Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1995, p. 9

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Whltby Fre Pros, Woed"y, Fobnaoy 15.1095 Papea Sludgeproposai theatens job's By Mike Kowalski A sewage sludge storae faci- lity proposed for south Whitby couidresuit in some iost jobs if the controversial project receives the green light. At ieast two businesses situa- ted near the site of the proposed Durham Region project are hold- ing back on expansion plans until the proposai s fate is deter- mined, The Free Press bas lear- ned. Owners of Whitb Woodwork and Dynex Engineeringr had taken out building permits and begun preparations te enlarge their respective businesses. But ail plans are on hold until they and other neighbouring business owners are satisfied that their concerns about the project have been resoived.. To date, they are unconvinced that six sewge siudge holding tanks proposea te be built n ext te, the (Jorbett Creek sewage treatment plant will not harmn their businesses. "We have a site plan agree- ment and we gave aur general contracter the go-ahead,» Whiftby Woodwork co-owner Viadimir Kohek said Thursday. "But we're holding off as of iast wveek»hle said. Koliek s McEwen Drive firm, which manufactures departmnent stere storage fixtures, is located two lots away from the proposed siudge facility. The'$10-million sterage plant has been undergoing a class environmental assessment --as required b 0ntario aw --for more than twoyears. The enclosed tanks wouid store treated sewage (siudge) from Durham's various sewage plants until it can b. used as ferilizer on area farms. Kohées family-owned business has beén in WhitbV for nine years and currently empicys about 20 workers. Another four or five will be hired if the expan- sion goes ahead. But this will not occur if con- cernis about potential odeur pro- biems, safeguards in the. event of a spili and increased truck trafflce are not resolved, Kohek said. "As far as the proposai right now we're against it,» said Kohek. «W. say it wiii cause a smeii, the Region says it won't. We say there wiil be more trafic on McEwen, they say it won't." Kohek said h. and other busi- ness owners believe the property should rema.in industrial land for economic reasons alone. Oniy two or three people wili b. needed teop ferate t he sterage facility while "'maybe 50 te 100 people wouid have jobs if a business located there, Kohek contende. But what most disturbs Kohek about the proposai was the lack of notification that the location was even being considered by the citizens' adisory committee Document Shredding # High volume equipment will reduce your shredding cost + Secure locked containers at no extra cost + Bonded drivers +*100% of paper is recycled # Certif icate of destruction + Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CAILI NOf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) ffÀmrff4orffz. r4l WASTE SYSTEMSý required as part of the site selec- tionproess. «There were five potential sites and we were not aware of any of them,» he said. "The decided in September '94 an we frst got a lettrin November. Businesses were not consulted.» 'Dynex Engineering vice-pre- sident Jack Semenko concurred with Kohées commente." "We feel this may affect us property value-wise," said Semenko. "We should have been infor- med much earlier,» he said. Dynex whichP manufactures steelmili equipmen, currently emnploys 40 workers at its Forbes Street factory. The need for additional space bias foroed the company to trans- fer somie work te, its plant in Bowmanville, Semenko said. "We 'will do it there until we see what happens,» he said. À meeting fast week with Dur- ham Region and Town df Whitb>r staff failed to, resolve the busi- ness owners' concerns so another meeting was« scheduled with Ma yor Tom Edwards yesterday. "can only tell them that from the information Ive got, there will be no detrimental aspects, otherwise it wouldn't be recom- mended," said Edwards. "There's no question in my mind this would have been brought out in the process,» he said. Edwards added that "contrary te what some saLy, rm satisfied that people in the area (nearby homneowners) have been involved and they're not concerned.» Although none of the business owners have threatened te leave Whitby should the sludge facilit be approved, Kohek said "it will" get to, that point. 8.761 %* Today's Best Rate For more information cali: Derek Dutka 579-7777 ceonce Finanoal ConSpc !ron Groupm s a Iensed Mutal unddeler. IF.C.G. Securfttes Corporation is a Ilionsed SecurftDealer. *Miimu (5,00) Raes ubecttochange. Save an extra 40% in Federal and Ontario taxes on your RRSP contribution with an investment in DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp. (EVO). lnvest in Canada's high growth entertainment, communications and That possibiiity infuriates councillor Joe Drummn, an opponent of the project since the outset. "W. couid las. as many as 42 jobs and I have. no intention of ailowing that te happen,» he said. According te Drumm, ea.ch cf the six sterage tanks wiil hoid appromately 178,000 galions cf siudgeor 1.7 million gallons in tetale At an estimated 21 trucks a day, Drumm said it wiii take 85 days te unioad the six tanks for shipment*te rural areas. Using a ratio cf 13,000 galions of sludge ta, an acre cf fariand, Drummr said only nine-and-one- haif acres couid be treated per daýt since the sludge can only b. appiied every five years, more than 4,100 acres cf new land wili b. required over a five-year period and such land does not currentlp exist, Drumm noted. «That s neyer been iooked at,» h. said. Drumm, who feels the sludge facility would b. better suited in a rural setting, said he would neyer oppose a $1O7-million in- dustry moving te Whitby, but he 'Pr PERSONAL COMPUTERS does object te this proposai. «There are those on council who think P'm the only one cry- For information contact: Bestby te 25 Thickson Tel: 905-725-7454'e Hours: Mon., Tues. 10-7, Wed.-Fri. Road. 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