Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1995, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Prue, Weckiosday, Fobruary 1. 199 FANGS bared-on various media By John Dujay Len Kosurko is very popular these days. The Wiyteacher as been receiving a lot.of press attntion 1a=ely. I Sports fan organiz- ation FANGS (Fans Aans 'ational Greed in Sport) has been featured in the Toronto Sun varlous radio stations (CHUM, 680 NEWS anct CFRB) and hehas been interviewed by the CBC and CTV affiliatesà in Toronto. Itfs been kind of fascinating," sid the soft- spoken Kosurko during an interview. Last week, the group held an information session outside Maple Leaf (3ardens, according te Kosurko. "We got some exposure,"0 he says, adding it will help his cause. inuddith H-isiwife was, photographed and nld ith Toronto Sun as part of the newspaper's home opener coverage..She was holding a sign that dislayd te gou is lghtingboIt logo. l Thegrop nw Lstsa membership "pushing 250" persons, according to Kosurko. here is a media co-ordinater, Pat Riccio Jr., who was Anne Murrays musical directer for 12 years and is a Juno award winner for producing her children's album 'Hippo in myBathtub.' "Imagine a FANGS crest on every teami shirt in every professional league l says Ricejo.' His dreami "is to have a lgh-profile memer of FANGS sitting at the (negotiatin) table reniinding owners and players what i#)happen te the residual persons who are involved in the industry," he says, adding that includes restaurant andbar owners and servers. "They're the ones who are hurting the most," Kosuro says. The peopie who- pay for it ail who should be heedei,. says Riccîo. "There has te be some concessions nmade to, the fans." He calîs Maple Leafs owner Steve Stavro's gesture of lowering hotý dog prices during last week's home opener a "crumb to, the fans." On the first two nights of Maple Leafs coverage on CBC, Peterborough affiliate CHEX television broadcast a commercial which had a voiceover as the red, white, blue and black FANGS logo was transposed on the screen. Seeing the logo displayed on television was exciting for Kosurko . "I neyer imagined P'd get it The commercial, which ran five times on Friday, Jan. 20 and five times on Saturday, Jan. 21, immýediately followed spots by McDonald'5 and Bell. "We were right up there with the big names," Kosurko says. What's in the future for FANGS? Kosurko says they will sit back and evaluate their next move. 'Its the time of gathering of forces." They ho pe to continue building by attracting more memberB. Kosurko sa:ys there is a window ofop0orunit which must be accessed quickly, or it wflbeclosedi. "We need more numbers to make an oppoti." Anhonourary membership has been made out to U.S. president Bill Clinton, who has delivered an ultimatum to baseball owners and players to, settie the dispute which has dragged on since August 1994. FANGS hopes to get 60 Minutes television personality Andy Rooney __ wholast week was barred from. covering NFL games -- to deliver the card. Midgets edged out rin nls of 2, tournaments O:akçvile, mlinois spoil WVhitby bids for tities ICE PIX, the Whitby juvenile precision skating team, silver medalists at a competition over the weekend, wili be one of the host teams competir)g at a Whitby invitational at Iroquois Park this Saturday. Photo by Jeremny Dresar. Whltby Free Press Angels lst at 'Fest The Whitby precision skating tems had their best resulte in recent years at Winterfest, held Jan. 27-29 in Newmarket. Ail three teanis were medal winners in the gold finals on Sunday. Ice Fyre, the senior Whitby teain, placed second in their ilight for the short prograin competition, sud second in the gold final for that event. They then competed in the long event, held ase a sepsrate competition, placing tiret in tneîr flight sud second iu the finals. Ricica wi"ns M Uxbâridlge I.ori Rticica of the Whitby Figure Skating Club was firest overal lu her division at an invitational lu Uxbridge over the weekend. She was first in her flight anid then iu the final of the pre-novice cotn.petitive ladies. Lisa Coedy of the Whitby club was third in the final of pre- novice ladies and Jeif Koeslag third iu the final for introductory men. The Ice Fyre (aged 15 sud older) are coached by Jody Jones. The Ice Angels novice tearn (up to age 15), coaiched by Kelly Jennings, placed fourth in their flight Friday evening te qualify for the gold final in which they finished first out of il other teams. The Ice Angels were silver medalista at Canadians last year. The Ice Pix juvenile team (u te age 12), were not te be left behind, as they placed third in their flight, and second in the final, winning a silver medal. The Pix are coached by Mona Gibney. Ail three Wbitby teams can be seen this Saturday at Irocquois Park when they wil comipete in the Whitby invitational precision competititon. The event begins at il a.m. sud continues throughout the day, ending with the gold finals Saturday evening. Admission at the door ia $6 for adulte, $3 for- seniors sud students. hockey teain has been close, but ultimatly denied championship banners in two consecutive tournanients. Iu the 24-team, Peterborough Tournaînent of Champions, Quinte Red Devils feil firt to the hungry Cats by a 60 margin. Next, the eM& first-place Young Nats were edged 4-3 in a tight contet. A 3-1 victry over Markham Thunder moved Whitby iute the semis. Whitby scratehed out a 3-2 wmn over Peterborough in the semi-finals which set up the showdown with Oakville in the finals. Au aggressive Oakvile team dealt Whitby a 4-3 les lin the exciting chaznpionship e. Individual game M>honours for Whitby were awarded te Tom Brad Oliver, Shane Terry and Geof Park. Not te be dismayed, the team traveiled to Sarnia the following weekend te try their luck at the international silver stick midget AAA finals in Sarnia. Wildcats totally dominated their division in the preliminaries by efatngLainbten Lightning 7-2, Elgin Middlesex 8-1 and West ichigan 8-1. Once again the championship round jinx found Wildcats short bya goal in a 3-2 loos te a fast skating and highly skllled Team Illinois. Captain Cory Hasa was given the most valuable player award for the entire teurnament. The team wiil now set their sights on the OMHA playoff rounds and the Dearborn, Michigan teurnament in March. Petites make it3inarow tesin, sponsored, by Dougj Freeman CA, made it three teurnaziient victories iu a row with a Iod medal at the Waterloo Wintorfest on the weekend. In the friday conteet, Whitby defeated Grey-Bruce 9-1. With three games on Saturday, Whitby beat archrival Sudbury 11-5, Camibridge 9-1 and hast Waterloo 7-2. Whitby started strong in the final againet Grey-Bruce, gaining aneal 3-O lead and neyer Iooking Lé;kto win 4-2. Goalie weekend between the pipes, allowing only il goals. Scoring for Whitby were Jessica Brownridge with 13 goals, six assista; iàndsay Freeman, 10 goals, two assiste; Rachel Stewart, a goal, 12 assita Kara Byrnes, fobur goals, five assista; Emily Lebel, four goals, five assista; Krista Muier, thre goals, six assiste; Bonnie Chant, three goals; Kailey Miller, two g cals, two assista; Samantha Cardwell, Sara Vsuderlip and Vicki Strubwell, four assistaeaceh. 1 1 1

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