Whitby Free Press, 26 Oct 1994, p. 26

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Pagé '26, WhtbyFree PreÉs, Wednesday, October 26,1994 Co-p n VlIQuy opened in ceremonites The 'officiai' grand opening of the Otter Creek Co-op was held Oct. 15. "Now it's time for the healing process," said councillor Joe Drurnm as he spoke at the ceremony which took place in the coop's community centre, located on McQuay Boulevard in west Whitby. Ho was referring .to, the controversy that surrounded the building of the complex, which combines market value units with subsidized houéing. Drummn urged Whitby residents to be proud of the boautiful townhouse complex, which has been occupied since lat December. Durham Centre MPP Drummond White congratulated the resi dents for, their. tenaci ty in getting the project completed. "Co-ops are important,'" ho stressed. "They're part of building communi ties." Also in attendance were Mayor Tom Edwards, who cut th4 official ribbon, and councillori Roses Batten and Judi Longfield. At the end of the ceremony, 84 green balloons were releasec representing each of the units ir the compiex. e 's 4 1, n .VÂUN MPORTANT UWÂU-~MESSAGEWU - KSU Heatig bSystem check-up O On warîn air systems, dlean fumnace Met rs or replace disposable filters before the wiltcr. A dirty filter can reduce air flow and cause yeur systeni te werk harder than it has te. E) Keep your electric moter and fan bearimugs (amd/er punup)l Iubricated for greater efflciency. (TIwo drops' of ouiin the weli each year should de it.) 'Note: Sotiii iv iziotors do flot Ilee(l lubricatizg. - O'f yen have a hot water heatinigsystein, ensure thuat it is filied te flic proper level by bieediîug air frein each radiator. If yen observe therse basics yent wili 50011 fid fliat - using gas camu be even mere econioiical. CbimeyCheck-up It's difficult te kmiew when u have a ciiimnmey p)rob)lieuu. Firsi,. answer thue felowing questiomns: () Dees your chiînney have a nietal cliimmiiey liner? E> Is yeimr hcating systcm conîuected te a intai vcmting systeui (tliaf is, net a brick or stone cluimney)? If yeu answer "Ycs" te eltiier of timese questiemns, yen prebably mecd ief werry about your chimney being able te aclequately venf yeur fuimace. Any brick or stone climney should receive periodic inspection frein a chimney expert. ** However, here are three simple checks you cati make yourself: 0 Check the cleanout pif at the bof tom of your chiînmcy: Should yen timîd any debris, remeve if. If if centaimus bits of mortar. brick or 5f eue, erosiomu could be taking place. O Use a mirror te look up your chimney, threughu your cleaneut doer, during daylighf lueurs. Yen shueuld have an uîuebstructcd view tte li otsidc. Thuere slîould bc no visual evidemice of crunublimug mortar, brick or stene. Yeur chimîîey may bu "offset", which will muet aleow yena visual inspection witlu a inirrer. Ini such cases, we suggcst an inspection by a chimmuey expert. ** O Cek outsidc chimniîy brickwork. Yen shuould muet sec a white clualky substance oui the bricks, stone er morfar. , . ilf you have a problem O) If there is any chinumuey bleckage abeve flic vemît cemumection, furu off your luatiîug sysemuu <and your gas watcr hîcater) iuciaiil.teiy. Cali a chimncy repair compamuy" for amu inspectionu. O) If tht'rt is more fhuaian uiîchu of broken morfar, brick or 5f omcit he tt clcaqu1(>f lit amnd yen cauîmuot set' daylightufLsiig a nirror. foilow tht' imstructionus ini stel I1. If tiert' is ne blockige. ('ail a cliîciy repair t'oupamiy * ami imspectiomi. YeLmu iay opecrat' tut' furmiace ami afcr heater until the chimney is inspected, but you should clhcck the chirnney pcriodically for blockage until you have the chimuey contractor's* report. E) If you sec a white chalky staining 0on exterior brickw9rk, stene or mortar but the cleanout pit is clear and there are no obstructionîs lu the chimney or sigis, of deterieration on the chirnney's exteri or, ask a chininey repair coinpauy# for au inspection. ln the meantime, you may operate your herat ing systei sa fely. **(;otisiiit yo>Ir YeIIouw Pages for CIifficny Biilders anzd Repaire rs. Some conservation tips Follovv tlhse siimple ties aud tht' resuit will bu a better, more rteuomia.l heatîig systein. O Make sure you have vvell lifting doers aud vinidws. A goed fit ktseps (<>1( air ouIt aillwa iair iii. lroper weitlierstrippliiig;iand caulkiîg also lwlî)s. 0 Rzugs, 1turiiiitire, dIrapes, etc. shîouid uiet be allowed to obstruct warmn air outiets and(h olLi air retLlrus. OProper attic insulation irans hower fuel costs. C) Dauupel)rs iii open fîreplaces sîloul bcit'closeci wleiîn ~ the lireulaice i iiinuse. OI lot water radiators wvill 110f lîeat effecfively if air is in thîcîn. Ail air should lbe bled off. 0 Make sure your lh umid ifier is worki ug correctly>. Proper luilli(Iiticaitioil can coutribute tf0 heafiîg ecenoiny and your coîîufort level. Drop by our office and ask for our folders: "What every hueuschiolder *slleul(I know about carbon mouuoxide" anîd "Your home iieeds fresh air". Save Energy and Money Our Home Energy Maniagement Kit Shows You How. 'l'ie vidco< kit (availale iii VIlS omly> .ulks yon thmrugli your home. piîpoiuîts eiiergy w.aste aud pr>vils imauy pso li<iw to weaitlierljroof andd useappliaaulces more elficiently!i *To order your kit for the Iow co('< of $6.99 (iiicluides postage. lîanidlinig auîd Itaxes) coumplete tlîis cotiponiamui mail it aud a cque for S6.99 payable f0 ICouîsumiers Gas, (o Video 011cr, P.O. Box 650, Scarborougli . Outario M 1K 5E3. If you are a Couîstmumers Gas custonier amd wouild prefer te charge it t0 yeur gais uauco uif.t please 1111 in yoir accotit nuumer îiil e space provided. NANII Ai)i)ii;I Consumers Gas L -- - - --- - - - --- - J Consuers Gas It 'sdie to prepare your heatug sstemfor cold weather. For betterhatg economy and ef fleency foLtow this easy step by step checklist. 1, M imilis à mmý i

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