Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1994, p. 28

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eS opr»9, hPer ,d ,edoraZ).yabaenbuW. *-lq oeil JIM Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 5,1994 1, L .lm LA Sarah Goemans FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN- Austin award-winners TOP STUDENTS from the 1993-94 school ý ear at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic econdary School were recognized at a recent awards assemfbly. From Ieft are .Mandy Lamers, who had the top mark among the school's Grade 10 students in the Cayley math conitest and was'in the top 25 per cent in Canada; Tc first in the Grade il Fermat r and in the top 10 per- cent Howard Liu and Andrea Scholl the top averages in Grade Sciacca, reciplent of the Cath Award for 1994. Photo by éMurice Piflior, %A ANDERSON C.V.I. Much has happenod hère at Austin during the past .168 hours. To begin with, things really took off when student couili announced the availability of positions for Grade 9 reps., Speeches were held on Monday and Tuesday, and elections are te be held tomorrow. Good luck te everyone aruious te be a part of Austin's political field. Speaking of fields, the senior boys' soccer teain got off te a good start after winning three gaines in the tournarnent last Wednesday. Congratulations go out te Mr. Thomas and the boys Dby Zielinski, for being one of the final eight out math contest of 32 teains te advance te the in Canada; Dunbarten invitational tourna- es, who had m n'~t. D12; Peter (,.. a siniilar note, Mr.. Miekuz olic Student and th, junior boys' soccer-teain aise got a taste of victery, Vhtby Free Press defeating Garnier 8-1. 1 Austin's golf team is into the swing of things these days. Last ERS0 week mnarked the beginning of the season and team mombers showed well in the LOSSA tôurnamenît. Heads up, Wildcats, it's tee turne. 4ZOIle NT AM*00Congratulations are aise *erIn,,,*S' extended te the following teains for outstanding starts this season: junior boys' volleyball and, al three divisions of girls' basketball. Aise, Austin's first ever cycing teain is already reving up for the weeks to corne. On the creative front, members of the sehool choir have already began tuning up their voices for yet another year of talent, and of course, new rnembers are always welcorne. The Austin Community Theatre is holding auditions for the 1995 school production. Tryouts will continue throughout the week for those with a flair for draina. Tomorrow at 7 p.m. the Austin community will assemble to commemorate those who graduated. It promises to ho a very memorable evening, celebrating the efforts and achievements of Austin's former students. Ail are invited to attend. .Without a doubt, it can be said that the first month back at Austin has corne and gone with a bang. Nover have se many events taken place with such success. Just remember,- you haven't seen anything yet. In the meantime, try to schedule your homework arou ntL., ail of the season premières.'< What happened te the summer of '94? Aiready the l1eaves, hayve changed colour, and I have wôrn my winter clothes te school. It looks as if a long winter is ahead of us. For now, Octoer has many activities which will keep any Andersen student occupied. Our school fund-raiser assembly was yesterday, and this year we are selling chocoiate-covered almonds Hint: bring these goodies along with you to the family Thanksgiving dininer; it's easy te tantalize the relatives before dinner. If you are on a. particular'club or team, inake sure you state to which yeu want your money te go. Today theie was a school trip te the Shaw Festival. Many students attendod te, gain cultural knowledge -- or just miss a day of school. ' Bnigadoon,-' ACVrs musical, is well underway, and the performance is scheduied for the end of November. You can look forward te seeing the folowing studonts singing their hearts out: Kevin I-lliard, Alex Nicol, Tim Nussey, Peter Ignatiou, Kevin Sinotte, Meghann Parnell, Jennifer Wickens, Colleen (YToole, Lori Daniel, Jeannette Bradley, Jamie Watt, Lorraine LaPlante, Clay Harnurn, Nancy Cooper, Deb Clark, Heather Gibb. Paige Birkett, Donna Kinm, Amny Hana, Julie Wild, Angela King, Joy Thompson, Laura Fry, Amnanda Bailey, Trish Patterson, Stacy Espie, Amy Berezowski, Michelle Cordick, Terry Lynne Burley, Chantelie Clarke, Chris Hajdu, Margaret Wilson and Mfichelle Kavelman. On the athietic sido of things, it is very hard te, keep up with al that is going on. I apologize for omissions. There was a girls' rnidgot baskçetball game against Sinclair iast Friday, as weil as a teurnamont at Bowmanviile over the weekend. The senior team played in a Port* Credit tournament on Sunday. Yesterday, both the junior and Senior teains played at Roberts. 'rororrow, al three gins' tearns 'waill be playing against Ml cLaMhin in our gym, se, feel freteone and support theni. The boys' volleyball teai was competing with Austin on Fiday, and the midgets were at Dunharten. There was aIse a senior teurnarnent at Durham College over the weekend. Last Thursday, the junior and senior soccer teanis were at Dunbarton, and they did not lot the ferocious wind and cold get inte, their way. The cross country teaxn was at Queens in Kingsten last week, and gave the corrpetition a "run" for their money. Andersen is also holding a United Way campaign for 1994. The feature eveat is on T'nursday, Oct. 20, with Mr. Morris, Mn. Eaten and more participating in a karaoke contest in the old gym. Cost is $2 per ticket, and anyone interested in participating- is weicome. Aise planned is a pizza day, a pay a buck te parke' in the school lot day, and a year-round basketball night ovegy Tuesday (at a cost of $21). F or furthor information, see Mr. Dobos, Ms. Correira, Kate Muir, Amanda Murcott or Melissa Pauw. The prom for graduating students will ho on May 26 at LeParc in Markham. The prom committee is aise holding a lottery in which you can win prizes froin Samn The Record Man, HMV, and free prom tickets for you and your date. Chelsea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. Hawks- raised more than' $1,400 iast Thursday froni the walk-a-thon. Top fundraisers were Beth Wintonyk, KCm Good and Tarnmy Badali. Participants were challenged te show seme spirit along the rainy route. Kudos te Lynn Michaud, Joseph James and Mark Vanderlip for winning the spirit award. While we're on the subject of participation, student council wouid like you te help corne up with soe new and exciting Fiday lunchtime activities. If you have any ideas, drop thein off at the student council office. As for sports, the junior girls' basketball teani can't lose. Net only did they win five gaines at thein tournament last weekond, they aise extended their league record te 3-0 by winning 62-41 over Pine Ridge last Wednesday. The midget boys' volleyball teain won nine eut of 10 games last Friday at a tournarnent held at O'Neill. The junior boys' voileybali teain aise did vory well as they won their first match of the season against Denis O'Connor. Intramural volieybail began last week. If you missed eut on signing up, why not go eut and cheer on your house colour or favourite teain. Watch out, ail you pedestrians. Driver education fornis are avaiiabie at the office. The deadline is Oct. 9 so hurry up and get your forma. Students interested in a second semester co-op placement sheuid see Ms. Johaston in the co-op office. Placements still- available are in the fields of the mlitia, teaching, police work on privato enterprise. Don't forget that yearbooks are on sale this week only. They cost $30 with a student card and $35 without. And for ail you graduating students, don't forget te sign up Angela Efth.imiou TRAFALGAR CASTLE One thing that really disappoints me about summer, is that families see oin t ooe busy to spend turne tegether. Summer is a timo wheni we're off schoel, but that doesn't necessariiy mean we are spending quality trne with our familles. We are se busy doing our own thing that we often forget how rnuch fun it is te sit down as a whoie family and eat tegether. for university presentations in the guidance office. Check the schedules posted in your horneform for more details. Remember that not oniy. is it a measiy 48 hours until the weekend, but it is also a 72-hour weekend ..enjoy. Pairenits' Night Parents wil have an opper- tunity tenight (Wednesday) to find out exactly what is going on in the classroonis whon St. Ber- nard Catholic Schooi holds a seial Parents'Night. Tpýhe 'Common Curriculum,' which wiil provide educational guideiines beginning in 1996 will ho a focus and teachers wili ho available for information. There wili aise ho a display of matenial currentiy being studied in classrooms. The event is frôm 7 te 8:30 p.m. at the schooi, 1000 Dryden Bl1vd.,WNhitby. The taste of succulent turkey, steamy mashed petatees, tasty gravy, sweet cranberry sauce and good stuffing, seern se goed about now, right? It's that turne ofyear when we al 'long for real food, and it's net McDonald's. Thanksgfiving has been celebrated since the Piigrims first set asi de on occasion te thank God for a plentiful harvest. The tradition goes as far back as Octeber 1621 when the Pilgrirns first held their Thanksgiving festival at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It w as a bitter winter after the Mayflower had brought the Pilgrirns te the new country. Life was much hotter after the seeds sewn in early 1621 had produced a harvest and allowed thein te increase their scanty rations. The Pilgrims signed a peace treaty with the chief of the Wampanoags. Soon after they rejoiced together, in ai special manner te give thanks. On Frday, Trafalgar Castie's annual Turkey Trot wiil take place. This is an event in which the whole school panticipates. It is a run twice around the school,.' chasing and trying te outrun a huge overstuffed 'Turkey' -- usuaily our* fastest cross-country teain member. First the juniors- will compete, then the seniors. AfIer the trot is completed, we have an early dismissal and a three-day holiday I'm sure most of us wili enjoy because wo wiIl spend time with either our guardians or our parents. When feasting, givo thanks for peace and plenty, health and happinesa. Thanksgiving is net rnerely "thanks," but aIse "giving.", This is a tino when wo can give te those whe are leas fortunate.

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