Page 12, Whltby Free Press, Wedniescfay, January 11, 19951 'Moonlght'g(unt the rec complex Moonlight open house, an evening of fun and recreation at Whitby's Civic Recreation Complex, will be held on Friday, Jan 13. Activities start at 6 p.rn. and run untfi 10 p.m. There is no charge. Babysitting services, kidds crafts and gaines will be available from- 6:30 to 9:30 for a charge of $2 per hour per child. Activities include fitness classs or a dip in the leisure The heath club cardiovascular and weight-trainingfacilities are also available for use, free of charge. For fijrther information, contact; Kara Hepburn at 666-1991. Wx '1 ,.... the iemage zone..,. HAIR DESIGN & AESTHETICS 311 roc St.S., Siby-6S NIP(747 HAVE YOU MM TO THE ZONE»'? Cut & Style lncluded *Specialty Perms flot tncluded. JOIN the n's. FIRST TIME HairColOr CLb Think new, think hot, think color! FREE haircut. with first time coloring!' $NOWDA TuE$ Mon. & Fri. 9 - 6, Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 -8, Sat., 8:30 - 4:00j Grat Sav 'n9 .xcp c.sgmtstok SS OONELCAINST 101 ~ ~ 1 MARYAT.YW.S03EET WET.SW 666-9270 6 6-5662TION DISCOUNT HOBBIES Planes - Trains - R.C. Cars Rackets - Plastic Madels SRaie Playing Games >F~~AI214 Dundas St. E. Whltby 430-2236 *FLAT RATE LONG. DISTANCE CALLING Unlimnited Two-Way Calling to Metro Toronto *1* plus tax FOR 1 Q RES- ONLY - M WI MONTH Business rates and expanded service to 25 other areas, including Unionville, Brampton and Mississauga available. Cali 430-8031 or 430-8121 ' Teleho p Communications (Whltby> mnc. WHIT13Y LANES 153 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY ]) 'L 5 Hw, BDundas SI.E Ç- C CoflSme SI.E. T E 110 Dunflop Street East Family Pack (Halibut includes 4 Fish & 3 Chips 1 39 & Large Coleslaw FamiIy"Pack (Haddock)-1699 $2.00 OFF includes 4 Fish & 3 Chips & Large Coleslaw Party Pack (Halibut)259 includes 6 Fish & 4 Chips259 Party Pack (Haddock) 2 9 includes 6 Fish-& 4 Chips 2 m9 *LADIES FASH IONS ACCESSORIES GIFTS COLLECTABLES& MORE ýMQâ -È Lý . Give Bhe Perfect Vaentine's Gif A Framed Photo Attention Downtown Businesses! CALL JOY AT 66f8-6111l TO ADVERTISE IN THIS FEATURE pý