Whitby Free Press, 23 Nov 1994, p. 39

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesdaty. November 23, 1994, Page 39 ...........A..E.. 'III D CAR ~ I SRVICS SERICESI IAAR...... ..!J THE MOBILE HAIR SERVICE - in-home hair care by icensed stylist at reasonable rates. Caîl 668-7610. ERROL'S APPLIANCE REPA IR. We repair ail mjrapplances, gas. We- remove Freon, from your old appiances. Monday to Saturday, LICENSED ELECTRICIAN - expenienced in residential commercial & industrial work. 24 hour service calîs. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimnate. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complte residential & commercial renovatians. Taping & textured ceilings. Caîl Dieter for a f ree estimate, 430-1207. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For your free in-home shopping and estimate oeil 432-1714. Customer1s fabnics re welcome. LOVING MOM will provide reliable care in smoke-free, pet-free home in West Lynde. Prefer age 1 or oIder. Please oeil 666-5777. Specializing un ,Early Chldhood ~ f Educatuon. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Child Care Servies 129 Perry St., Whtby 668-9476 XpressionZ # Drapenes, Valanoe & Coordinating Accessones # Blinds, Shades & Vertcas # Custom Beddinig & Acoessories Custom Winodow Coveing Specîalist FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION 666-3762 We Dei- r l- r -6861 PLAYGROUP (DROP-OFF>. Kindergarten preparatuon, ages 2-5. Mother of 1, ECE training. Crafts/computer/ piano/snack & much more. Mon.-Fri., 9-llam, 1-3pm. $4/hr. Cal 430-6347. I LOVE KIDSI l'm a mother of two and have roomn for more. Lots of toys, crafls and activities. 1 emphasize Ieaming. ECE experience. Snacks and hot meals provided. Any age welcome. Cal me 434-1366 (Gloria). RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED dayoere in my home. Lunch & snacks provided. Reasonable rates. Al ages. FulI/part-time or backup. Please caIl 666-9312. 1IAM A 3YEAR OLD boylooking for a playmate. Are you looking for a relable babysitter? Thicksonl Rossland. Cal 728-6404. FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED caregiver irequired in my home bepinnin January 10 provide relable,iloving care for 3 young chiîdren. Non-smoker. References. 430-7138. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 is available to provide full/part-time daycare in my home. Lots of activities & TLC. Nutnitîous meals & snacks. Non-smoker. Intrepid Dr. (RosslandlAnderson) area. Please caîl 666-2685. EXPERIENCED & RELIABLE mother wilI provide dayoere in my home. Any age welcome. Close ta Anderson/Rossland. Cal Mary 430-0011. COMUNG EVENTS Calil668-6111l 6 ,W ee Watch, The sse that provudes.. *Uncheld home vists ensure quality care for your child " FuIIytrained providers recoive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Compete insurance coverage " Income tax receipts " Chidren six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more Information oeil: 686-3995 a icensed Agency WHITBY - malelfemale roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom bhouse, laundr, parking facitities. $3501mo. Cali 6-3550, leave a message. FREE RENT available for esponsible mature female in exchange <or light housekeeping duties & companship. CaM 435-0404, leave message. BROOKLIN - large fumished bedsitting room for December 1. Close ta shopping. Cal 655-5539. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - clean roomn in Whitby. Ail facilities included, parking & close to GO station. $28 monthIy. cati 668-9736. CENTRAL WHITBY - fully furnished room in dlean, quiet home. Privileges include kitchen use, cable & parking. Suit mature, working maIe. $90lwveek. Firstllast. 668-364. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - large, dlean self-contained rooms for rent. Close ta transit & shopping. Available immediately. Cal Harold 619-2981 (local). The Mtuai roup FURNISHED ROOM for rent in The Mtual roup private home. $400/mo. al inclusive. Caîl Stephanie or Jeif at HERB TRAN 666-5878. cati for quotation___________ ________ 668-9669 e 432-7216 pA rE T I I FITZGERALD Ui .-. LU LimeI CARPENTIRY ' HTBY LTD. =_____ E CeneroJ CapentùyAdditions Home Emprvement ie * Ceramie PIing RecRooms * DywalAndPs.mnting 19 lYears in Liin Durham POI* I Reion ~ -Z Lien enta&forwzyOccasion * Cail 10 Sunray St. Unit 12, Whitby, Cll6-68 Otrj iN95 3099 %.668-466 Ontaio LIN9B5 - 30-909 ...O....... 1 BEDROOM APT neWly fnished, downtown Whitby, $525/mo. includes aIl utilities. Firstlast. References required. Phono 905-623-1013. WHITBY - bachelor apartment. Parking, utilities, cable & laundry lacilities included. Quiet, warking female preferred. First & las? $450/mo. Na pets. 666-9453. WANTED: responsible person is looking for 213 bedroom house or main floor apt. Cal 4185-441-6308. SPACIOUS & BRIGHT one bedroom basement, close to GO, heat & utilities included. Available imfmediateîy. Cal 666-0271 or 666-0746. ONE BEDROOM basement apt. in central Whitby, $600/mo. inclusive. Fireplace in living. roomn, Iaundry faciffties on premnises. Available Jan. 1/95. Cal Brad or Jen at 905-668-2576. BROOKLIN - 1 BEDROOM apt., $495/month. Close ta shopping Available mid-December. Caîl1 655-5539. H-1US, APARTIMENT FOR RENT? If you had adverlised hore, 1'0o08 lUce 'luyou . would be reading isnw BUSINESS FOR SALE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, commer- cial printing and stationery store in southeast Sask. Fully equipped with the Iatest equipment. Annual sales avg. $260.000. Asking $150,000. Building can be Ieased or pur- chased. Phone Dwayne Stone at <306) 697-2722. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN home-based usiness! Watkins is today's best usiness opportunity! For FREE Information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Or., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1- 800-263-2999). DISSATISFIED? START A BUSI- NESS FOR UNDER $200. Home- based distribution. Full training. Food/Nutrition. FULL training. OaII 24 hr. tolI-free message (most areas)...1-416-550-3671. CA REER TRAINING OQUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI- TUTE of Vancouver offers corre- spondence courses for thé certifi- cate of Oounselling Studies ta begin the 1 Sth of the month. For tirochure phone: 1 -800-665-7044. A NEW CAREER! Learn, Incomne Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeep- ing. Tax deductible certificate cours- es. For free brochures, no obliga- tion: U & R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territories. SALES HELP WANTED YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY ta buy your X-Mas guifs. Why not selI chocolate bars in your area? Special promotion, caîl us now 1 -800- 38DELUX. INVESTMENTS MUTUAL FUND QUARTERLY. Recommended list by Nesbitt Burns for serious long term investors. NORTH -OSHAWA fumnished basement bachelorlette - private entranoe, kitchenette, fridge, stove, 3 pc. wathroom, non-smoker walk ta amenities, bus. $95)week inclusive. Walk ta college. 723-1788. BROOKLIN - 2 bedroomn apt. Fridge, slave, ail inclusive $575/mo. Firsilast. Available Dec. 5/94 or Jan. 1/95. Phone momnings before lOam or beave message 655-8079. HOSPITAL AREA - MarylAdeaide, 1 bedroom apt.,- available immediately. Fresh Paint: Includes: fidge, steve utiltes, parking, cable. Suit mrature, responisible single. $575. Firstlast. 668-3640. APTS. FOR RENT. Whiiby - Dundas & Cochrane. 3 large totally oenovated 2 bedraom apts. Close ta schools, transit & shopping Available immediately. Caîl Harolcd 619-2981 (local). Domestic and Global. Caîl Philip Holloway today for your complimen- . tary copy. 1-800-387-1565. ADOPTION ADOPTION, THE ALTERNATIVE. Healthy happily married young cou- ple, in search of a Birth Mom with unbom or newly bom infant. We can provide a secure loving homo for your.baby. Homestudy successfully completed. Privacy and confidential- ity assured. Please caîl 1-800-665- 4469. REAL ESTATE GOT A OAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take it! Amen- ca's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS QUONSET BUILDINGS ... Annual Factory Direct Winter Sale. No Mid- dleman. 21x34 $1,998.00. 25x44 $2,736.00. 32x48 $4,264.00. 34x54 $4,898.00. 40x58 $6394.00. 40x66 $7,298.U0. Ends optional. Pioneer 1 -800-668-5422. STEELiBUILDINGS - QUONSETS.. 25'x30' $2,179.00, 33'x36$ $3,741.00, 35'x50' $6,037.00, 42'x56' $7.157.00, 45'x66' $7,894.00, 48'x80' $10,588.00, 50'x100' $14,970.00. Many to choose f rom. Ends optional. Future 1-800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Ouality Straightwall Wood/Steel & AII/teel Buildings, OSA Oertified. Workshops, Barns, Arenas, Stables, Etc. Large or SmaII, Oontracting & Financing Available, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. Farm, 4torage, commercial industui- aI. New Types, steel/wood, quonset, cladding. For true value, action & answers - WalIy (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures, Clip-save. 1 t's Affordable -,ts Fast e It's Easy e One Bill Does It Ai 'Northem i iiario $63 - Etisterrn Onlario $91 * Western Ontario S$162 - Central Ontafio $168 - Ail Ontario $380 *NationailIlacka-zesA va i able * (':l I iikpalier for cdctaiks! W.......b.. ....es'886i ' Ofc kr:Modyt rdy :0 r o:0p . Fax668-059 CLASSI'FI ED MARKETPLACE "Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" DFerek Dutka Specializing in tax and retirement lanning since 1986 C ALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Financial concept Finarxýà Concept coq")oriition Group is a lSnsed Muluai F und Deâer. F.C.G. Securites Corporalon rs a Icensed Securiles deaW. CALL A

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