Whltby Free Preou, Wecfe"dy, Februar 1. 199. Page 3 items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Maday januZySQ Recommenda- tions from the Planning and Development Committee That a revlsed rezoning application tram Joante Investments Ltd. ta allow the Loyal Order of Moose service club ta hold functians ln one af the units wthln its industrial mail at 119 Consumners Dr. be approved. When the original application came before councîl last summer Rt was sent back ta planning staff due ta concems about parking and this type of use ln an Industrial*area. Although staff stilI have reservatlons about the lack of parking, the landlord has agreed ta the removal of hlgh trafflc generatlng uses currently permltted in the property's zonlng category. The service club lntends ta rent a unit ln the mail until Rt has sufficlent funds ta bulld Its own facillty elsewhere ln tawn. Carried That a revlsed plan of subdivision, officiai plan amendment application and rezonlng application tram Falth Baptîst Church ta permit a mlxed denslty 53-unit devetapment on Taunton Road, east of Brock Street, be approved. The original application proposed 104 townhouses and apartment units, but ater objections were ralsed by area residents, the proposai was reduced ln scope. CýrrIed That a development agreement between the municlpality and Vctor Minas ta permit a denture cllnic at 113 Kendalwood Rd. be appOKAd budget be approved. The overaîl budget Is $507,250, with Whitby's share belng $171 ,469. Last year's budget was $512,600. Ca-rred That an overexpenditure af- $91 ,741'be added ta the Town's 1994 budget ta caver the costs af provincial govemment charges for supplerfleltary assessments of new buildings conducted after the annual assessmeflt of properties ln the municipaiity. The new charges took effect ln July. Carried TUTOINGSERVICE *we use only Certified Ontario Teachers we tutor in YOUR home, and *we teach the clasçroom curriculum -- piease cail 668-7841 for a brochiure! ON R LACEMENT OR REPAIR* WHITBY AUTO GLASS HAVE LUNCH specialists ON /~~j US! TOLL FREE MOBILE SERVICEo GUARANTEED thsadaitlmc WORKMASHIP Mplaceffl.< ~Wit OstKiANoeoilSH witti ths ad attime of purchase iBUY i FOR $2e9 mNot vaIdwâ yother special, promotions, offers or dLscounts. Valid Mon. to Frî. 7:OOam to 1 1:OOam* Offer Expires: February 10, 1995. Kendaîwood Park Plaza e 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby * 723-4538 - - --n n -- n ---- -- - -n - n- - nn - - THE IDE AL SOLUTION TO... RRFSP SECURE INCOMER FUi.Ds FOR YOURRRSP INVïESTING invosment Acsor NADEGE WEBB A PRUDENT WAY To MNGE Yont RRSP Irmtnierd fsor KEN HUGGINS Create the right investment mixe While many investors spend the most timne considering the ýperformance of specific mutual'funds or securities, it is the overal mix of investmnents that determines long-termn resuits. There are hundreds of mutual. funds available today. Depending on its investmnent objectives, a fund may invest in equities (company shares), fixed income (bonds), cash equivalents (T-büls, for example), or a combination of ail of these. There are specialty, funds that choose a portfolio of industry segments and there are funds that confine their investment activity to specifie geographic areas. Diversifying your portfolio amoung themn soothes out the ups and downs of individual investment performance, and you are more likely to get a better retumn. To determine the investmnent mix most'appropriate for you requires a large measure of self- understanding. Consider your personal needs and circumstances; then answer these critical questions. *What do you want your money to do for you? *What is your investmnent horizon? *How much risk are you prepared to accept? *When wili you need the money? *How much wiii you need fromn your investments at retirement? *What investments best fit your tax situation? Your response will help you determine the best mix Most appropriate for you. For your complimentary appointment to review your current fmnancial situation, contact Whiùtby's top financial planners at TPA Investment PlanIg Centre at 666-0896.' The indicated rate of retum is the hIstorical annual compounded total retum lncluding changes in unit value and reinvestnient of ail distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges payable by any unithiolder which would have reduced retums. Past retumns are flot necessarily indicative of future retums. Important information about these mutual funds is contained in their simplifled prospectus. Obtain a co>py from one of the above investment advisors and read it carefully before investing. Unit value and investment retum will fluctuate. j AN EXPERT LooKs AVI7ER YOURRRSP IJetfer o ONALDJ R. DAS1*I