Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1995, p. 21

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Whltby Fr0. Preas. Wueday, Murch 15, 195. Page 21 MO Emergency service a 'be' to get approval for. rehab To the. eitomi Re: 4 Miimtry roviows health report,' Pro. Pros., March 8 To the. editow Re: Gun control proposals faLvoured Fre. Prou, March 8 Having reached ovmer the half centuryý mark, whlle enduring a succession of"pe rfectly corrrect but inpt" MCanie odera goveramnts including the r"rsntativs totatbody of honesty, I find the rosults 0f Mr. McTeague's gun control survey perturbbly unsurrsng, Shoxuld these carefully clouded revlations cause us te, drop our jaws ira amazement as tiiey are meant tei? No. Cen o ve eember any survey don byra member 0f the majority Party t eshow a result. which would rofloct negatavely on party- policyl This particular monitor 0f public feeling is a perfect case study. Ail the results were tabulated, collated and rolatod l'y Mr. McTeague and bis staff. It would mako interesting speculation wondoring how the. neit élection will ha run' What percentago of the total éligiblo electorate oven bothered te reply? Was thero any. effort made teacquaint orexplaintheo unhalievablo amount of firearma legisiation -alroadyira offect te thoso haing surveyed wiio worie uinfamiliar with the. current laws? If not, why? Hadguns and certain other f roarmeanar already rostricted, registered, thoir use curtailed te targot siooting only, and ail firoarms are subject to strict safe storag e rgulationsl.Smgl has been a criminal offence ince antiquity. Tougii punisiiments fore flrarm-related offences have been on the. books for years. The. crotins of our "justice" syste wiil not enforce them. Bludgeoniiig the public with more unforceable lawsl and their attendant bureaucracy, just te give the. appearance of "doing somotbing," wiil not sniite crime. What the. respondents te tth. survey wero saying was that w. want crime conto whicii w. are not getting fr-om any level of government. Unfortunately, tii. unknowing public bas been coerced inte halieving that unceasing "gun control legislation" wiil control crime -- it hasn't -- it isn't -- it won't., Statisties Canada has tiie facto ina print, as public information, for ail te, see, thougii the federal Liberals refuse te pay attention. .Tii. lasers ira tbis legisiation are' not the criminels. They wil maintain and obtain whatever weapons tiiey require ta continue ina their "professions," they always have, The initial lasers are the. six milion,, law-abiding firearm owners, likely your neigbbour or your brother, whom Mr. McTeague's goverament wisiies te make into criniinals by passing unabidible legislation. Now tht the dOisfo ithe future of =bl, Genralliosptal bas been màd by the hoalth coimcil te conevrt it It ia a historically proven fact tiiat the. necesSary scapegoats muet ho obtained as exiiibits te prove that un poular laws are necessaiy and' workablo. The. everlasting lasers are going te ha ail the people of this nation. Agâintheywill ha deceived l'y faselaws into believing they are protected from evil, until the next réhabilitated chid moleste, rapst r cp IUerstrikes. rhenr ha Mlr. MeTeague, more puffs 0f righteous indignation to serve as a amokeoeren until the proper onn u t cll t o r e f ' e x u s c a n h a I would believe that it would oly b. proper and correct to roquent thaï Mr.' McTeague makeo.the resuta of bis survey crystal car l'y putting it in print. He basnover seemed pros. siY. Lot hlm put it out ina detailed responso per quesion asloed and lot the surveys themselves ho open te public view at the. riding office. A lal what would there be tohido? Cortainly nothing Pau IL Wice EDI7YiRIS NOTE:- Dan MeTeague did provide the reaulta of his aurvey, they uwere nai udd with buat weeh'a article. They are as /blowa:- RESULTS 0F GUN CONTROL QUESTIONNAIRE Quoglan t Arerou In favaur of univerwa flresrm legluaton Yss 430 No: 270 UndecIdsi& 22 Ousalon 2: Are y ou in favour ofIlncreased border contras ta fight gun umuggllng? Y..: 674 No: 26 Undecldd: 23 Ou.glen 3: Are yau In flvaiof tougher purdshments for gun-related caime? If yes% what knd af sentences would you lk. ta sam? Y=s 700 No: il UndeId.d: il <t-kit: The. vasi maJoety of ra#>ondants wia Nlswoeedyas ta titis question wanted teosee P.isoev1tguis tram five Ita10 YaomfSr ggwa-roWaed o*nas. The. araitlogLilabi mxora e a ma-dwaty ry-yea a isn tm fortaeaset fra romin tha coignsslon oft10 spedMce Idanifiad violet aimas. GuedIon 4: Are you in lavour ai restrictio>ns on hoadguns and military asAiàt weapons? f yes. whiat kind af restaictin ould Myou ilke tasmm? Yom: 529 No: 1r70 Und.cWdsd. 21 (Ablet.: The. mwaJyOif yerespandrt »ha answead yuett itis q»Ubin wanitd a ttad ban an hwdgtmaad assadt weapon.A ifaitad nmeber supporead rastrctkmans e handgLns big waItd a toaal ban on assai Abu of.14, th ie raspoedants Mia noweedivta dis questvin suppartad restrctioan assaLit waapomi but Cdd rot bstçport any redicJomi onitarxlgoes. Oausaion 5: Are yau in favaur ai tighter contraison the sale ofaiunurtion such as an inomm otrm16 ta 1e yeas of aga for the purchaseofa mmuritan? f yes. aside tramn mncreseng the purchae ago. What ather resrictions wotid yau like ta see? Ym 543 Ne: 159 Undcfl: 13 (Al:Sanie rasponderts Mia rw*wed yOS sW ad the Implemontation of soin. Aa of = o Vsysem ToeMioa aivead nu aW h aniope eaa wu L into a rohab centre, the. Plan is now in thehande of our NDP proincalgovemrment povincal Ruth Grier, Minister d H.aith. It Mmeathe wishes of the. citizens of Whbithby have -been ignorýed.W. do. not want te lase er hospital and moot 0f its mrvices. ltes interesting that many powrful pqIe and organizatipuding dlgntly for the. rew rehab contreaa ubtie bribe appears te ha emerging -- to e gt .Whitby citizens' pp ova f the "new" homptal pla in, return for a full-servio emergoncy depart- ment at the proment location. This idea te include an emergency serice was suggestod Pull together To.the .diteam Last Wodnesday y our paper carried a report on tii. recom- mendations which have - hoon forwarded by the Durham Rogion District Healtii Council te the Ministry of Health. The. local MPP bas the erroneous notion that "smre acute car." will continue te ho provided te the. genoral public at which is now known as Whitby General Hospita.Tii. qualifer in the recommondations states that this "acute car." will only.be availablo ta those receiving rehabilitation at Whitby General Hospital. Lot it b. known to all Whitby residents that unless we pull tegether and opposetii. current rocommendations w. will lose our local acute care hospital and wo'1l nover get it back. Ail the money put into the Wbitby General/J.O. Ruddy Hospital ' the local residents and its serice organizations wil ha usur-pod by the provincial government for purpoes other than thone intended Lot us togotiier tell the. Minister 0f Health te id other areas te cut casta, and not te beave one 0f tiie fastest-growing communities ina Ontario without a local aoute car. lhospital. Lot?. tae. the f giit to, Queen's Park, together and Save Our Generai H~. Dhi .ngra Whitby ina the prosemorne day. ago by a Wd b~y kPP Drummond te. ut was the "bribe"reaflly that, or was it an honeot attempt te, enhance the future health of the citizens 0f Wbitby and area? I have not been .able te, decpher We position on the matter as yt, but I'tae eception te iscommente that "-The Whitby hffospital noodsaa change irction, a mguior, mAjr cang" White m edbiity appars w e aoutthe maine as Further, I 1he tho Save Our Ceneral =asi cemittoe will continue its fgt eproserve the ervices et our eocllont goneral hosptàl. J. Gordon Nemi Whitby "*8 Types of w ire shelving-we'll cut to qualified ipstallers, or you may instal fit at no extra cost. e Available in Widths of 6 ",9 ",12 " Ail Vinyl Coated Steel Shelving. 16 " & 20 *Ideai for clothes or linen dlosets and e Competitive pricing, personal service. storage shelves. e Over 300000 feet of sheMvng sold " Rods and brackets extra annually. " Guaranteed installations by our own 9SPPCE As£ SI-IEVq -RE 0 MHOM SI.NfI wl o) CD> N %W E I C.:I!~i~l!:U~U~UiMW. I Public faces 'more unforceable laws' s 03s14 SOCIAL CON1'RACY: RIGNYS DENIED 110 WEEK MARCN BREAK? D00N'Y BELIEVE -THE LIE!' In an unprecedented move, Durham Board of Education schools will Ibe closed for four days because of Bob Rae's imposed Social Contract. Taking these unpaid leave days was NOT the teacher's choice. The Socia'l Contract has denied teachers professional growth and development, negotiated salary increases, and four days' pay. The social contract will be In effeot for at Ieast one more year. Teachers and your children continue to suifer because of the social -contract. Durham elementary teachers will continue to provîde the best learningopportunities possible for your child, despite provincial government cutbacks. Durham Pub.lic Elomoentary end Secondary T.achu's,

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