Whltby Free Proe, Wednesday, January 11, 9 page 5 Tougher rules to regulate smokers The Durhanm Region Health Department has made education its first priority in enforcing the new Tobacco Control Act, says Robert Rockbrune,' $lblic health inspector and tobacco enforcement officer. 'We intend to, work with school boards, health facilities and retailers te make sure they understand the law and te help them, comply," says Rockbrune about the legislation approved recently by the Ontario governiment. "The new law has teeth," says Dr. Robert Kle, Durheam Region's medical offcer of health. "If you amoke in a «non-smolkig area, you can ho fined up to $1,000 for a first offence."# Individual retailers may ho fined Up to $2,000 for selling tobacco to minors. Additional ofecsmay cost a retailer as much as $75,000. Retailers with two or more convictions will be prohibitOd from selling tobacco for six months or more. RetauralLant fire stili being probed ByMark Reosor The cause of a fire which gutted the Greek '1ýcoon Res- turiiant remains a mystery. "We're still lasifying it as undetermined but it's not suspi- cious » siays Whitby tire platoon chief Drew Armotron. D 1 An early moning fire Dc.1 at the 102~2 Brock St. S. restau- tant caused an estimated $100,000 damaLge. The Ontario Fir-e Marshal was called ini to investigate. Jrm- strong says its report will say any of a number of different factors could "have caused the blaze. <'We brought Ontario Hydro in and they ruled out any of our major electrical concerns that we hadt te start with. Ita's ut one of those things -- we dt know what it was... "if it was suspicious thon we'd really d* inte it deep but when there's no suspicion there it's a waste of manpower.» The new Iaw, which focuses on Saes of tobacco from vencling is restricted to designated areaRl. young people, intends to reduce -machines are prohi*bited. Although smnoking among 15- tobacco use and protect people The law b ans smoking in- to 19-year-olds has declined, one from second-hand smoke. facilities used by children, such in four continues to smoke The sale of tobacco to anyone as sehools and day nurseries. A cigarettes regularly and the under ,19 is illegal, and 'kidddie wido range of pub lc places, such percentage of youth smoking packs'" those containing fewer as stores, financial institutions, more than a pack a day is going than 20 cigarettes, cannot ho video and amusement arcade%, Up. sold. laundromats, hair salons, barber Among Grade 7 students in The law prohibits the sale of shops and transit shelters and Ontario, smoking bas increased tobacco in health facilities, and as stations, are now smoke-free. 50 per cent sdice 1991. of Dec. 31., 19943, parmacies In shopping maIls, hospitas w AG aren't allowed to seil tobacco. colleges and universities, mokltngSÉPAE1