Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1994, p. 19

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 30, 19M. Page 19 VIGIL A candlelight vigil in commemoration of the Montreal massacre and ail other female victima of violence will ho held on Dec. 6, 7 p.m., at the Visual Arts Centre in Bowmanville. This la the third year that a vigil has been sponsored by FOCUS, a Clarington women'a issues group. Donations of cash, clothing and canned fooda will be collectedl in support of Bethesda bouse, Clarington's women's shelter.. A portion of the cash will also go to MATCH International te support an educational project in India. The Karmika Project in Incia organizes awareness training and legal education workshops for women who are survivors of sexual and domestic violence. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Wltby-Oshawa Branch (Region of Durham) of the Ontario Genealogical Society will hold a Christmas get-tegether on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street High School, 614 Henry St., Whitby, in the cafeteria. Christmas goodies wil be offered for a social evening. Al meetings are free and open te members and the general public. Call Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460 for further information. COUNTRY DANCE The Women of the Moose Lodge will hold a country dance on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2 p.ni., at the Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa. music by «'The Shades of Silver.' Admission is $4. Non-members are welcome. For information, call 666-1449 or 728-5630. DANCE Whitby Professional Firefighters dance wlll be held Saturday, Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby. Cost la $25 per couple,' includes midnight buffet, door prizes, spot dances. Al prceeds go te Whltby .miner snorts. For ticket information cal %831l4. WASSAIL The Volunteer Association of the Whitby Mental Health Centre will hoat the fifth annual Volunteer-a-Wish ,tree-lighting ceremony on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 6:30 p.m., in the courtyard of building 30 on the hospital grounds (look for the signa). Followlng the tree-lighting, the third Wassail reception will be held in building 30. An old- fashioned Christmas will include Christmas music by The Notables, under the direction of Jim Ashley. There will be caroling, fun and fellowship. For more information caîl Joanne Ashley, director of volunteer services 668-5881 ext. 5292. BAZAAR Durham Regon Community Care Association caregiver relief adult day program la hosting their second annual bazaar, white elephant table and raille on hold a bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. te, 4 p.m. There. will be a white elephant and bake table, crafts, grab bags, raffle (includes $100 grocery hamper) plus 20 other prizes, penny raffle, guesa- how-many-coina conteat and refreahments. oc FNon.roft communltygroups whlch arebased ln Whltby or have a substantiel Whitty membershlp may place their upcomlng meetings or activlU es on this page et no cost. %Mofi maiingo erWhlVit grup fcIO~n 8I l fi@ fIC EVE HEAVER (left) and Reta ReilIy pose other art will be auctioned off ai the event with the mini tree they've decorated for the that also includes afternoon tea and sea- second annual 'Tapestry of Trees,' a sonal music. Tickets, $10, are available by fundraiser for Alzheimer disease research, calling the Society office ai 576-2567. to be held Sunday, Dec. 4, i1 t 4 p.m., atPht yMrResWht FePes the Os hawa Golf Club. The trees andPhtbyMkReoWhtyFePea STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club willl meet on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Neill CVI, Oshawa. Collectera and guests are welcome. For more' information, caîl Roy at 728-2599. CILRISTMAS PAR17Y The annual Christmas party of the Durham Down Syndrome Association will be held on Dec. 4 from 2 te 5 p.m. at the Holy Family Catholic Church, 91 Ribblesdale Dr., Whltby. Adele Simmons wlll entertain wlth puppets and music. A special guest will be arriving te greet the children. A plate of Christmas goodies would be appreciated. Each family la asked te bring a donation for the food back. For more information cal 579-0187. FI]BROMYALGIA MEETING The Ajax Fibroroyalgia Support Croup will meet on Dec. 7, 7:30 te 9 p.m., at the Durham Regional Police station, 990 Westney Rd. S. (at Harwood Avenue), Ajax. Al individuals with fibromnyalgia and medical associates are welcome. Bring Christmas goodies te, share, there will be door prizes. For further information, contact Carolyn at 683-6020 or Suzanne at 839-8482. SAFE AND SECURE 'Safe and Secure, Personal Security for Women,' a free seminar presented by a Durham Regional Police officer, will ho held Thuraday, Dec. 1, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., at the Whitby Free Methodiat Church (come te the back door), 1916 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby. Caîl 725-1280. ALZHEIMER Alzheimer Durham will host support group meetings on Wednesdays, Dec. 7 and 21, 1 p.m., at the Oshawa Executive Centre, 419 Kfing St. W., suite 205 (Oshawa Centre). Ail caregivers are welcome te attend. For further information, cal 576-2567. CIIRITMAS DANCE The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold their Chrstmas dance on Saturday, Dec. 3, at the Centre, 801 Brock St. S. Music will ho provided by Brian Smith and there will ho a cash bar, light lunch, door prizea and dancing. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Dancing hogins at 8 p.m. Cost la $4 at the door. ITC The Firat Oshawa ITC Club, which helpa develop confidence in public spoaking and leader- ship, will meet on Tue sda',Dec 6, 7 p.m., at the Michael tarr Building in Oshawa. For more information on the no-coat train- ing, caîl 725-9179. LA LECIIE La Leche League Whitby will hold its monthly breastfeedlng support meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8, 9:30 a.m. The topic la 'The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers welcome. Cal 723-0542 for more details, including location of meeting. CESAREAN PIREVENTION The Cesarean prevention, support and education group of Durham Region will meet on Monday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., at 22 Jacob Dr., Whitby. 'Medical Interventions' will ho discussed. For more information, contact Sandi at 666-4107. CHIRISTMAS DANCE A Christmas dance wlll ho held on Saturday, Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m., at the Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby. Proceeda wlll ho donated te St. Anthony Padua Parish. Tickets available at the door or cali 430-2984 or 571-1834. SOGH The Save Our General Hospital cômniittee will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., at Cofféee Tme Donuts, Garden Street and Rowsland Road, Whitby. QUILTERS The Durham Trillllum Quilter's Guild next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the new Caribbean Cultural centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. For more information cal (905)-5135 or (905) 725-7751. SAVE LYNDE MARS11 Save Lynde Marsh is holding a thank you party for volunteers who helped deliver pre-election filera for the group, at the Whitby Public Library program room, Thursday, Dec. 1, 7 p.m. For further information caîl Tom at 430-1469 or Johanna at 668-1317. WORSIIP MUSICAL The Grace Church Choir will present ' King Jesus la His Naine,' a worship musical for Christmas, at Wihitby Free Methodiat Church, 1916 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby on Sunday, Dec. 4. ANDERSON FLOWERS & GIFTS lOth Anniversary « SATURDAY DECEMBER 3RD We would like to take this opportunity to thank both our old and new customners for their support over the Iast 10 years. 728 Anderson Street, Whitby g6 9 0 -Pringle Creek Plaza (Anderson & Manning)6 69 0 PC USERS' CLUB The Durham P.C. Usera' Club wlll meet on Thursday, Jan. 12, 7 to 10 p.m., at the CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Admission la free. Presentation will be 'ATI - on Frahics accelerator carde.' For u rth er information,. contact Bruce Laycraft at 905-728-9351 or Uinda Netten at 905-623-2787. SUPPORT The Invisible Disability support group will hold a meeting at 7 p.în., Tuesday, Dec. 6 at 947 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshawa. This meetingi for parents of children with ADD, ADHD, social, emotional or behavioural problema. Ail welcome. For more information caîl Mary Lou at 623-5414 or Nancy at 436-7706. DRAVA The Durham Region Association for Volunteer Administration (DRAVA) willl hold a Christmas networking luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Wihitby Inn Restaurant, 900 Hopkins St., Whitby. Present and former members and interested individuals are-welcome to attend. Caîl Heather TMm (905) 668-5851, ext. 49, before Dec. 2. Approximate cost of lunch will be $5 te $10. SNOW REMOVAL The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre is co-ordinating the seniords' sow removal program for the Town of Whitby. Snow shovellers are needed te clear drivewaýys and walka; of seniors who wish te remain in their homes but cannot manage te shovel snow. A fee la paid for the service. Caîl 668-1424.

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