Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1995, p. 31

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WhItby Free Proea Wednosday, January 11, 1995 , Page 31 Region gets funds for heart restart service The provincial governnent will Re= nfor2dfibrillation ervces Trained ambulance, attendants use defibrillators to restart hearta. The funding for Durhamn is part of $3.3 million the goverrnment is committing te exad defibrillation services aCros te provi n'e. To qualify for a defibrillation prgrm a region- must have a baehospital to direct, througb a radio link, the actions of amblane ttendants. An emergency 911 system and ant ambulance respons time of eigbt minutes or lesaraso= required. The $595,300 will go toOshiawa General Hospital, the base hospital, te buy defibrillators and upgrade existing equipmnt. Ambulance workers wl also receive training witb part of the funding. Kids service guide publshed The Children's Services Council (Durham) bas published the second edition of the « CSCD Guide te Services for Cbildren and Adolescents witb Special Needs.' The guide provides information and assistance to parents and agencies in acquiring and using services appropriately. - About 150 not-for-profit organizations whicb provide Meals on specialized services ta Durham cbildren/adolescents witb special needs bave been included. Separate listings for eacb agency describe whom the agency serves, what services they offer, and any eligibility restrictions that apply. The guide bas, a comprebensive subject indèx which enables searches for a variety of special needs. This guide, a full revision of the 1992 edition, is now available. Parents will find the guide at local libraries throughout Durham Region. The guide is also available at family resource centres, community information centres and pediatricians' offices tbroughout tbe region as well as at some schools.* Copies of the guide are also available for purchase at a cost of $20 in a binder or $15 without a binder, (te caver printing and materials). Order formns are available from tbe Childrends Services Council (433-4100). Wheels help. OBITUAREMS is needeci Whitby Meals on Wheels needs your 1elp fro)m anyone who bas six bours of free time a mnonth? Whitby Community Care rieeds help to deliver meals, a home support service which assists seniors and disabled aduits to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Hot noon meals are delivered throughout Whitby on Monday, Wednesday and F'riday of each week between 11:30 a.m. and noon. Volunteers deliver ineads one week in every six. Answers to Whiltby Trivia from page 13 1 . Whitby's first town hall, a brick building at the south- west corner of Brack and Trent streets, was destroyed by fire in 1900. 2. Ed Bowman was neyer opposed as mayor in municipal elections tram 1930 ta 1935 when he retired from the office. 3. A Fresh Air Home for the underprivileged children of Toronto was aperated at Heydenshore Park during the summers of 1902 to 1932. 4. George H. Ham, a resident of Whitby tram 1851 ta 1871, faunded the Winnipeg Tribune. DORIS SIMPSON A resident of Whitby for 43 years, Doris Simpson died at Oshawa General Hospital on Jan. le,1995, at age 72. She lived at 45 Anderson St., Whitby. A daugbter of Russell Wylie and Matilda MacDougall, she was born at Burwash, Ont., on Marcb 18, 1922. Mrs. Simpson was a member of 1St. Mark's United Church, Whitby.' On July 19, 1947, sbe was married in Sudbury to Harry Simpson, who survives ber. Mrs. Simpson is also survived by sans Peter of Oshawa and David of Chatbamn, daugbter Cheryl MacDougaîl of Port Elgin, grandchildren Darryl and Erica Simpson, Jam-de, Kevin, Robert and Megan MacDougall and Scott Simnpson. She is also survived by brothers John and Donald Wylie and sister Grace MacDonald. Brothers Arnold and MacDougail Wylie and sister Vera Wylle died before ber. Mrs. Simpson was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby wbere Rev. Brian Gee conducted the funeral service on Jan. 4, 1995, followed by cremation, with the ashes te be placed in ber parents' faxily plot in Sudbury. MORRIS C. F1TJOIN A retired millwrigbt wbo lived in Whitby since 1955, Morris C. Fit7john died at the Bestview Nursig Home, Oshawa, on Jan. 3, 1995, at age 88. Mr. Pitzjohn was born in Scotland on April 15, 1906. He is survived by sans, Frank and Morris Jr. and daugbters Virginia, Lisha, Margaret and Priscilla. His wife, Josephine, son Winston and daughter Josephine died before, bim. Mr. Fitzjohn was *at the W.C. Town F'uneral Chapel, Whitby, where the funeral service was held on Jan. 5, followed by interment in Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. ALICE OATES Alice Oates of Whitby died on Dec. 28, 1994 at age 82. She was born in England on Feb. 16, 1912, daughter of Mr. and MrsDavid Waddington. She married John Oates in 1952 in England. She is survived by son David (and bis wife Margaret) and grandchildren Elaine and Michael. She was predeceased by ber busband, sisters May and Mary and brothers Tom and Dick. The funeral was beld on Dec. 31, 1994 at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby. Inter- ment at Mount Lawn Cemhetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Letterinig " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours'668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointments gladly arranged p g 'g p " PUBLIC. MEETING MON DAY, JANUARY 23,1995 AT 8:30 P.M. MEE11NG HALL, WMITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WIITBY, ONTARIO A Public Meet inwl be held by the Planning and Development Committee of &Uncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby ta consider concurrent applicationsto amend the Whitby Officiai Plan and Zoning By-law No. 2585 te permit a frozen food retail store, as submnitted by Duyan Investments Inc. (File No. OPA 94 W/5 and Z-740-94). Thesubjeot property is located at 1123 Dundas Street East, at the south-west camner of Dundas Street East and Hopkins Street, and as identified in mhe sketch below. The purpose of the application is te permit a frozen food retail store, as an exception te the Special Purpose Commercial designation and mhe 'C2-S'Speciai Purpose Commercial Zoning. Th ps e of this meeting is ta provide adequate Information ta th.public and ta permit nterested persons the opportuniWty t make representation in respect of tme Officiai Plan Amnendmnent and Rezoning applications. If you are unable te attend the meeting; your representation can be fled in wniting by mail or persanal delivery 1 reach the Planning Department not later than regular workinghours on Monday, January 30, 1995. lnterested persans may- inspect additional information relatinq t10 mhe above application in mhe-Planning Department, Level 7, Whutby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LiN 2M8, during regular working hours, Monday 10 Fniday or may contact mhe Planning Department by telephoning (905) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING CORPORA71ON 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1 Tedes Stationery, Enveopes and Printed Forms Contract W95-29 Tenders for the above will be received by Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent. until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 25, 1995. Specifications and tender forms are available at the Town of Whity, Treasury Departrnent, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (905) 668-5803. extension 236. The owner shail have the right flot te acoept the lowest or any tender. GINNY LOOK, C.l.M., P. Mgr. PURCHASING AGENT Worklng WIth Welghts Program for 13 to 17 year olds Fitness and Weight Training Progranis at the Civic Recreation Complex. Every Saturday and Sunday from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. From January 14 to April 2, 1995. Celi 060-1991 for details Knights of the year WHITBY KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS past grand knight Martin Turpin (middle) poses w'th Knight of the Year co-winners Miles *Delaney (Ieftand Bert Mitchell. hoto by Mark Reesor, WhItby Free Pres

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