's (DHC)' acute car. study and believes that the report represents a viable framework for the future of health car in the region. "The stuldyEi major recommendation, cafing for a coordinated and integrated plýanning and delivery system, btween ail hospitals and service providers in Durham Region, is a _Jrecommendation that will benefit ail citizens in the region," says Bruce Mackey, chair of the board. "As the plan provides for a reorganization. based on consideration of programs, we will ultimately see a regional 32 health care system that will b. 7more efficient and cost effective for the residents of Durham." as He is pieased with the focus ý1 given to, the hospitai, whereby the a Town taxfreeze FROM PAGE 1 increases from any level of goverrLment. But he wondered if council was making the right decision, espe- cially in. light of last month's federai buciet which siashed transfer payments te the pro- vinces. 'There are early warning siens from Premier (Bob) Ra. thatt further cots will be passed along tothe municipalities inl1996 as a result of the fedral budget," said Mitchell. "Thlis further downIoading will be in addition te an y efforts at further coet sharing by the pro- vince of Ontario as it grappies with its own deficit,' he said.. "Ini my view, the breaking point will be reached in 1996.» Cou.ncillor Jo. Drummn concur- red with Mitchell's forecast. It's nice te have two, three zero budgets in a row,» said Drim but at some point in time we will have te bite the buliet. Meb.day's *ingteo me when a council of this Town wili h ave te pay the price and people will appreciate what's gone on the past few years.' Although not 'ute as pessi- mistic as Mitchell and Drummi councilior Marcel Bruneile said a zero-increase budget shouid not b. taken lightly in today's economy. "I don't think people truly ppeate the 'workc, especiaily bystffthat goes intotlBis» he Councillor Gerry Emni cer- mended Mitchell for bis decision te release the propose<1 budget a week before council debateid it, thereby allowing residents time te, sorutinize the document. (Only two people made presen- tations te council on items con- tained in the budget.) However, he,, too, sounded a warming. "We use.d te have seven, eight per cent growth every year, now ît's lirited te three per cent," said Emm.' "We have te continue te keep a tight rein on costs and I th.xnk that's been denionstrated." While Mayor Tom Edwa.rds id only "stable tax rate" wili attract usns and investment te Wity. «W're sending the right mes- sage out to people who want te come to V/htby olv n work.' elv n Six community agencies have cooperated te, stage a forum on « Body Image' on Thursday, March 30, 7 p.m., at GIL. Roberts CVI, Oshawa.. The forum, with keynote speaker Caria Rice froni the Regional Women's Health Centre, Women's Coilege Hospital, will feature local children in role playing. Rice is co-founder of 'Heize,' a weight prejudice action group. The forum will provide parents, teachers, students, health professionais and those who work with children an opportunity te learn how te help today's youth feel good about the way they look. Influences on body image and eating disorders prevention will also b. addressed because children receive strong messages fr-om society about the ideal body image. The forum was organized by the Barbera Black Centre for Youth, the Durham Region Health Department, the O"Neill Eating Disorder Prevention Comxittee, the South Oshawa Cominunity Health Centre, the Pinewood Centre of Oshawa OG wouid remain as the regional site for a -full range of sub-specialty services and serve the eastern part of the region fur the remaining less specia]ized services collaborativeiy with Memorial Hospital .in Bowmanviiie," as outlined in the study. The report further states, "the Oshawa site, wouid continue te provide primary and secondary inpatient and outpatient services te its immediate community and some residents of Whitby." "This recommendation is a very Vohinteers watd. Kinark Child and Family Services, Durham prograni, is looking for volunteers who wouid b. interested in being a special friend te a child under age 12. Training is provided. Cail (905) 433-0386t ext. 17. General Hospital and the Simcoe Hall Settiement Hou.%- Women's Weflness Centre. Registration for the forum is flot necessary. positive one for Oshàwa General as it reinforces the present focus of the work of the 'hospitl,"l explains Davie Home, OGH president. "In our view, the findings of the study are of menit and we urge the DHC to work closely with al stakeholders to iniplement the report's recomniendations folowngMinistry of Health approval." KOSMO RYU JU JITSU* KUNG FUJ KARATE PREPARATORY ARTS & REACTIONARY ARTS Subjeot Matter:- *Skeletal Freezi ng *Creative Blocking *Shiatsu (massage) *Throwin gArts *Manythers 666-2878 1995 INTRO S24.95 includes 2 classes & FREE Uniform 'Body ImagFe' forumI upcoming in OshawaJ q.]

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