Page 24, Whltby Fiee Press, Wednesday, January 11, 1995 Selects silenced nCdrHl ia mlWhitby's KP. Copy xnldget select hockey team battled their way te the finals of the 19th annual. Cedar HILI holiday tournament before losng 4-0 to Agincourt Lions. in their first gaine Whitby defeated the host teain Cedar lir in overtime by a score of 8-2. Matt Norton notched the winner just 50 seconds into overtime on a great solo effort, while Whitby was playing short-handed, killing a five-minute major penalty. Whitby's other goal-scorers in the gaine were Mike Keogan and John Shetier. Ini the second gai of the tournament, Whitby took on'a solid Bowmanville teain and waited until the last minute of regulation time to knot the score at 1-1 anid forced the gaine into True te form, Whitby cinched the victory wlth just 14 seconds left In the flrst overtimne period. Shetier slid in behind the defence, took' a niceass froinAndrew Ashbee andJustin Fortier for a breakaway froin centre ice. Shetier skated in ail alone and made no nmistake as he unleashed a wicked slapshot froin between the hash marks for his second of the gaine. In the chaxnpionship gaine, Whitby was no match for the fast skating and hard hitting Lions. Whltby stayed with Lions for the first haif of the gaine thanka to, somne good defence and outstancling goaltending by Dave Ayers. Jarrad Zdenbiak made serne excellent saves in the second haif but the Lions stayed one step ahead throughout the gaine and eventually prevailed. Atomis reach semu iinas The Whitby midget AAA hockey tea= won their flrst four gaines in a -recent St. Catharines tournament before falling te Wexford. I game one, with Ryan Unwin ini net, Whitby beat Teain Michigan 5-2 on goals by forwards Shane Terry, Tom DaSilva, George Volk, Coiy Hase and Steve Matthews. I gaine two with Marc Sheridan in net, Whitby beat Streetsville 5-3 on goals by defencemen Matt Jenkins and Paul Webb,' forwards Hass, Matthews and Terry. I gaine three with Unwin in net, Whitby beat Albany 5-1 with two goals each by Hass and Terry Novices win two On Jan. 2, the Whitby minor novice select hockey- teain, sponsoredl by TD bank, won 6-4 in an'exhibition gaine te take two of the three gaines played against Ajax this year. Jordan CaHaghan and Alexandre Renaud provided outstanding goltending. Scoring twice for WShy were Matthew Anderson and Nick Carson, with Kyle Sledziewskçi and Anthony Novia adding singles. Shane Morillo assisted on two goals. The players of the gaine were Brandon Phillips and A.J. Wheaten for their four strong defensive plays. I another game on Jan. 6, Wildcats defeated Unionville 7-3 te even the series this year. Scoring four times for Whitby was Andrew Meadows, with Bruinsma, Novia and Sledziewski adding singles. Morillo had two assists. Callaghan, who played' "an outetanding gaine in goal, and his counterpart Renaud, Who substituted for 'an absent defenceman, were the players of the gaine for their strong defensive plays. In last week's ecition, an arti- cle about top sports perfor- mances in 1994 by Whitby resi- dents failed to mention Bob Booth. Booth won the Ontario mas- ters chamionship in squash for men agredU60 and'over. The i'ree Press wishes to apo- logize for the omission. Hi gh s.chool hockey stanog W LT F A P Dunboton 4 0 2 28 14 V3 EmtdaIo 4 1 1 31 19 9 Donovan 4 1 1 21 15 9 Dyr 3 21 32 27 7 DonusOConnof 2 1 1 14 18 5 O'Neili 1 1 3 M12 ~5 Ajax 2 31 2021 5 M Luhin 2 4 1 26 30 6 PIn.R[g 2 30 15 14 And.rson 1 32 Il 23 4 HMI 4 1 22 31 3 Bmck O03 2 21 38 2 and one by Volk. I gaine four with Sheridan in net, Whitby beat Bramnpton 5-0 with two goals each by Ter and Matthews and one by Hass.I gaine five, Whitby lest 4-0 te Wexford. The Whitby minor atein AA hockey teain lost 3-0 to Scar- borough ini the semi-finals of a tournament in Newmarket recently. Whitby won their first game, 3-2 over Orangeville, Jeremi Brimble assisting on ahl three Whitby goals, scored by Justin Hawe (hifi 4th of the year), Jeif Hass and Brandon Fowier. Hass had two goals, Fowler, Andrew Lamiot, Hawe Andrew Martland and Kevin '«alsh the others in a 7-0 win over Milton. Chris Nemisz arid Ian Upton shared the shuteut. ýWhitby then hung "on for a 5-4 win over Stouffviîle to reach the semi-finals. Adamn Thibodeau scored two goals, Matt Annis, Hawe and Jam Millage the others. Upton was spectacular in net. Nemisz was solid in the semi- final against the high-flying caboruh Bruins, unbeaten this season in teurnament and league play. Atoms edged in consolation The Whitby major atom select hockey teain, sponsored by Valuations Consultants ic., was the consolation loser in toumainents played in Frankçford and Brighton over the Christmias break. On Dec. 30 in Franlcford, Whitby opened against a tough Port Hope teain. Wildcats played well but took seven penalties and bist 4-2. Mke Lever and Andrew Lazary were the Whitby goal-scorers. Wildcats stayed out of the penalty box in the second gaine and as a result defeated Peterborough 3-1 te advance te the-B championship final. Lowrie, Rob Lever and DiCarlo were the goal-&corers. The B final against Campbellford proved te be a highly emotional gaine. Wildcats came out strong and took a 1-0 lead inte the second period on a goal by captain DanDbe Luca. In the second period things came Atoms are winless in Burlitngton The Whitby major atom, AAA hockey teain, sponsored by Hanet Plastics Ltd., managed only a tie in four gaines in the Burlington Golden Horseshoe hockey teurnainent recently. Wildcats started strongly, outplaying York-Simcoe before losing 3-2 on two late goals. They then lest to Steney Creek by a score of 6-2 before tying the very strong Mississauga Senators 5-5 in a hard-fought gaine. Whitby flnished the tourney suffering a 2-0 loss te Detroit Falcons. Leading the scoring was Dan VonEschscholtz with four goals. Also scoring were Nathan Cotter with two goals,- Lucas Naylor, Josh Turcotte and James Hlinkson. Assiste went te Matt Hircock and Naylor with three each,* Kevin Peel and Chris Simpson with two each. Whitby demolished Streetsville Tigers 9-2 in exhibition play Dec. 28. Scoring for Whitby was VonEschscholtz with four goals and two assists, Naylor with three goals and an assiet and H-ircock with four assiste. Rounding out the scoring was Robbie Gawne with two goals. In league play in Peterborough on Jan. 7, Wildcats lost 4-2 to the first-place Petes. Petes scored their fourth goal into an empty net with the goaltender on the bench and Whitby pressing for the tying goal. Getting the goals for Whitby were Peel and Hfinkson. unglued, however, as Whitby took five ininor penalties and Campbellford capitalized on two of thein. A Whitby goal by Mike Lever sent the two teains into the third period tied at 2-2. The final period was very exciting as both teame had several good chances. A power play goal b Canpbellford with only 1:37 left proved tee much for -Wildcats te, overcome and they lost 3-2. On Jan. 7, Whitby's firet gaine in the Brighton teurnainent was an 8-2 loss te Prince Edward Whitby minor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR PEEWEE Jan. 8 Whitby FroePros.1 J. P. O' Broodlin Kiromen Chrs Sherriff.2 Chris Maoro John CaldwN Miko Hamion Andeon Voterin. Andrew Halms3 Malt T. Wallon Androw Clark Durham Dodge Trevar Bremneir 2 Derek Pol"oc 5 Whitby Optimists Justin Whely Dadd & Sauter Brai Wmer Stardaibge es of Jan. a Whitby Fro Pro.s E5 2 i Anderson Verin. 5 3 0O BroakiliKnsmen 4 2 2 1 Durhamn Dadgo 4 3 12 Dodd &Souter 2 3 32 Whitby Optimists O 7 i L.afing scorors Mathew Fartier9 David Fletcher4 Malt T. Wallon7 Erik Steveunson7 Trevor Breranere Jonathan O'Noil4 Andrew Hoîrnes5 Andrew Clark4 Malt C. Wallon4 Rlyan Thariçsan4 Garrett Ridiard3 Ryan Walsh2 MAJOR ATOM Jan. 8 Moose Lodge Chnis Elson Michael Hallwarth Smiling Drilota Shawn Simnones Jonathan Feonoy Adarm Hursi Justin Gilee 2 Whitby Audio Aaron Sorley 4 Whitby Toyota Justin Bollivoau 2 Elliait Fitzimmnons 2 Chris Fudali L"viBlak Ian McGrlh 1 Lennox Drum Robert Jedinak Shane Golman MINOR ATOM Jan.8 Sorbara Group Darryl DonpJdaon Lomnox Drum John Troeey P4RcbrwRcads mark Naflei Dr. Semnotiuk 5 Bian Crawford A.J. McGHI Paul Vanderip Malt MacFayden Michael Finigan 3Oiuasca VW& RV 3 Nathaniol Andrea Thomnas McWhirter B.J. BowIes County. Wildcats struck quickly at, the 18-second mark when Robby Muir converted a pass frein K le LikIldé. After Prince Edward County tied it, Elliott Fitzsimmons p ut Whitby back inte the lead. Prince lEdward County then scored seven unanswered goals. In the second gaine on Jan. 8, Wildcats defeated Camibridge 2-1 on goals by M.J. Atkins and DeLuca The third period was scoreless as Chris Foxwell made several huge saves in the dying minutes te preserve the victery. Whitby lest 2-1 te teurnament Brocklin Kinwmen Seam Kerr 2 DamrylLaramy Erik Petersen Jore" Adkins 5 Satum Whltby Scoft Ran Brett Baekman Stardonge au of Jan. 8 Sorbera Groiu 5 2 2 Sattxn Whitby 5 2 2 Broclalin KinvSn 4 4 1 Dr. Semnotiuk 4 4 1 Lennox Drum 2 4 3 OwasoVW&RV 1 5 3 Goalle stalls as of Jan. 8 Matthesv Gi. DOlers Ian Brook. Sorbara Group Jashua Shotlor. Kinarnen Brin Hooney~. Whitt2y Salumn Dw ckâ Owasco Jamie IBarton, Whmtby Saum Mark Kalinak. Lennox Drum GP GA 8 14 8 19 9 27 3 10 9 32 5 18 9 39 AVG t75 2M3 3.0 Sm3 3M5 3B6 4.33 Sinbgi. gemo goallos Colin Barrot. Sorbara Group 1 4 A.J. MaGIliIDrillera 1 5 Davkl Burns,Dillers 1 B MAJOR NOVICE Jan. 7 Evan Johaieton Ky le Verwoy Doen Bick Somn BIsa McTeague Elooldo 4 Shawn Hlman2 Joermy Robson Nancy England Whitby Kinsmon 6 Paul Michael Pivest 2 Paul Kontos Paul Ustephano Kevin Voon Brent Chynowoth GDR Mochanical Jason Gardon 4 Jeffrey Mer 2 Andrw Elton Shutot- Andrew Braithwaite 7 Jan. 7 2 Spyders Andrew Meadows 7 Jordon Fftzgorald 2 Bryan Sorley 2 David Drake 2 2 Kent Howe JarmsDick Davi Adverut 3 Bruce Craine Chris Mitchell Dan Naccarigto Sorbm ar iu Robert Catronea 3 Stephen Foster 2 Sean Poupore 2 Mark Alexander Play h Again Sports 3 AdrwLble 2 Devon Doall Tologix Michael McPhee NiuoklasSchad Sorbara Group 5 Michael ichards 3 Batiy Chapman Stuart Petine 7 Brown Fords lInd. 0 MINOR NOVICE 14 Marc Renaud Kyle Murphy 2 Kovin Standfiald Rotuort Forrestor 6 PickorungTiI Shane Morille 2 Jordon Patteor Adam Ryfm Carson Bras. Ryan Cocker crancioes aofJ 7 hest Brighten in the B chanipionship final. Emotions ran high but once again Wildcats took tee man penalties, several of theni of the cheap variety. Brighton led 2-b after the first period but Whitby got back into the gaine at the 10 second mark of the second period when James Lowrie scored on a pass frein DiCarlo. ln regular league play Whitby lest 2-1 te York Milîs on Dec. 22, Deluca scoring. On Dec. 28 Whitby tied East Gwillimbury 2-, Deluca and Laffey scoring. AndrowMedaiv..yders Kyi@ Mwrphy. Mua Reraud David Drakte, Spydor Niholasaaron, Causon Bmo.. Jordan Fitzgerald. Spyders Bruce Crains, Jamnes Oick Evan Boyce, Sobara Grop Sharu. Rutan-MorlIo, Pick. TII. Sean Pommoe. Sorbara Gromp Jam 8 Leacom Coneulllng J. Cassldy 2 S. Watson J. Dicado 1. Millard TSD Burger M. Arbaur 4 M. Trudeau 3 P. Cotter 2 Pollrd PRoafing K. Gorazynski 2 S. Rodger 2 J. Web Shutout . C. Thbodeau Jan. 3 Whitby Jason Cassidy 3 David Leahy 2 Joseph DiCarlo Malt Simrpson Mark Haiks Shutout - Bonnet Fitzglbbon Whitby PoUard Rooing C. Brown Electrir. Leacom Consullleg Carson Bras. T&D Burger H.G. Roughloy 5 C. Brown Electric B. Srnith 2 B. Galarnea S. Freemran 9 H.G. Roughley K. York 5 Canon BDm$. B. Smith. C. Brown J. Cassidy. Leacom Consulting L Carson, Carson Bmo.. 4 R. Kerr. FRG. Roughle M. Trudeau, T&DBurger J. Webor, Polard Roofing M. Miler. T&D Burger P. Cotter, T&D Burger M. Arbour, T&D Burger K. York. H.G. Roughkri 4 MINOR SQUIRT Jan. 8 ANlVaew Glazig 3 Clayon Pendlo y2 Mackenzie Power Whtby Trcphy Tyson Tvinung 4 MlchaeFTureel Shane Davdeson Eric Regaî u SorbararGoWç DaidJunn3 Brent Davis 2 Chuîs Bentley John Canpbe& McLaren Chris Bowl 7 AdvaiagoAr Cars 4 Trevor McKinney 3 Dariol Morgan a 24 il 7 9 7 7 7 4 7 4 i 25 2' 13 3 10 29 I 8 MAJOR SQUIRT Major Squfrt Houie Longue Totumonint qxmpo.rd by Lncom Consuilng 5 Wefingtan 0 Tronton Staning* as of Jan. 8 W L T 4 1 O 3 I11 3 2 O 2 3 0 1 3 1 1 4 0 Landng scorors