Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday,1 FIBRIOMYALGIA The Durham ,Région Fibromyalgia Support Group will hold t he biannuïal election of officers 44 William St. (Faith Place), Oshawa, on Wednesday, March 15, at 7:30 p.m. A provincial labour représentative wil address the meeting regarding emnpoyment rights for persons with fibrositis. Al welcomé. For more information, cali Darlene at 576-8357. S rH 1 O11MNIA Ontario Friends Of Schizophrenics (Durham Chapter) support grUp will meet on Wednesday,lMrch 15, 7 pm. in building 30 (rear entrance) of the Whitby Mental Health Centre, 700 Gordon St., Whitby. For more information, cali 404-1301. THEEOS Thé local chapter of THEOS will meet on Sungay March 12, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew's Présbytérian Church, Cochrane Street, Whitby. Ail widoieéd men and womén are welcomé to attend. For mor information, oeil 668- 2648. *CBRONIC FATIGUE The Durham 'Région Chronic Fatigue Syndromne/ME. Support Group will meet on Wédnesday, March 15, 7 p.m., at AE. KLing Mémorial Comple.-çKingsway Coilegé, Oshawa. For more information, call Rénsé at 656-4398. EM) INJURY Thé Head Inury Association of Durham will hold a su pport group meeting on Wednesday, March 15, 7:30- p.m., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. For transportation assstance or more information cail 723-2732. CANADIAN CLUB Thé Canadian Club of Durham Région will meet on Tuésday, March 14, 6:30 p.m., at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Speaker wiil be Dr. D. Michael Jackson, Provincial Secretar-y, Government of Saskatchewan. As Chief of Protocol in Saskatchewan sincé 1980, Jackson .has co-ordinated several Royal visita and has been invésted with thé Royal Victorian Order by Queen Elizabeth in recognition of his services te thé Royal Family. Thé meeting is open te everyone and new mémbers are welcome. For further information, Cali Marguerite 'Connor at 905-686-2535 or Ruth Brooking at 905-655-4530. NEWCOMERtS MEETING Theé , Oshawa-Whitby Néwcomérs Club will meet on Tuesday, March 14, at 7 p.m., at Grisanti's Restaurant, Whitby %K11AU Info - ation Wtby aftn 728-2222 Corner 0f Simcoe & Olive Sts., Oshawa BONSAI SOCIETY Thé Matsuyama Bon"a Society will meet at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa, on Tuésday, March 14, 7 p.m. for beginners and at 7:30 p.m., général meeting. Thé meeting is open te ail thosé interested in thé art of bonsai. For* more information, caIl (905) 432-3613 or (905) 683-2568. WRITERS' CIRCLE Thé Writérs' Circle of Durham Région wiil hold its first 1'Poéts in thé Pub' Night on Monday, March 13, at Thé -Courtyard Pub in Pickeriîg Village from 7 te 9 p.m. Poets who wish te réad can 1a Terry Day at 619-8872. LEGAL Ail) A légal aid dlinie will hé held on Tuesday, March 14, 7 p.m.1, at thé Whitby Public Library. Appointments must hé made at thé Whitby Information Centre, 900 Brock St. S. Clients récéive a confidéntial 15-minute appoint- ment with a lawyér; at no chargé. For more information,' calI 668-0552. GARDEN CLUB' Thé Oshawa Garden Club wii meet on Monday, March 13 7:30 p.m., at *Northminster U.5nited Church, 676 Simcoe St. N., at Rossland. Marg Fleming, a. landscape spécialist from Cedar Valley Gardéns, Brighton, will présent a slide présentation on 'How te set up or improve your backyard gardén? Fo ore information, call Ron Bilsky at 905-725-2744. SORO£fIUUf CLUB Soroptimist International of Oshawa/Whitby Club wiil meet on Thursday, March 9, 7 p.m., at 44 William Ett. W., Cana Hai (Faith Placé building), Oshawa. Intérésted persons are wélcome. PARENT FMNDERS Parents Finders., thé volunteer group formed te hielp adoptées and birth relatives find éach othér, will méet on Tuésday, Mlarch 14, 7:30 p.m., at Albert Street United Church, Albert and Olive' streets, Oshawa.. For furthér information, calI Sandy at 404-9151 or Jan at 686-7840. FAIRVIEW LODGE coordinator of volunteer services Heather Tim (Ieft) was recently named president of Durhamn Region Association of Volunteer Administration. She's seen with vîce--president Mary-Jane Nettie. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press FIBROMYALGIA Thé Ajax Flbromyalgia Support Grou wiil meet on Mondey Mc 13, 7:30 te, 9 p.m., at St. Andrevis Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Ail individuals with fibromnyalgia and médical associates are wélcome. For further information, contact Carolyn at 683-6020 or Babi at 686-9203. ORIENTATION Big Sisters Newcastle/Oshawa/ Wihitb.y wiil hold a volunteer orientation session on Wednesday, March 15, 7 te 9 p.m., at 555 Wéntworth St. E., unit 1, Oshawa. Big Sisters bas 39 young people waiting te be matched. Call 725-9300 tu find out how te volunteér. MABSU MADNESS DANCE Thé -Save thé Lynde Marsh citizéns' committée will hold a 'Marsh Madness Dane' on Fni- day night, March 10, with Thé Joe Tiérnay Band, at thé Whitby Légion. hall. For more informa- tion, cal Johanna at 668-1317 or Tom at 430-1469. COUNTRY DANCE The Womnen of thé Moosé Lodge.will hold an 'Old Tymé Country Dance,' with an Irish thèern for St. Patricks, on Sunday, March 19, 2 p.m., Moose Lodgé,, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Music by Thé Shadés of Silver Band. Admission is $4. Guesta are welcomé. For information, call 666-1449 or 728-5630. OSTOMY ASSOCIATION Thé Oshawa and District Osto m socim-ation, a mutual aid group for ail persona who have or are abut te have ostomny surgéry, will meet on Wédnesday, Mareh 15, 7:30 p.m., at Oshawa Général Hospital, room 1002F. For furthér information, cail Vélora Gibson at (905) 434-2886 or Estelle Carswel at (905) 723-1376. WRITERS CLUB Thé Durham Writers & Editors Breakfast Club will, meet on Saturday, March 11, 8 te 10 a.m., at Swan's Marina,',Liverpool Road and Lake Ontario in Pckering. Cost is $8 (réservations necessary). Open te anyoné intérestéd in nétworking with writérs Cail Marjorié, Greén (905) 686-2085. PC USERS' CLUB Thé Durham -PC Usera' Club will meet Thursday, March 9,.7 te 9 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Avé., Oshawa. Corel Corporation wil présent CorelDraw! 5.0. Admiission is free. For more information cail Bruce Laycraft 905-728-9351 or Linda Nttn' 905-623-2787. ST. PATRICK13 DANCE ThéeLions Club of Whitby wil host a St. Patrickes Day dance on Friday, March 17, 8:30 p.m. te 1 a.m., at Masonic Hall,' 203 Cochrane St., Whitby. Cost is $16 per couplé, icéh includes DJ, dancing and buffet. For tickets, cail Aiex at 668-2486 or AI at 721-8206. NEEDED - - QUILTERS Anyone who has a. quilt' te, display at thé annual,.sprnt q (uilt show at,,St. Mark s itetd Church, Whitby, call Rosalie at 668-4343 or Joan at 668-3602, beforé March 18. GREEK COMMWUN1TY Thé Greek Community of Oshawa and District wil commémorate 'Greek Indepen- dénce Day' on Saturday, March 25. Thé Greek School students and thé Athéns/,Acropolie Dance Ensemble will perform skits and dancés and récite poetry at at 6:30 p.m., at 1221 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. SOCIAL WORK WEEIK Members of thé Durham branch and Kawartha chapter Of thé Ontario Association of Professonal Social Workers (OAPSW) will celebrate Social Work Week by setting up an info centre in thé Oshawa Centre, March 9 and 10. Thé display wil contain séveral forms of média and will address thé intérésts and concérns of both thé profession as wéil as thé association. Thé tablés wil hé stafféd by local board mémbers- who wil answér adlil £$3 forcldràen aged 10 and under. ickets are availablé by calling thé church office at, 668-5101. EUCHRE Euchre, sponsored by thé Oddfellows and Rehékahs, is héld every Friday, 7:30 p.m., at, 211 Broc.k St. S., Whitby. Admision is $1.50. Ail welcome. KIDNEY FOUNDATION More than 300 volunteers are going door to door in Whitby this month to raise $24,000 for the Kidney Foundation. Arby's in Whitbiy has included thé founda- tion in its coupon program. The foundation has launched an organ donor awareness campaign to coincidé with its annual March fundraising campaign. ONE PARENI<FAMILIES The One Parent Familles8 Association will méet on Tuésday, March 14, 7:45 p.m., at the Croatian Adria cultural Club, 432 Simcoé St. S., Oshawa. Speaker will diseuss Effécts of addiction, in thé family, etc.'Ail single parents, custodial or -not, are welcome. For information and détails, cail Doug at 728-1011., AQUABIUM SOCJITY Thé Durham Région Aquarium Society wiil meet on eusday Marc h 14, 7:30pm, in the cafteria of R.S. ci CVI,. 507 Stevenson Rd. N., Oawa. For more information, oeil Jim Brown at .905-987-3412 or 1) Fishér at 905-831-0940. oSTEOPOROSIS The ntewly forméd Whitby Osteoporosis Support Group will hold its first meeting on fridaLy, March 10, 1:30 p.m., at thé Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. For more information, caîl Réta at 666-1896. COIN CLUB Thé Oshawa &- District Coin Club *will méét at thé Arts Resource Centré behind Oshawa City Hall 'on Sunday, March 12, 12:30 p.m. For more information, eall 728-1352. .NOON IN LENT' Ail Saints' Anglican Church will hold 'Wédnesday Noon in Lent,' écumenical service, on Wednesdays, noon te 1 p.m., March 1 te April 12. There will be méditation, short service and lunch. Cost is $3 ($2.50 for seniors). Thé thème is «Journey te Wholénéss, Recovery and Faith. For more information,: cal 668-5101. ARTII'IS PROGRAM Thé Arthritis Society is offering a six-week program, starting March 16, on coping with aIl types of arthritis, fibromylgia and lupus. Cost is $25 (includés textbook). Call 434-7221 to register. INJUBED WORKERS Thé Durhamn Région Injuréd Workers will hold their général meeting on March 29, 7- p.m., at thé CAW Hall, 1425 Philip Murray Avé., Oshawa. Thé guest speaker will be John Slinger, from ,thé Workérs' Compensation Board, éxplaining thé proess of médiation versus hearngy. Evérybody is wélcome. Mémboeahps for 1995 are now due at thé Whitby Senios' Activity Centré. Coet is $7 for Whitby résidents und $14 for out-of-town réidents. Members are entitléd te a monthly newsletter, and participation in thé services, special évents and programs offered at thé centre. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE A St. Patrick's dance wil hé héld on Saturday March 18, with accordionist Janétte Desouza providing thé music, at thé Whitby Seniors Activity Centre. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., dancing starts at 8 p.m. There will be a cash bar, light lunch and doom pzs.CSat is $4. For more ioration, eaU 668-1424. - ý 7 ý- --r7il . 'Fý . leUPGRO 1 )UP

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