Page 20, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Novembe 9,1994 Incumbents advertise t» defend stand on S hore s FRO~M PAGE 1 be made avaiiuio to thé- voting public " said M"ayor Tom E dwarâ s. «Vie deait with this matter and are concerned that the public is not fuliy informed. This is an attempt to bring out that infor- mation.» Edwards rejected a suggestion that deveiepment oppnents have 'council on the run. as a resuit of their efforts to make it into an election issue. RALPH BLANK Whitby Hydro Authorized by the CFO for Ralph Býank «Some people will say that 1 suppose ... wejust want te put the information acrose.»* Edwarde eaid the majority of council bas stood by its original position ail along. 'Me marsh will be protected,» be vowed. 'Mhe ether side bas gene te a great deal of trouble te say that'e net true. This is an attempt te balance the matter eut." Brunelle was not aware of the advertisement nor wiehed te comment on it specificaily. However, he offered hie inter- pretation of the issue. "Mhile it's true that once cer- tain approvals are given, council je obligated te proceed under the Planning Act,» said Brunelle. «But that je ail conditional on what Ruth Grier eaid was a satisfactory environmentai management plan.» (Fermer'Ontario environment minieter Grier exempted. the deveiepment freai an environ- metlhearing two years ago. Grier feit that an environmentai management plan (EMP), pre- pared in conjunction with the p reposal, adequateiy addressed her ministry'e concerne.) "If the Tow of Whitby had objected and said the EMP was inadequate, then I don't believe 1860 map at auction The fourth annual Antique Show and Sale at Thunderbird Golf Club will be held Nov. 12 and 13. Deore open Saturday at 10 a.m, Sunday at il a.m. This year Pete's Antiques fri Markhamn je featuring a municipal map of the Whitby-Oshawa-Ulxbridge area from 1860. The map liste preprietore and their respective occupations in each township, as well as naming each lot with the person s name on it. Black and white drawings of shope border the map. Measuing approximately 3.5 feet by 10 foot, it je in near perfect condition, with only one obvieus miner repair. Recentiy purchased at Neil Bacon's Auction, north of Port Perry, it apparently was stered locally. It will be on display at the antique show both Saturday and Sunday. Anyone intereeted in purchasing the map- wilI be able te leave a silent bid with a staff member of the show on either day. The highest bidder will be contacted on Monday, Nov. 14. Thunderbird je located in Ashburn, two miles west of Myrtie. There will bo 20 antique dealers from Ontario participating at the show. The selection of antiques includes everything from fine china to eariy Canadian primitives. .Admission je $2.50 for adulte, haif price for children under 13. For more information cal Janet Town at 725-1338. we would* be where we are today,» said Brunelle. Mey eubjugated and enslaved future decisions te the EMP." Brunelle said hie «quarrel» je net that the public procese was net followed -- «it wae» - but "the difference of opinion bas been and continues to be whether the EMP will proteet the mareh. «Despite ail the assurances of the different agencies, I wae elec- ted te make decisions based on what I think je right for our community. ."The bettom une je that rm not convinced the marsh will be protected by the EMP.» Tom Moore, spokeeperson for the Save Lynde Mareh citizens' committee, said hie group'e oppo- sition had an impact. "I would say that tey (council) are concerned,» said Moore. The committee bas appealed council'e approval of the project te the Ontario Municipal Board. Penner to perform Popular children's entertainer Fred Penner wili be in Oshawa for a show on Nov. 12. Penner and The Cat's Meow Band will perforai at Eastdale CVI, at 3 p.m. Penner will also be the grand marshal of the Oshawa S anta Claus paade on Nov. 12, start- i ngtat0a. M. * Tickets, for $10.50, are avail- able at Innoflations (725-4225) in Five Pointe Mail, Oshawa. Woodcarvers hodshow Brookiin Woodcarvere Club will hold their fifth annual wood show, sale and cempetition on Sunday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Northview Community Centre, 150 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Carving supplies and carvinge will be sold. There will be demonstrations by several Ontario Carving Club members on decocys, birds, relief carving, folk caricatures, animale, fish and toys. For more information, cail Bob Sonley (905) 723-9641, Larry Skuratow (905) 728-1996 or George Austen (905) 576-7473. Gospel show- in Ashburn The mixed quartet, 'Decision,' will perforai at Burns Church, Ashburn, on Sunday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m. They sing a variety of songe, from southern gospel to traditional te contemporary. The leader, Wayne Ropp, je NEXT MONDAY, you have a choice. You can gîve yourseIf a f ront row seat on Whtby's new Town Council or you can spend the next three years wishing you had. 0ee page 16 mQssý Saigon.Ã