Page 22, Whitby Froe Pres, Weckiosdy, March 1, 1995 The Whitby minor a1tom AAm six-point series versus Oshawa hockey teain,' sponsore by with victories inthe firot two Fortune F'nancial, openedtheir gaines. Novices drop opener The Whitby mgjor novice AA hockey teain, sponsored b y Main Tech Industries, opened their York-Simcoe round of playoffs against Richmond Hill with a 4-3 loss. Wildcats, who'have' not seen much action in the past couple of weeks, awaitingc the next playoff rou nd, saw Richmond HFil score on their first shot of the gaine. Whitby tied it up with a goal froin Aaron Maguire. Magui»re got Whitbys second goal te fde the gaie 2-2. Then Whitby went ahead on a pass play froin Maguire, Chris Laforge te, Aaron MacMurray who got the puck in the net for the lead before the home teain came back with two goals and the victery.' MIichael Jeffrey- had a superb gaine in net, making key saves te, keep the gaine close. Whitby plays hoet tW Richmnond Hill twice thie week as the best- of-five series continues. In the firet gaine on Thursday in Brooklin, afler less than a minute, Michael Kosiw converted a Jamie Fox - Robert Eberle pass play into a 1-O lead. Oshawa regrouped te fie the score a minute later, but it was Eberle te Kosiw again soon after for a 2-1 lead. Later in the period, Oshawa tied it again. The second period saw Brandon McBride put the Wildcats in front for the third time in the gaine, and -Kosiw notched his third te widen the Iead te 4-2. Oshawa again got back inte the gaine with a latte goal te, bring them, within a single goal at the end of the second P erod. Oshawa tied the score in the third. Early in overtime, Wade Branch and Kosiw scored, both assisted by McBride. Again Oshawa fought back te tie the Score with two goals with only a few minutes left. With less than a minute te play, Branch converted on a pretty Tyler Harrison - Kosiw passing play and Whitby hung on for a iîld 7-6 victory. In 'gaine two on Saturday in Oshawa, Sean Pitcher opened the t suoring for Whitby mdway hrohthe. first butgOshawa tied it up moments later. Ryan Tutak gave Witb a2-1 lead late in the period. Oshaa scored two goals early in the second period for their first lead in the series, but this lasted for juet a few minutes as Harrison kcnotted the score at 3-3. Oshawa, true to forin, refused to give up and scored again te corne within two, and pressed the Whitby nt fo r more. Thie teains traded goas late in the third, Whitby's coming froi McBride. The final score was 8-6. Wildcats need only one more victery te advance te tlu, division finals. The next gaine of the series will be *played at Iroquois Park tenight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. If necessary, further gaines will be in Oshawa on Thursday and Iroquois Park on Saturday at 6:15 P.. t. Lorsn finish fortoms The Wihitby major atoin AAA hockey team completed their regular season schedule with a tie and two losses. The Whitby teain, sponspred by Hanet Plastics, came froin behind twice to fie fret-place Peterborough 4-4. James H-inkson completed a bat trick by scoring the tying goal with Iess than a minute emainin nd the Whitby goalie on the bnch Kevin Peel had- the other Whitby gol an VonEschs- choltz adRan Mathews each had two assa Peterborough latèr duinped Whitby 5-2, both Witby goals by Matt Taylor. Taylor and Peel scored in a 6-2 loss toi Central Ontario Wolves on Sunday. N.X.AUTO Body~ ~ Complete Collision Service Insurance Work Free Estimates Custom Refinishinge Towing Service Used Car Sales lyiià 0LoI é l0Leikatel 6*1:1 0 405 Mary St. E, Whitby and 1940 Ellesmere Rd., Unit 17, Scarborough (Serving Scarborough for 18 years)« OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY (905) 666-2555 * Fax: (416) 438-6379, Whitby aunor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR PEEWEE Feb. 26 Andeon Vterin. 2 Andrew Holmes Matt T. Wakon Whitby Fr.. Prme.3 Mike Sohloiffer Ryan Kwrt Brad McNaghton SWutei- Chad Atklnson Durham Dodg. 3 Dylan Chynoweth Paul Longo Derek Polck~ Feb. 24 Brooklin Kinamen1 Nick Cowan BrockinKlnrne Nck Cowen ChrleSlWriff Whltby Optimiste Dodd & Sater Garett Richard Chris Cureiings Dodd & Ster David Flicher 2 Andersan Veterin. 1 Whltby Fr.. Prose Andrew ClarkMackqin Mike DeLuca J.R.O'Neul Dur hamn DodgeO Whitby Optimiste Barrtt Church Final staniînge sof F.b. 26 Whitby Fr.. Preas Andoersan Voteria. Dodd & Sauter BrooldinKnsmen Durham Dodge Whitby Optimiste L T 3 3 4 2 654 5 5 8 2 GF 46 63 47 27 .34 25 Lang scarers Matthew Fortier David Fetcher, Malt T. Walton Androw Hoirnes Jonathan O'Neil Andrew Clark Erik~ Stevenson Michael Deluca Garrett Rchd Malt C. Wakon Ryan Walsh IINOR PEEWEE Vick lmurance S. Hase K. Connegy C. Atkiason C. Midiaud 4Rode Town S. Meler S. Cook R. Marris Whitby Optkniste 7 Johnson Building K. Taylor 4 D. Narmare2 R Meanley 3 G. Kkanxra 2 J. Barr M. Sera S. Egan Carson Brothers M. Kobryaovlch 2 C. Vandusan 2 Spedy tà o Glase 1 J. Ryan Finalslarngs Johnsloa Buildingn Vick Insurance Carson Brother. 7 Speedy AutoGise 5 RedTearn 4 Whitby Optiniste 2 Loang scorers S. Hase. Vick Ineurance G. Kilamura Johnston Building M. Astalos. Spoody Auto Glase M. Kabrynovmch. Carson Brother. G . Homs Caisoa Brothers D. Bosco. Vck Irsurance J. Walsh, Canson Brothere S. Cook. RdseTsam K. Taylor. Whitby Optimnists J. Elick. Rd Team 1. Archantault Speedy Auto M. Leblanc, Rodea Team M. Dernalo, Vick hIeurance MINIJIOR ATOM Feb. 26 Satrn WhIby Brett Backmn2 Parik Milb Andrsw Hauson 4 Brooka Kinemen Enk Pemon Owasco VW&RV 1 Leanox Drumn NethanllAndreS John Tracoy Roent Richards Or. Ss<natiuk 4 Sobwa rGtp MW"ae Finlgan 2 Darryl Donabn Kyle Schroer2 KrlstianHalicas Final utains au.of F.b. 28 SaturnWhkby 10 2 3 Or.SsmotlukorlfL 9 4 2 Broliln Khemen .6 8 1 Lennox Drum 6 7 3 Saetara Grop 6 8 2 Ouaeo VW&RV 3 g 3ý 2 as of Feb. 26 ichard Thomeas, Lonnox Drumn 0 Gosai Wols. Whutby Sedum Oerek Bonk, Dr. Semotluk Drillors Scott Donnoliiy. Whitby Salurn Robert Richards. Lennox Orum KeiliLabelle. Lenhox Drum Breti Backmnan, Whitby Satlwn Nadhanlel Andrea. Owasco 2 BJ. Bowles. Owasco Brian Cravefard, Dr. Somotluk 'Paul Vandortp. Dr. Somotluk Michael Fiigan, Dr. Semotrejk Daryl Lararny. Bronklin Kinmon Jan»s Adkine. Brooklire Kfrsmsn 2 Darryl Donaldson. SoraaGroqp Jordan Oldfield, Dr. Semotiuk 4 Goalis tuatstce as of F.b. 26 Math Ow i, Dr. Somnotiuk Jamnie Baton. Whitby Satum 1 lan Brook, Sorbara Group Joshua Shatler, Broaklin Kinsrmen Drew Dockrull, Owasca Brian Heeoney. Whitby Satura Mark Kalineki. Lonnox Dfrm p MAJOR NOVICE Feb. 25 Sorbara Group Bo&ty Chapman Stuart Petrie Michael Richards Androw Cre Paul Barroti Jerry'. DIugWare. Devon Brick CaNson J efrey MalttheuvEdmonds 21 GDR Mechanical 5 20 Jason Gardon 3 17r Christopher Kitamura 17 Joffrey Mir 18 15 MaToue Eloctric S 14 JererrFRobson 2 Adam Muan Jerery Gi ltn 3 Patrick Shannon Shawn Hlman Feb. 1 MèegeEleclric 3 ShwnH man 2 Joremy Robson Whitby Kiasmen 10 Sean Cunningham 5 Rihard Gale 2 Brert Chynoweth PaM Michael Rivest Paul Kotos Play h Again Sparte 8 Adam Marshal 2 Sebast !an Kcprowski 2 Jason Barton 2 Andrew Lebel Jerry. DrugWae 2 Devon Brick Michael Moflisis Feb. 7 Tekiogex 9 Michael Norrman 4 Matthew Blakeman 2 Sam Howard Mark San Peo Stephea Carrail Whitby Kinsrnen 6 SaCunningham 3 Andrwe Faizon 2 Pari Kantos Feb. 5 Pay IlAgain Sports 6 Andrew Lebei4 Devon Dadak Ryan Price GDR Mecharicl 5 Jan Gordon 4 Anat Haîay Sorbwa roup Whitby Kiasm Jerry'. Drug Warehouses 6 GDR Mecharecel5 Tekiogix e MaTeagusEloctrlc3 Brown F orne 1 Play ktAgaln Sports 1 *NOR NOVICE James Dlck David Advent 2 Chris Mitchell Corl Brulnuîa Chas Graham Marc Rsnaud Kyle Murphy Ardhony Novia SorbaraOro Evan Boyce f Stephen Foston 3 Tyler Fruin 5 Plakeripa Tii. JodPotter2 Adaman=g Bobby .Ndm Shan s ailo 2 4ydre Ardrow Msawsm Mil Howgiton 7 Carmon Bras. Mâl Andsrson 2 Bâiton Preux*t Fina starviNê as of F.b6 25 AVO 126 22 2M8 3.1 3.14 3Sm as8 5 Tekiagix Stophen Carrall 2 Michael Norman 2 Spyders ï i i Pickring Ti.e 7 3 2 Sorbara Groe.p 6 5 1 Marc Renaud C.A. 4- 7 1 James Dick 3 6 3 Carso ros. 2 9 1 Loaing scrers Androw Meulows. SpydOrs, Kyle Murphy. Marc Renaud Anthony Novia. Marc Renaud Evan Boyce. Sorbara Graeq Nichoase Canson. Carson Bras. Shane Ruttan-Monilôb. Pckering Tii. Stephen Fostan, Sorbara Group Bruce Crains. James Dlck Mathew Andersan, Carson Bras. Jordan Ftzgerald. Spyde Jordan Patter, Pickering Tii. -MAJOR SQUIRT Playoffs Seri»s G Pollard Roafing Tyer Stanger Brown Ferris fred. 1 Grog JayH Cul Brown Daryl Richard 2 Play Il Again 3 Brai Smit h Dovon Dadait David Turner Androw Lebol other acarorot givoa Series 1 CanonBrothers Whitby l<nsmoen 6 Luk Carson 3 Sean Cunniaghamn4 Michael MacNoi 2 Richard Gaie Nichlais Jardin Pal Michael Rivest John lrland I T&D Steak Burgor Michael Trudeau 2 Adarn Jahaston 4 Leacam Caasuftlng Jason Caseldy 3 Sam Kobrynovlch 7 H.G. Roughley Ryan Kerr 3 Kady Mtuemn3 Cary Rose ScouIlle aders GDR Mocharelcal 4 Jasonoardon 2 Chrietophor Kitamura Ryan Martindalo Tokiogix 5 Mark San Pedro 2 Max Osuszek Michael Normnan Michael MacPhe Brown Foris lad. 8 RoiIIy Andrews 3 Ryan Hughes 2 Jafm e &erwald 2 Bienf MacQuait. sor.>aaGroup Jonathan lmr Aadrew Craie Bobby Chapman McTeague Electric 2 Ryan Pile Jeremny Robson SodartarGoLp Michael Richards 2 Justin reoat Andrew Crate Bradlley Harden Jerry. DruWare. Michael Malmis2 Aithony Ramrerez Devan Brick Brown Ferris lad. Colin Harvey 4 Staninga W LTP 8 3 i 7 231 Michael Tnu Luke Caon Ryan Keri JunCaeekly Brad Smith Adamn ohaston Callan Brown Joel Webber Chai Thibodoau John lreland Rogehi G A 20 0 12 4 17 2 n3 s Il 4 3 ID 1 2 incude playofs Feb. 26) MINOR SOWRT Feb. 26 Ali View Glazig 2 Clayton Pardlsury Benjamin Saey.r Whâby Traphy 5 Adam Der"t Michael Tureok Steven Arctasebek Tyson Twining Feb.9 AIliView Gax4 g6 Cameron Larnax 2 5 Clayton Pendlebiury 2 Michael Mar.Fayden Mackenzie Power Whkby Traphy Tysn Twiring 4 Diel Carrigan 2 Adarn Deik Kylo Ford Peler Rosee Whetby Trophy H. Advatage ArC. Ail ViewGClazke Sorbara Graep playolfs pa GA 20 4 i 16 0 le 8 O 13 0 14 0 15 10 1no03 m110 14.0 0 12. 2 0 Adrariage Air Cars 2 Alex Sk"as TrevorMcKianey SortaaOrop - 4 Michael MaKinn 3 David Jules Sorbet. Orotp 4 Chris Boules 2 Jam al"iim David Jarms 9 Advwa iao r Cars 2 Trovor McKmmney 2 au8ln ne of FOW 20 WLTY 6 12 4 32 3 51 2 61 0F GA W035 39 49 3 43 46 42 1