Page 20, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, January 11. 1995 MONTESSORI Kendalwood Montessori Sohool wilI hold open bouse tonig'ht (Wednesday) and Thursday, aà n. 121 6 to 8 p.m. Registratin for children aged two and a haîf to 5 W continues until the end of Janu- W ary. For more information, cal 725-5410. BIG SISTRS Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby is in need of volunteers from Whitby and will hold an orientation, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 ta 9 p.m., Whitby municipal building, 576 Rossland Rd. E. (all 436-0951. HOLISTIC EALTH A, series of lectures and workshops on naturel, holistie epproaches ta, well-being will take place thus winter et the YWCA, 33 MeGrigor St., Oshawa. It begins Jan. 18, 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. and runs every Wednesday evening ta March 1. The series is as follows: Jan. 18, classical homeopathy with Dr. Joseph Kellerstein; Jan. 25, tai chi with Dr. Jess Goodman and the' Whitby chapter of the Taoist Tai Chi Society; Feb. 1, relaxation therapy with psychotherapist Mauree n Daigle; Feb. 8, naturopathie medicine with Dr. Suzanne Rohn; Feb. 15, light body techniques of awareness with Dan Spinner and Andrea Tapp; Feb. 22, «Cure Your Own Allergies: Health inesiology' with Dr. Jimmny Scott; March 1, herbai medicine with Diane Tait. Admission for individual evenings ha $13 ($11 for seniors and students). Series passes for ail seven evenings are $59, three for $33. Pre-registration recom- mended. For further information cal721-1887. WORKSHIOP Tihe Ontario PRegistered Music Teachers Association, Oshawa and District Branch, is hotng an art and music worlwhop, given by Jane Jewett-Castel- Vanderburghg onJan. 16, 9:30 ta, 11:30 arn., et theIlmThmas House of, Music, Whitby. Admission i.' $5'for non-members. 80GB Th. Save Our General Hospi- tel (SOGH) action committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan,, 17, 7:30 p..,t the Whitby municipal b g, committee room 1. Local MPPs Drummond White and Gord Milîs have been invited ta attend ta give their views on the «future of health car. deli- v'ery" in Whitby and Brooklin. For more information caîl 905- 430-8794 or 905-668-8U27. POWER OF ATTfORNEY On Thursday, Jan. 1L2, 2 p.m., Alzhehmer Dunhamn will present the. firut cf the. 1995 Wilson family lectures on the. tapic of power of attorneY, et the. Northview Public ià brery, Ritson Road North and Beatrice, beginnhng et 12:30 p.m. Oshawa lawy.r Neil Kishe. wil b. guest speaker. Ther. is no charge. Seat reservations advised. For furth.r information, cal] 905-576-2567. IING WEIL lb. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre wiliiold a Living Weil program on 'osteoporosis', Friday, Jan. 13, 10 a.m., et the. oentre. Guest speakers will b. Millie Dodd and Margaret Manhill from the. Osteoporosi Society. For- more information call 668-1424. WINTER COURMSS Th. Wiiitby Seniors Activity Centre offers classes in fitness, aquafit, tai chi, weight training, lin. dancng, square dancing, ballrooma and country western dancing, ceramica, folk art, country crafts, woodcarving and computera. Classes start the week cf Jan. 23 and run for 10 weeks. For , more information call tiie centre et 668-1424. ROBRIE BURNS Tii. annuel Robbie Burns dinner will b. held et St. Andr.w's Presbyterian Ciiurch, Cochrane Street, Wiitb, on %rday, Jan. 20, 7 p.m. Tilckets are $15 each (chldren under 12 $5). For more information, calI the church office et 668-4022. Tickets are available et the. church office, Bailey's Pharniacy or Ferguson's Wool Shop, Wiiitby. Tii. Learning Disabilities Association Oshawa chapter will meet on Thursday, Jan. 19, 7 P.hilh ho & Grandve Centre, 600 Townine Rd. S., Topie for discussion will b. 'Testing - Wiiat does it tell us?' For more information, calI 436-7706. oLu)TymE COUNIBYDANCE The. Women of the Moose Lodge wili iiold an ' Old Tyme Country Dance' (wth a Scottish theme in honour of Robbie Burns), on Sunday, Jan. 22, 2 p.m., et the Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. Music b y The Shades of Silver Band. Admission is $4. Non-members welcome. For more information, cell 666-1449 or 728-5630. WORKSHOP Le réseau des femmes du sud de l'Ontario (Durhamn) ha offering a> workshop in Frenchi,'The. resolutions for the new year,' on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 ta 9:30, et L'Amicale, 707 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Cost ia $10 for membrs, $15 for non-menibers. Cail 434-7676. HEAD INJURY The. Inury Association of Durham Region will hold e Support group nie.tingson Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m., et 459 Bond St. E., Oshiawa. There will b. a brief presentation by Barbera Cleiman of Community Solutions, a network of community-based services and supports for people living with the. effecta of brain injury. For assistance with transportation,. cal 905-723-2732. CKRONIC FATIGUE lb. Durhoa Region Chronhc Fatigue SyndromelM.E. Support Group will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7 -p.m., et A.E. King Memorial omplex,KIüngsway College, Oshawa. For more information, call Rene.e t 655-4398. Jim Swim underway BARB LORENO and four-year-old friends Marshal Warkentin and Betin Laverdure practice for' the 'Jim Swim' fundraiser, which began Friday at Oshawa's civic voLUNTEER TRAINN Hospice Durham has sch.duled e training program for hands-on volunteers. Tii.- 24-hour course la being held for four consecutive Saturdays, beginning Jan. 21, froni 9 a.m. ta noon and 1 ta 4 p.m., et-the. MemoialHospital in Bowmanville. Hospice Durham provides in-home support ta individuels and familles facing. a life-threatening iliness. Registration f.. for the course ha $20 per person (ta cover course material) for thos. who will commit toaet l.ast one of volunteer service with Hospice, Durham. For people unable ta make that comnitment et time of registration, the. f.. ha $40. To re*ister, or for more information, CT, tii. office et 905435-5242. JUVEN" ERTME Tii. newly formed Juvenile Arthritis Support Group meets et the. Grandview Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre every other month. There ha discussion about e computer network that puts ciiildren and adolescents witii disabilities in tauch with each other. For more information, cal Patricia Brightwell' et (905) 434-7032 or the Arthritis Society office et (905) 434-7221. POI The annual event raises money for leukemia research, a cancer from which bath Marshal and Bethany suifer. Cail 436-5848 to participate. Photo by IM"k Reesor. WhitLy Free Press AM lb. AIDS Committee of Durham annuel general meeting will b. ield et 7 pan., on Feb. 22, et the CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. To b. eligible ta vote, memb.rsiiips must be renewed by Jan. 22. Nominations for membership on the. board of directors will b. received until Jan. 22. Applications are evailable et the ofce. Nominations will not b. accepted froni the floor. For further information, oeil 905-723-8201. STAMP CLUB- lb. Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 17, 7 p.m., in the cafeteria et O'Neiil CVIý Oshawa. Collectors and guesta are welcome. For more information, caIl Rov et 728-2599. SCUBA CLUB Tiie Ajax Scuba Club will offer an 'Entry Scuba Experience' evening on Feb. . 12, et no cost. The eight-week basic open water course, held on Wednesdays from 7 to 10:30(pM., bepns Feb. 19 at the Ajax Gà 0mmninty Centre. lb. cost cf the. course is $275. For more information about regist- ration for tei Experience or the course, caîl Barry et 905-428- 9877 or Mike et 905-619-2159. ENNISKILLEN EnnikIdllen Conservation Area will b. open for winter activities, including tobaggan hilîs, skate parties, sleigh rides and rec centre, until March 15, et a cost of 50 cents per person or $2 a vehicle. To get to Enniskillen Conservation Area, exit Waverly Rond in Bowmenville froni the, 401. Travel north on Regional' Rond 57 for 20 minutes ta the 7th Concession Rd., turn left ta Hoît Rond, turn right and then left inta the area entrance. Cal 579-0411 for more information. WOMEN'S AGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship cf Canada, Oshawe-Whitby chapter, wiil meet on Tiiursday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m., et Cuilen Gardens, Whlitby (above the restaurant). Cost is $7. For furtiier information, cal 723-9458. AQUATIC PROGIL4M Registration is underivay for the arthritis aquatic progrem et the Whitby Civic Recreation Comple; WHtby. Classes will b. held on Wednesdays, froni 3 ta 4 p m., starting Jan. 11. The fée is $35 for the. classes one day per week for 10 weeks. For more information, calI 434-7221. .PC USERS' CLUB' The Durham P.C. Users' Club wilI meet on Thursday, Jan. 12, 7 to 10 p.m., at the CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Admission is free. Presenltation will be <ATI - on .graphies accelerator cards.' For further information, contact Bruce Laycraft at 905-728-9351 or Linda Netten at 905-623-2787. MARCH 0F fDIME The Durham Region chapter of Ontario March of Dimes is looking for donated space ta store items for the organizations annuel winter garage sale. Items to be stored include housewares, furniture and hardware. Storage space is needed from December until the. end of March. The garage sale will be held p n March 26 et the Royal Canadiin egion in Oshawa. Ail proceeda will be used ta purchases mobiliy equipment for adulte with physical disabilities. LUNG ASSOCIATION Thoe Lung Association of Dur- ham Region will offer the. Better Breathing support group, for aduits suffering from chronie lung disease, on Tuesda, Jan. 17, 1:30 to 3 p.m., at 40 King St. W., suite 300, Oshawa. Caîl 436- 104Ã6 for more information. PICKIN' SESSON Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Society will hold « Pickin' Session' on Sunday, Jan. 15, 1 ta 5 p.m., at Camp Saxnac, main council hall (use the north entrance off Conlin Road). Ail are welcome. TBAINING Le réseau des femmes du sud de l'Ontario (Durham) is giving a training session in French for volunteers on Thursday, Feb. 2. The. session is being held at 1:30 or 7 p.m. For more details, cafl 436-7353. IRUMMKAGE SALE St. Mark's United Church Women hold a rummage sale (used clothing) every Wedlnesdaiy afternoon from 1 ta, 2:30 p.m. avt the. church bouse, 200 Byiron St. S., Whitby. EFFECTIVE PARENTING The Family ,-Education Resource Centre of Kinark is offering a nine-session discussion group for parents that will focus on understanding children's behaviour and learming pstive an3pacicl slil- ls o eiet Oshawa. The fé. is $48 per person plus a book fee of $18.50' and pre-registration is required. For more information or ta register cali the Farnily Education Resource Centre et 433-0386, ext. 26. IIVING WI TEENS Improving relationships between parents and teenagers wiIl be the focus of an eight-session parent study group starting Thureda,. Jan. 26, et Anderson CVI4 Whitby. The cost of this study group is $48 per î rson plus a text book f.. of 18.50. Pre-registration - is required. Cail 433-0386, ext. 26. 1 1