Whltby Free Press, Wedriesday, November 2,1994 ,Page 21 WE'RE W.AEFUAU SUPPORTERS!~~, (Whltby Arena PuhdRaisfrmg Ass&~Ia~on> Realty (199 1) Ltd., Reator J Members 0f The Durham Region and -Toronto Real Estate Boards 66838010 Sunray St., Unit 23 68 800'Wýhitby, Ont. Li N 9B5 For Action & Satisfaction cal THERESA LESSARD Associate Broker M. V.A fail season 6830 What a Beautyl No Condo Fees This lovef y, 3+1 bdrm., spaclaus freehotd townhome has an eat-ln kit., an ensuite bafhrm., a gorgeous rec. rm. and a fenced yard. Asking $128,500. Cali Theresa Lessard 668-3800. Don't Miss Out On ThîsOn 1 4,0 An almost new, beautiful hÃ"me in N.E. Whlfby. Lots of upgrades and customlzing. Oversized kitchen with beaufiful cupboards. Main floor family room. Move in condition. Cail Theresa now af 668-3800. Overimprovea Oshawa Bungalow Features 3+1 bdrm. home wlth a.fin. rec. rm., newer windows, roof re-shlngled, open concept and many innovative changes, 1 8x36 ft. inground pool. Sep. sîde entrance 10 bsmt. Asking $129,500. Cali Theresa now at 668-3800. Dave Lang* 668-3800 SUPPORT THE WHITBY ARENA FUNDRAISING ASSOCIATION! As a Whitby Resident, I arn fully aware of the growing need for additional ice surfaces in our town. The Whitby Arena Fundraisin g Association has been formed to raise funds to construct a new ice pad in our town. I WANT TO DO MY-PART. From November 1 st, 1994 until December 31 st, 1995 1 wiII donate $10QO for every home that 1 LIST and SELL in the town of Whitby, after successful closing. YOU CAN DO YOUR PART. List your home with DAVE LANG and h elp support W.A.F.A. in their fundraising efforts. CALL DAVE LANG TODAY 668-3800. Buying or Selling For Honest Pro fessional Service Cali John Annis* 668-3800 If you are a strong North Oshawa - $162.900 - 4 Bedroom Shows l10+. Ceramic and hardwaod floors with carpet where laid. Beautitut upgraded oak kitchen cupboards n immaculte kitchen. C.A.C., Centr. Vac.. finished basement. Detached double block garage. A Must See. Pleage caîl John Annis' today 668-3800. a salesperson with desire ta achieve and want to work with people with the same goals. Cali Tom or Cindi Newman 668-3800 or 655-SOLD Two locations to serve you. 668-38000 2 Bedrm. Alum. Bungalow wiih in-law apariment in basement. Huge 88x2l 1,with R4C zoning. In area of planned future prestigiaus parkland. Close toalal transportation. - CaI llnhn Annis* todav to insoact 668-3800. Picture yourseff gazing out of your green- house kitchen with nobody gazing back in. Yau can own this house., with 5% down cardes for $928.92 P.& 1. per month for 5 years. Oshawa - 2 Bedroamn - $99,900 Gushes with quaintness. Oeil John Annis* today 668-3800. This spaciaus Semi situated in-N.E. Oshawa is in need of nothing just a tgreat place to begin vour home ownership. Tom Newman 668-3800. r -ý Henry Tenody* DETACHED BUNGALOW Walkout, woodstove 2 bdrm. N/W Whitby Detached 2 bdrm, full basement, central air & vac, original wood trim. Central Whitby. Country living in town. 3 bedroom bungalow, basement w/o, beautiful gardens/lawn. Stop dreaming! Seanna** &Tim* Hurter THUNKING REAL ESTATE??o. CA&LLMMU 668-3800 LET'S MAKE A DEAL Ceramic tle, 2 fireplaces, Central Air, family room with wafkout ta deck, 4 bedroams .... LUXURIOUS LIVINGi Wonderful 4 bdrm., landscaped beaufifully. Located on quiet court - Superb Value. COMFORT & CLASS. This Executive 3,300 sq. ft., 4 bedroam home is beautifully tandscaped & cornes with ALL the EXTRAS. Dave Ginter Assoc. Broker ROOMY COMFORT Great home for an active family. Ptenty of roam & many extras. Has 4 bedroams, 2 112 baths, famify room with firepace, f rench doars, pool & much mare $224,900. Calil Dave Todlay,668-3800 LOVE THOSE BEDROOMS! Ail 4 ai them in this Backsplif Semi. Listed at onfy $1 17,900. Sep. dining raam, apptlances neg., 2 baths. Cail Winnie for details 668-3800 WITHIN VOUR REACF $905900 Whitby Conda - 3 Bedrooms i 1/2 bath, frndge & stove. Secunity System in buildini Winnie Norman ig. Assoc. Broker