Paoe 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 23,1994 Former mayor Des Newman to be roasted . Des Newman will be the sub- ject of a roasting at the annual general meeting of the Durham Region Manufacturers Associa- tion on Thursday, Nov. 24. Newman, president of Came- toid in Whitby, is chair of the association. He is a former school trustee, former mayor of Whitby, former chair of the Ontario Municipal ties, former president of th Canadian Federation of Mayors, chair of the Oshawa Area Plan- ning and Development Study that paved the way toward for- mation of the Region of Durham. He was a member of the found- ing committees for Whitby General Hospital and Denis O'Connor High School, chair of the Industrial Accident Preven- tion Association for Central Ontario, and the member of several boards relating to his To my family, fiends, and supporters who worked so hard during this past municipal election campaign, my sincerest appreciation! Thanks also to all of those who demonstrated their confidence in me with their vote. The results were most encouragimg. Citizens of Whitby To those of you who believed in me and my style of representation and suppoted me in this election. THANK YOU! To those of you who supported me in the past. THANKYOU! To the many, many people who have called in the past several days to express regret and concern and have encouraged me to seek office at some time in the future. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, but I must remind you that I am NOT prepared to exchange my integrity, beliefs, honesty and responsibility for votes I have this nasty little habit of telling the truth and stating the facts. That doesn't seem to appeal to ail of the people all of the time. I wish Mayor Tom and the Council, Town Staff and you the Residents of Whitby all THE VERY BEST! Sincerely, Ross Batten .MY SINCERE THANKS to A who supported me Thanik you to the following( who comipleted thelir wor-kin a pr-ofessioniiia ad efficienit mannler: TowNn Clerk, Don McKay and his staff Signet Signs Beaver Lumnber Foto Masters, Whitby MA Whitby Free Press Staff Copy Zone, Dundas East business. Cametoid applies protective coatin to aerospace parts used in air-ame, engine and landing gear assemblies. The annual. meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, starting with a reception at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $49.50 for 434-1412. $45 for members non-members. Cali /_RUGGEREPAYS This consignment store is for men By Jillian Barry A consignnent store of a dif- ferent type recently opened in Whitby. Rugged Replays sells top qua- lity, name brand clothing --exclu- sively for men -- as well as select sports equipment and accessories for men, women and children. "There are many stores in the area that are based on consign- ment, but they are geared speci- fically towards women and chil- dren,' says owner Steve Bevis, a Henry Street High School gra- duate. "(Rugged Replays) caters to men who wish to get quality clothing at a lower price than retail." Bevis sets a high standard of quality for items that will be sold in his store, located on Burns Street East, between Kendal- wood and Thickson roads. "Articles that come into the store must be in excellent con- dition and in style... the items must be freshly washed or dry- cleaned, on hangers, and must look almost new, because if I wouldn't buy it, I won't sell it. "Clothing that has stains will not be accepted, neither will clo- thing with tears, missing but- tons, broken zippers or other defects." Also sold are winter sports items such as skis, snowboards and accessories, and ski-tuning services, with certified techni- cians, are offered. A family ski service membership is available, adds Bevis, a former ski instrue- tor. In the summer months, Rug- ged Replays will cater to the outdoor enthusiast, by selling canes, tents, internaI frame packs, cooking equipment, lan- terns, sleeping bags and other camping items, mountain bikes and golf equipnent. If an item on consignment is not sold in 90 days, it can be either taken back by the owner or donated to charity. Depot opens Saturda Business Depot, Canada's largest office supply warehouse chain, will open its newest location at the Whitby Mall on Saturday, Nov. 26, 8:30 a.m. Including the new Whitby store Business Depot has opened 44 stores across Canada in the last 36 months. Jack Bingleman, who founded Business Depot in *1990, said "Since opening our first store in 1991, we've had numerous requests to bring Business Depot to Durham and now we've made it a reality." At 23,000 square feet, the new location will carry more than 5,000 office products. Taadversement Take a Iook at your hearing The Whitby Hearing Centre is officially open at 1032 Brock St. S., Unit 4, in Whitby, Office hours are from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some evening and Saturday appointments are available. The Whitby Hearing Centre is located at ground level, is fully wheelchair accessible, close to the 401 exit and has ample parking. The Centre has sophisticated equipment such as a hearing aid analyzer computer which measures the electroacoustic performance of ail makes and models of hearing aids. We can determine if there is distortion in the hearing aid or if it's not providing the output (power) that it should. Other services include the fitting of hearing aids, minor in-house repairs, batteries, earmolds, custom swim plugs, noise plugs and musician plugs. The Centre also offers a variety of accessories such A as the Clarity /Guyiroux & Ai Telephone, battery testers, and cleaning supplies. The Whitby Hearing Centre also offers Video Otoscopy. State-of-the-art equipment, the STAR MED VIDEO OTOSCOPE, can be found at the Whitby Hearing Centre. As Guy Giro0x, one of the Centre's Dispensers, states: "VIDEOI OTOSCOPY is a powerful new application of videô technology." A miniatured video camera is connected to a unique new otoscope design to deliver an exceptionally clear video earscan of the ear. "For the very first time, people are able to see what the inside of their own ears look like.", adds Mr. Giroux. VIDEO OTOSCOPY allows more than just a view of the ear: * You can easily see how a hearing aid looks in your ear. * You can obtain a clear view of any pathology such as foreign bodies, cholesteatomos (tumors), eardrum perforations or you can see if a PE tube is in place. * You can easily see if there is any cerumen (ear wax) which can block the ear canal ard do damage to your hearing aid. * You can check the hearing aid itself to see if any wax is embedded deeply into the sound bore of the hearing aid which is often invisible Semtcma to the naked eye. You can provide the manufacturer with a picture if there are any fitting problems and immediate corrective action can be taken. * You can better see and complete a deep insertion fitting procedure fer the virtually INVISI LE hearing Cochea AudnoryNerve As Art Lee, the other registered Dispenser, reports: "a new kind of hearing aid that is virtually INVISIBLE has become avail- able to many hearing aid wear- ers." These micro- canal hearing aids such as tarkey > Tympanette are virtually unnoticable to others because they are so tiny and fit COMPLETELY in the ear canal. In the Leeé- Dspensers past, many people avoided hearing assistance because it was it can be your personal secret. Not only does the hearing aid sit in the shadow of your ear canal, HIDDEN behind the tragus, it also features a pre-set volume control. "Now," adds Mr. Lee, "there is no need to make embarassing or inconvenient adjustments during wear." The Whitby Hearing Centre's registered Dispensers, Guy Giroux and Art Lee, have been specially trained in MICRO CANAL Hearing Aids and have been certified in Deep Insertion Fitting Techniques. The Whitby Hearing Centre has the necessary sophisticated equipment, the Star Med Video Otoscope, for Deep Insertion Fitting procedures. As Art Lee states: "A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words!" For more information, call Mr. Guy Giroux or Mr. Art Lee, Certified Hearing Instrument Dispensers, at (905) 666-7726 or visit Whitby's newest facilities (with plenty of parking) at 1032 Brock St. South, just one block north of the 401. Whitby Heaing Centre Reg AHIP. A.D.P CB.. D VA. Met Life. Blue Cross A Division of Durham Audiometric Services 1032 Brock St. S.. Unit 4. Whitby. Ontario LIN 4L8 Tel.: (905)666-7726 -Tel.: (905) 666-7726 1032 Brock St. S.. Unit 4. Whitby. Ontario LIN 41L8