Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1994, p. 20

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Page 20, Whitby Free Pressa, Weckosday. Decomber 21. 199 THE MEANiN O0F r 1 m IUS, Thenigt bfomChristmas, Iun y od I tried te bide frein the cold blizzard brewing up eutside I thought about the meaning ef Christmnas My mind felt likeit was tern Was it the trees or presents? or was it when Jesus was hemn? My brother said, it was myth. A stery, beyend etir mindis I didu't understand. It was the meaning I must find. I asked my father he said it was when Jesus was bora long ago. I stili thought thero was more meaning So Iteldbhim Ibad to ge. My inother said it was the hirth of Jesus iqnd presents wsre just te make moey. I still thought there was moe xneaning And besides, my mom seunded funny. I was very puzzlsd. But thon it came te me. Christmas is about happines and when Jesus came te ho. I know tbat Christmnas isn't about the pressnts or stockings hung with cars I don't knew exactly wbat it ineans But 1 kuow it's somewhere eut there. Sharoni Aveino St. Matthew the Evangelist Sehool THE CHBJSIMAS TRAT SANTA LOST SEVENTY-FME POUNDSI It ail started when Santa tried on hie new suit, when SNAPI The sound startled'overybody. When they ail turned around to find out 4I~t had ione wrong, itzvas onl% Sata'a bert. It had brôeon wit the roat of the buttons. Then Mrs. Claus came in. "That's the third suit thia wook! Fim sorry to say BUT YOU HAVE TO) GO ON X DIETI" she yelled. "But I just finished? ono last yearl" Santa moaned. "Tough" she stammnered "As much as you like your milk snd cookios, Pmn sure the children would rather yeu die by dehydratien than a heart attack!". I guess you're iright," Santa said À r Santa was in bis pyjamas, he weighed himsf - 3991 He nsarly breke the scalel 'Wow," he said. I de have te go on a diet." Through the next couple of weeks, Santa worked very bard to lose weight. But ne matter hew bard he tried, he just didn't looe any! Se then he went te bis last priority. IHi tched onseof the reindeer te a roe and teld it te runi. It ran aIl right and didn't let Santa rest fer a minute! That week, Santa lost seventy-five pounds! Mrs. Clauis was very plsased. That year the reindeer had the biggest break of histery, because Santa pulled thein areund the werld and Sauta got the biggest order of milk aud cookies the werld has ever seen! Matt Radford Grade 6 Leslie MeFarlano Public Sehool iChrLstmas from the N .tudèrtslof our ~ i it6y sciloofs i CLINToN' S CIMNV.Y It was the night of the 24 of Uscember and Santa Clauis was gstting rsady for bis trip. After ho finishsd parkcing bis last teys ho lsft. Sauta had an rsally ood trip aIl the way te the Whiteheuss. Santa got halfway inte the chimnsy and got stuek. Wlhsn the reindeer noticed this they startsd te jump up and down on the roof- ()ut of ail of the noise Bill Clinten (the president) woke up. Ho wa]ked over te the electric fireplace, turned it off and looked up. Ail that ho saw was a big red thing moving around in bis chimney. Bill said, "If you don't move l'il taxe you for tlùs." Sauta said, "Hey Bibi, it's me, Santa Clause." When Bill Clinton heard this ho calsd bis guards te gset Sauta eut of bis cbimney. It teok a crane te get bim eut but ho finafly did. Sauta tbanked Bll for bis holp and continued on with bis trip. Graeme Smith Grade 5 F.M. Heard Publie Sehool CHRSTASPOEM As Sauta cernes down the cbimney, he ia veryjolly. Ho becomnes ovon more merry when ho ues the holly. Thon ho talces ýom bis sack a plastic dolly.ý Who could it lýe for? Why, of course, it's for Molly! It teek a-lot of wôrk from ail of the sinail elves, As they put all the teys up high on the dusty shelves. Santa also teok out awhite turtîs, deve, A very special present for Molly. te, love. What would yeu like? Some blocks? A bike? As you look eut the frosty wiudow te ses ail the deep snow, You tbink, "Soon inte, the -river the water will flow." As you ait thoro suecing a aud wbite caudy cane, You hops you get an elsctric train. Thon, as you Christmnas Day, sit' there For Jesus'birthday you do pray. Adam HMi Grade 4 St. John the Evangelist School r M [nITÎS Christmas is the time of ysar whon everyono is full of cheer. It is a tinsi of love and car, and we show that by the presonts that ws share. The table is set and filled. with lots of food, and seldoin is anyone in a bad mood. Houss are dresssd in docorative light, and glow boautifully lu the crisp wintsr night. Cornie ActOu Jennifer Carich Grade 7 St. Bernard Sehool CHIUSTMAS FEELINGS When, . Christmas Sloigh boUls ring The trs are lit up The carollers are Christmnas carols. cornes the singing While tho reindeer are running on roof tops Under the mistletoe a boy tried te ias me and ho steppsd on my te By tho stoëckings on and guru Cbristmas tres our are hung with candy Now our poeenla dono Merry Christmas te ail and den't blow bubbloa with your gum. 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