Whitty Free Press. WedInesdaY. January 11 10996 , Page 29 ............... ........ ..IR... ........RT C L E A T I L E SEVCS I O EI L~AREN O A~ FRSL - --A---N. RING appai.ed.a WEST LYNDE MOM W1LL provide fun, reiabie, loving care in smoke-free,' pef-free home, full or part-fime. Please caI 666-5777. LOVING MOM WITH 12 year s expenience in daycare offers fuit or p à rt-fime daycare in my home, fexible hours, before or after schooi, PA days. EA Fairrnan schoot area. Negotiable rates, excellent references. Hof, nutrifious lunches& snacks. Ail ages welcome. Cali Wendy at 666-8188. i LOVE KIDSI I'M a mofher of two and have room for more. Large fenoed yaird, lots of foys and craftsl. Hot, nufritious meals provided. Very reasonabie rates. Ail ages welcome. Cail me (905) 434-1366 (Gloria). RELIABLE MOM 0F I offers daycare in a safe environmenf for ages 2 & up. Fenoed yard, lots of toys & activifies. Cali 721-2434. EXPERIENCED PRIVATE home daycare. Garden/Bassett. Part or ful-time. Cali Maisie 430-8346. Specializing in - Eariy Chiidhood f Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House CId Care Servces Ll29 Perry St, Whttby 668-9476. WANTED - 3-4 BEDROOM home in the West Lynde area for family of four non-smokers for March 1. Cail 430-7455. WHY RENT when you can own? $5,000 down, $850 per month P&i for this Whitby defached 2 bedroom. Oshawa townhouse available $3,000 down $510 per monfh PUl Caîl Carol Chantier, Sales Rep, Re/Max Summît for def ails 668-3800. WHITBY - 3 BEDROOM main floor of bungalow. includes fridge, stove, window coverings, new paint, %arage, gas heaf, quiet area. Watk [alilamenîtues. $900/mo. + part utilities:. Lar" or Ann 416-698-2589 or 655-3047. FBRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses * 10 Basset Bvd. (B;rck St./Mannîng Rd.) BROOKLIN - lprge bedsiffing room. Close f0 shoping. Available now. Caîl 655-5539. LARGE BEDROOM with own bathroom & shower, use of kitchen, living room & laundry room. Prefer female, lots of parking, $400 & utilifies. Cail 683-9122 (Pickering) ask for Sue or Bruce. Also: horses boarded. WHITIBY - large, fumnished roomn wifh privafe ensuite bath room in dlean, quiet home. Use of kitchen & laundry facilities & parking. Suif female student or professional. Non-smoker. First/lasf. $80/week. 430-8264. SUBLET ROOM in large house. $275/mo. Downfown Oshawa. 579-0242. NW WHITBY, fumished or unfumnished, kitchen facilifies, I garkinq space, $80/week. CENTRAL WHITIBY - fully furnished room in dlean, quiet home. Privileges include kitchen use, cable, & parking. Suit responsible, mature, working maIe. $90. Firsf/last. Availa b e immediately. 668-3640. BROOKLIN - 3 room suite fumished, cabte, share kitchen & laund ry, suit single, $90/week. Cai John at 655-4640. FURNtSHED ROOM for rent, $80lweek.' Share bafhroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenifies. Please catI 666-3776 AFTER 61PM. COMING EVENTS Calil668-6111l MI RN TRAILERS FOR rent - I bedroom & 2 bedroom. Cati 666-2574. 3 BEDROOM available af 211 Phone 668-4606. APARTMENT Reedaire Crf. WHITBY - close f0 downtown, avail. Febi1, 2 bedroomn condo, 11/2 baths. Ail utilifies & cable included. Cali Helen Bevis, Suffon Group Staufus Realfy, 436-0990. LARGE 2 BEDROOM studio apt. with balcony, separafe dining roomn & living room. parking for 2 $795 & utilities. Cal 668-4321 or 6ý5-4623. BROOKUIN - ONE BEDROOM apf. fridge, stove, parking included, hyc[ro extra, $495/mo. Bachelor apt., fridge, stove, parking, heat hyro inctuded $495/mo. Cali 905-655-4544 cdays,. 905-655-8989 evenings. FOR RENT - 1 bedroom & 2 bedroomn apf. CatI 666-2574. WALK-OUT BASEMENT apfart ment, walking distance f0 sores, parks and buses. 1/2 mile f0 401 at Thickson. $725 o.b.o. Ask for Lilian North, Re/Max Summit 668-3800. WHITBY - I & 2 bedroomn apts. for rent - 1 bed. $525, 2 bed. $625. Phone 6Q8-4016 evenings, 725-8911 days. WHITBY - spaclous & dlean 3 bed. main floor of home in quiet, residential area. Centraity located, close f0 shopping & GO. Suitabie for workingerson(s), non-smoker. $750 + utilifies. Avaiable March 1. CatI 668-3011 days or 668-6518 evenings/weekends. MARYIADELAIDE near OGH, smail I bedroom apf. Available immediafety. Includes fidge, sfove, utilities, parking & cabie. Suif responsible single. $575 negotiable. 668-3640. WHITBY - fumished walk-out basement a pt., laundry fa cilities, non-smoker, $700 ail inclusive. Cal 728-563. We slivr fyer 66 -6 1 RETrAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: REAL ESTATE FEE 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, Di'Atselvor hme downtown Whitby. Creative rentai o sei purhome arrangements. 668-1468, 9'a.m. f0 1 % -t ?AST0NM.Um ..mus 5 pm. POWER 0F SALE -Pickering, end-unit fownhome, mint condition, g as heat, ceramics, new carpefs, fresh paint. Vendor miay assisf wvith financing. Great value $107,900. Cati Susan Trudeau, Sales Rep, Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Lfd. 905-668-3800 or 686-3800. MORTGAGES & LOANS at p)rime rates. Cali Michael, 668-7200. Anubis Investments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1973. MORTGAG ES & LOANS L$1 ist & 2nd * LUnes of credit ,BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2882 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Icn PIANO FOR SALE, apt. size, walnut colour excellent condition, $950. Calil666-0546. WATKINS WORLD-FAMOUS products availabil Spices, ext racts, personal care, health aids, cteaning Iproducts and more. Cati Independent Representative for free catalogue. (905) 725-3016, Whitby. Leave your phone number. FIREWOOD, 12" face cord $70, delivered. 'Seq soned mixed hardwood. Cai655-471P. FOR SALE- A-I firewood, guaranteed dry. Cati 436-6600. RIFLES - WWVII AUSTRALIAN 303 fuil-wooden stock with matching bayonet $300 firm. Also 30-30 Marlin with 4X scope $350. 666-3006. FOR ýSALE - ANTENNA & 30 ft. tower. Must be faken down. $100; sofa & chair $150; sofa & toveseaf $200. Cal Jackie 668-7123. RECLINING CHAIR, good condition, as new Calil 668-5486. FEhesteiil utes, sofabsT1 McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 725-5 11 FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood. Maple & beech. Extra Iong timne fuîty seasoned, very dry, spîit. Honesf measurement. Free deîivery. Kozyheaf Firewood. 905-753-2246. FOR ALL YOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS. 2 for 1 - Buy one pair at $199, get second pair of, single vision giasses free. Eye examinations arranged. Discount for senior and chiidren. Tilley O pticians 102 Byron St. P. 430'-8849. WELL SEASONED FIREWOOD for saie. Dry, hardwood, kindiung, hait face cords, face cords, bush bords. Pick Up or deliver. (905) 649-3183. FREEZER, WOODS, 3 yrs. oid, like new $250; microwave1 Quazar above stove* model,' paid $1200, asking $400; Krby vacuum cleaner, older model, $250 includes al attachments. Ail in excellent working order. 905-985-1403. JUDYS BRIDAL RENTAL- affordable wedding gowns f0 buy or rent. Large selection of suzes and styles. For appointment cati Judy at 905-579-47â $1,800 - iasking W506 or nearest offer. Please oeil 576-8772 evenings. FOR SALE - beaufiful 26" Hitachi TV, mahogany cabinet and swîvet base, C/W converter and Jerrotd control. Excellant condition $150. Cai 686-2258. OMEGA SERGER & guide book. Alil ass. $120. Cali 668-5063. You can find instant cash around your housel Seli your unwanted items in the dlassifeds anîd eamn yoursetf instant casht ROTARY PICTURES, memorabilia, fags articles, books "A Haf Century of Service" you no longer wish to keep,,please contact P.O. Box 181, Whitby LIN 581 or phone (905) 430-7683. WANTED CAMERAS, telesecopes, microscopes, binoculars, stereoscopes, dlocks, watches, old china, glass, fumifure, old toys, crocks, gold or silver, anyfhing old. 432-1676 Oshawa. : 00 1 à Preferrably in large quantities Wili tr7ade for anything in my store BOOKS, PETS & THINGS MFAX VOUR ADI 668-0594 I.Au:M. 1983 VOLVO standard, asking pnice $800. Cail 668-1628. TOP DOLLAR FOR SCRAP cars,& trucks plus snowmobiles, motorcycles & machinery. Free pick-up. Cati anytime 571-2429. 1988 MERCURY SABLE wagon, 8 passenger, climafe confrol, cruise tilt, aIlpower, asking '$4,25Ã" cerfified. Aiso 1985 Jetta Turbo diesel $2,250 certified o.b.o. Cati 723-5â52 after 5pm. '84 CHEVETTE, 5 spd., good condition, 90,000 ,km, noia owner, $1,100 cerf. Cail b66-4C7. Need a car- Credft Probems? " We have lase tke-ves (repSsession) " Leaseo nny mke or ndel Cash for ade -*CailnS forfh»equotas rLEASEGIUIDE AUTO LEASING 683-6230 - Gary v 'i r t t c