Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1994, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Octobor 26,1994, Page 35 Funding g9iven for compýuter, Iigtingwork Scat 0sol Fundingegven te the Durham Board o f Educat ion under t ho Canada/Ontario infrastructure program will pay for such pro- jecta as comfputer network instaI- latién at two schools in Whitby. TIhe board received $5.8 mil- lion for 10prjcs About $443,000 will ho spent te, instal computer wiring. and hardware "to allow internai computer net- working and external access of the information, highway to schoolnet» at Henry Street 'High School and the new Sorbara sub- division eiementary achool, as well as at the board's plant division in Whitby, according te a press release. Work is scheduiled te begin immédiately and wil be comple- ted by next July. With $500,000, a computer system wiil be installed te track energy management* in' 27 ochools, including F.M. Heard and Leslie McFarlane elemen- tary sehools in Whitby. About $340,000 will be spent te replace fluorescent fixtures with energy-efficient lighting in 13 achools, including' Henry Street and Anderson CVI in Whitby. And $815,000 wil ho spent te pave play areas and parking lots at five achools, including Mea- dowcrest Public Schooi in Brook- lin. About 80 jobs will bo created. for the projocts, ail te b.e compie- ted by next September, accordxng to last Friday'é announcement. Nancy Cotter SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL JEREMY OORTWIN helps Amanda Faulk- ner on a computer in St. Paul Catholic School's new 'design and technology centre,' one of two opened by the Durham separate school board. The centre, with several different modules, enables Grade 7 and 8 separate school students to explore Computer Assisted Design <CAD), fabric construction, computer animation, vehicle design, video and audio technology and deskptop publishing. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Chesea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. Here we are in the middle of the semester and it seems like the second week of school. Where has the i me gene? Interim report carda corne out in two days for grades 10 and il only. I hope everyone did well. There have been a few changes te our Wednesday programf. For example, you can now sign up for your activities on Friday at lunch instead of on Monday. As well you now have your own personal copy of the available activities for the next month. In my opinion these changés are for the better. I mucb prefer loeking through the choices on my own than in a crowd of 50 students in the main hall. Congratulations te the girls> field hockey teani who defeated Anderson 1-0 on a goal by Julia Howarth and excellent defence fromn the entire teamn. As an additional choice on Nov. 2, there will ho two plays dealing with date rap. and sexual assault, in blocks C and D. There is no cost for these performnances and space is limited te 175 students per session. Sign up in student services if interested. AIso, this past week our student counicil was elected. Congratulations to the following: Kristi Peshal, president; Rehan Zaidi, activities vice-president; Melissa Rai, treasurer; Ashley Richards, secretary. Here is a message fîromn our year book staff. Quick, name everyone in your high school classes. Chances are this would ho impossible without your high school yearhook. Don't let your best sehool -membries slip away. Order a yearbook today by calling Mrs. Forbes-Mudge at 666-5400. For $25, they make 'great Christmas gifts. It>s a present youl' cbild will neyer forget. No salary increase for tech staff A new three-year agreement will mean no increases in salaries or benefits for clerical and techaical staff of the Dur- ham Board of Education. The agreement is for the ueriod from July 1, 1993 te, June 01996. The agreement covers about 350 emloees of the Canadian Union o f Public Employees, Local 218. Minor changes were made ti the previous agreement as a result of Bill 40, ameadments te the Labour Relations Act. Grievance/arbitration pro- cedures were streamlined and clarified, and language changes were made in some areas. This past week bas boon a busy one for ail Hawks. We raised money fer the United Way. Fund-raising events inciuded a homeroom challenge for our 'wall of change> (te determine whicb homeroom couid come up with the most money), a student bat and teacher dess dowin day, cotton candy sales and a very successful slave auction. Thanks go te Mr. Arbuckie and Mr. Crooks for turning in a surprise guest appearance that raised $200 alone. Thanksalase go the those participants who managed to stay fully ciothed for the event. On Wednesday, we had a very powerful presentatien by a group called the Action Croup. This group is doing a fail tour hoping te encourage students te stay in school. Through surveys of students the team found that family violence and date rap. are the biggest factors for students who drop out of high school. After the assembly that dealt witb those two types of violence, the group co-ordinated a follow-up with sonie peer support consisting of students fromn our school. The presentation was organized by the guidance office with co-operation from the Henry Helpers. Unfortunately, the presentation was marred by an immature student who decided it would b. "fun" te pull the fire aiarmn. While you might think that students would find this axnusing, most actually found it te b.e annoymng. Please think twice about pulling something stupid like this, have some respect for the people who have put hard work into these events. On a lighter note, except for those students enrolled in the OAC anatomy course, the skull from our darling skeleton is xnissing. If you have any information as te its whereabouts, inform the physical education department. It is very important as we now have no reference as to where the occipital bone is. In sports> the junior girls' basketball team is plowing tbrough aIl opponents. One senior player was heard saying that the juniors could probably beat most of the senior teams in the league, let alone the juniors. In LOSSA tennis, Lynn Michaud and Corey Broad won a goid medai in senior mixed doubles. Rhiannon FIlip won a bronze medai in senior girls> singles, and Sheri Sand won the consolation final in senior girls> singles. The senior girls were third as a teani. Way te, go te Lynn Michaud who bas won every LOSSA competition that she has entered in her five years at Henry. The boys> soccer team tied St. Marys on Thursday. St. Mary>s had been undefeaterd until they met the Hawk teant The senior boys> soccer team ended. their season on Thursday with a one-Éoal lbas. Way te go te Mark Pierce who scored his first goal of the season in his last goal. If you are a grad and you haven't handed in your questionnaire for this year's yearbook, you had better fill one out and then beg the editors to allow you- to hand it in late. Otherwise you won>t have an entry. That's it for this week except for a final plea to return our skull, we will be lost without it. Forum kfor trustees Candidates for the two Whitby trustee positions on the Durham Board of Education will debate issues and answer questions at a publié forum on Wednesday night, Oct. 26. The forum bans been organized by the Parent School Community Association for Pringle Cre Public School and will be hield nt the school, located nt 80 Tibbles. clie Dr. (nt ftjanning) stnrting at 7:15 p.m. "EXTRDA -HELP" TUTORING SERVICES Guaranteed Resuits! Cail for a free brochure (905) 668-7841 MaIr ~AML1MMEADF.L Feed a family of four for only ipl staxes ~ .. 1 Includes: 4 reg. burgers. 4 fies, _ 1 4 soft dinks & 4 sundacs 1 Wi mcoM". WibyIlocafiwo onlyýExqOres Nov.15/94 1< k2ig

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