Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1994, p. 6

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Page 6, MWhitby frePiesâ, 'W&deday, oer5 9 The only Newspaper owned and operated by.Whitby residents for Whitby residents! MEMBER 0F: - ONTARIO CANADIÀNý' COMMUNITY ' COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER '.,NA NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION CASSOCIATION ~ CANADIAN CIRCULATIONS CNA DIVISION AUDIT BOARD ISSN#0844-398X' The Whitby Free Press is distrlbuted free 10 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbum & Myrtie as well as numnerous public and commercial outiets ln Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,000 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $32 +GST a Outside Canada $75 + GST. Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Bo0X 206, 131 Brook St. N.,5 Whitby, Ontario LI N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycîed content using vegetable based inks. o *Ail written materlal, ilustrations and advertising contained herein is prctected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper 18 prohibited anai Is a violation o f Canadian copyrigh law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit Une to the W. ,tby Free Press. e 'theed toS. Hospital and politics To the edltor: Re: Sept. 15 SOGH rally The apparent naivete of hospital board chair Jim Souch and Town councillors Dennis Fox and Marcel Brunelle was unbelievable. if any cf themn really do believe that politics is not involved, they should resign immediately. Poitics are and have always been involved; at he hospital, the district heath council (politicai creation), the Town and Region councils , and, cf course, the Ministry of' Heath and the governmenl cf the day. .Prirnarily the district health council, the board and hospital, administration serve their political masters f irsl. The members cf Save Our Genéral Hospital should b. clearly aware thal their f irst obstacles are the board, the administration, the district health counicil and municipal governments. The group- must corne together quickly on a few botlorn-line issues. Waiting 10 respond aler the report goes ta the ministry, as Mr, Souch suaggesîs, will kilI the hospital. Thie report will b. accepted by the ministry as originally intended and intervention after thal will b. almost impossible. Funding is not the real problem. First, cul out most senior level poiins as they are redundant andiduplicale work done by olhers. Second, confront the governmen's irresponsible spending and waste. The shortfal can easiiy b. found. Maxîne Robers Whîtby Not pork-barrelling To the edîtor: When examining the accuracy of an opinion, one must first examine the standing of the opinionist. Benjamin Disraeli I read with great consternation and bewilderment a letter to the editor about.pork barrelling (Thin air in ivory towers? Free Press, Sept. 14). Ms. Stern has the audacity to consider the federal infrastructure program as ilpork barrelling." Allow nme to inform Ms. Stern that niayors from across Canada, iricluding those in Reform.domiflated cities such as in Calgary and Edmonton, were begging Mr. Chretien's new government to follow through on this election promise. Lot us gel Ithe tacts straight on how many jlobs the infrastructure prog ram wil1 actuaily create. For D urhamn Region, there have been approximately..800 Jobs created 10 date. I Ihis is considered pork barrelling, please give some more 10 those of us who have been unempîoyed, thanks 10 government indifference and single-minded deficit obsession. Il is littIe wonder Ms. Stern trumpels 1h. fact Ihat she is a urious. unimpressed constituent, ,onsidering that she is the former D)resident of the Ontario Riding Reform Association and recenlly ran unsuccessfully for national direclor of the Reform Party. As Ms. Stern 50 eioquently stated, "I arn on. furious, unimpressed constituent who is working feverishly 10 make sure ail" constiluents understand the vaiidity of 1he infrastructure program. Since most constituents in the recent election did not agree with her party's stance, the only valid stance she has cîung to is her dlaim 10 b. a resident in 1he riding. Is this true or just another inaccuracy? Steve Peck So the SitS Town, public 'complacent' To the editor: at any et i de 1 arn not someone who would one pro take on issues but 1 arn troubled go aK about the 'development being consider discussed for the land adjacent to consequ Lynde Marsh. to be IMy family and 1 moved to Whitby endîess this summer. I immediately Iearned famiîy b that the town was losing ils hospital. but not without an impressive fight from the community to have this decision reversed. At a much quieter level, I learned that the Town- is To the entertaininig discussion for a housing .developm ent 10 be ýbulilt Ian besideLynde *Marsh. I was'very conceri surprised that the discussion of were in 1his development has progreàsed public' as far as ià has without a campaîgn writingi equai to the one working to 'Save to e xpi our Hospital' rising up to stop it. , n erforn * iigin British 'Columbia, Town ct people oten joked to me that the . Cour provincial governiment was wading Lynde through petitionÈ from Ontarians has b< who were desperate to save growing British Columbia' s environnent mn while they let their own province f ew rea become an urban jungle.f wra In all sincerity, Ontarians are 10 Cour b. cngrtultedfor hei efort 10the grai .have many areas of British hnos Columbia preserved for future enviror enjoyment. I hope they have the proposE resources to visit these distan t hadbe areas because if developments like the de the one proposed for Lynde Maycto Shores go ahead wilhout a whethei thorough discussion, Ontario wilI emi truly become-the urban jungle. reai There are people working 5,0 00 i tirelessly to preserve this valuable Shorta environment and hope that they uneCjui' are soon overwhelmed by cals YVes!.( from people asking 10 heîp. then as Not only arn I surprised at the questlci relative compîacency of the-public wetlan< but also the Town officiais. The people elected to conduct business for the Town of Whitby appear confident in making a decision about the effects of a large housing development on a t h complex marsh ecosystem wilh very littIe background research. This makes me niervous. To the Perhaps they know more about marsh ecosystems Ihan the Ever scientists who have been sludying drive p these environments for decades. I caîmne somehow doubt this. a testai I don't pretent 10 know more Ancd than the scientist, but I can becausi recognize a place thal is unique in highd the midst of acres of urban sprawl, whlcht and that t0 risk the loss'of such a Il is place is not worth whatever the cost-bE Town gains frorn the development. 10 mncli I can understand that there s What something monetary 10 b. gained and not f rom housing developments such Is t as that planned for this area and Midas? the desre 10 own 'a home, but I- snean attitude of çevqiçpqment levelopments, such as the >posed for Lynde Shores, head without adlequate ration for the jences, then we are going left with the seemingly view of suburban single boxes, square Iawn parks with brightly coloured jungle gyms and stripes of, large chain stores and restaurants surrounded by acres of parked cars which characterize soi many cities. Lynde Marsh could-be an oasis from aIl this. Lois Rowe Whltby 3editor: n oneý of the hundreds of ,ned Whitby residents who n attendance at the special meeting on Sept. 28. 1 arn my first 'lelter 10 the editor' iress my disgust with the nance of our mayor and our coù«cil. ncil'etreatment of the entire Shores development issue een, 10 me, a cause for g alarm. The meeting had 0oW pints, but there were a ally telling moments. ncilîor Don Mitchell admitted ave concerns he had felt 72 earlier "about th e nmental impact of the ed Lynde Shores subdivision )en put 10 rest by a visit from velopers' lawyer. for Tom Edwards asked r of planning Bob Short er Lyndo Marsh 'would ia class on. welland afler residents had moved in. Mr. answered wkth a confident, ivocal (and prediclable) Councillor Marcel Brunelle sked Mr. Short the.simple )n, "Whal is a class one :1?" and Mr. Short revealed Expand ieconcept e edîtor Dry now and then, when I pasl Lynde Marsh, I feel the ess of its setting. ft stands as' ament 10 beauty. J now 1 hear il is threatened se of a proposed mnediumn 10 density residential aréa for there are alternative locales. sabout lime the concept of >enefit analysis was expanded lude what matters to0 people. happens when ail that feeds 3urishes imagination is Iôst? here niothing to learn from- Parvîz Mîrbaghî Whitby that he had no ides. For me, the defining mortient of both the' meeting- (and quite frankîy, our council)' came when our mayor -moved 10 shuffie the meeting's agenda -t0 remove the "distractionu of the public * presence. Il is said thatî people gel the government they deserve. Surely we deservé botter than this. Dave Syer Pol itical games To the editor: Last Wednesday my famnily and I had pîanned 10 attend the Whilby council' meeting and demonstrate our opposition 10 the Lynde Marsh development. We wereprepared to put aside a prvos commitment because we feel so strongîy about Ihis issue. On Wednesday evening we were pleasantly.surprised 10 read in the local papers that approval of the marsh project had been put on hold. Believing this reported information, we decided not t0 at tend the town hall and went 10 our previous -commnilment. On Sunday I was shocked 10 learn that' counicil at the last minute had reversed ils decision, and gave the go-ahead 10 the massive project. I arn- disgusted with this decision. Probably a number of folks were like me and stayed away from the meeting because of the original reporting. 'Is this what counicil wanted? Councillor Brunelle, keep up the good fight. A lot of people are behind you on this. The rest of counicil seem to be pro-developer rather than pro-citizen and enviroinment first. I hope th. citizens of..Whitby remember this political manoeuvre corne election lime in November. Peter Bramma Whilby Telling moments

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