Whitby Free Press, 5 Oct 1994, p. 10

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Page 10. Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, October 5.,1994 talkshow back on te air By Mark Reesor A controversial journaliste' round-table/phone-in show will agan be broadcast on Rogers Cabl e TV Oct. 18. The future of 'Media Journ al' was in doubt after the Sept. 13 show. The live, twice-monthly show features. reporters from the Whitby Free Press, CHEX-TV and the Oshawa Times discues- ing local issues anid taking calîs from viewers. Rogers program director Terry McWade ordered that the ep- BROOKLIN ARTIST Bill Fraser poses with lot at Mary and Bond streets in Oshawa. 'Wee SmalI Creatures On Their Way To Fraser says the animais represent "the Noah's Ark,' a collection of whimsical diverseness of humanity." animais he's put up in a vacant industrial Photo by Mrk Reesor, Whltby Free Pres Theatre groupseeks actors Durham Shoestring Performers invite local actors te attend an )pen audition for the third play of the 1994-95 season, « Can You See Me Yet?'by Timothy Findley. To be held Tueeday, Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hall, the casting will provide roles for seven women and four men. ' Can You See Me Yet?' isa challenging play set in a lunatic asylum in the late thirties. The theme ie complex, with seveÈal layers of reality intermingled, and deale with how people make their way through their lives, finding their identity and a safe haven as they go. The roles te be cast will appeal best te actors having sorne stage experience. Women from young aduits te age 60, and men from Why do more people corne to CENTURY HOME VIDEO? .1Any Video Rentai $1 .99 IAny 3For $4.99 ILarge Selection of 3 day For $1 .99 -orMunchies -0 Monthly Prizes (October Hi-Fi Stereo VCR & Jurasskc Park> IA selection of over 12,000 movies, music CD's, Nintendo, Super- NES, SEGA, Genesis & Aduft 513 Brook St. North Look for te ig md centuy Home Vdeo late 20e te 60 will lie considcred. As well, people interested in baekstage or pre-production work are invitcd te attend. The play will lie presented o Jan. 27, 28, Feb. 2, 3j. 4. Rehearsails will begin in November. To borrow a script for advance reading, or for further information, cail director Carolyn Wilson at 725-9256. Where 's Ronald?9 Ronald McDonald is missing. A plsti statue of the famned hmurger clown was abducted fromn «hie usual place of honour beside the drivethrough» at the Thickson Road South McDonald's Sept. 27. "Management and staff are distraught and unconsolable at this dastardly deed,» it was sta- ted in a press release from the, Whitby location. "Would the person or persons responsible for the kidnap please fie heffer (00 fie hIta fPI1t L Pub & Restaurant .... W. .. .. Saturday, Oct. 8th Everton vs. Southampton Live 10 arn by Satellite $5.00 adm. - $4.00 breakfast Sunday, Oct. 9th Newcastle vs. Blackburn Live'l arn by Satellite $5.0,0 adm. - $4.00 breakfast SUNDAY JAN NIGHT 9 pm-1 arn with Andrew Heathcote ....... V IE FRIDA Y, OCT 7th & SA TURDA Y, OCT. 8th no couer place?" Young fun 'Away We Go With Annie and Mo,' for ages 3 to 11, will be held on Thursday, Oct. 20, 6:30 to 7:30, p.m. at the Whitby Public Library, Main Branch. Registration began Oct. 1 (in person only). i fV' mhi$39In Rsuat *n Ot Pb 90 rok-lsS..1 ih 606-8657GU SateI(Lhte TV *I Teams elcomek011 sode, which inicluded calls from Oshawa councillor Brian Nichol- son and opponent Andrew Davis and . heavy caller criticism - of Oshawa mayor Nancy Diamond, not be repeated as is normally done. McWade teld the panel theýy «cannot talk toanybdy,.who s running for any municipal office (in 'future pre-election shows),» said panelist Mark Stewart of the Oshawa Times. Panel members refused te do the show under that condition. McWade said hie was worried the show violated Canadian Radio-television and Telecom- munications Commission (CRTC) guidelines governing fairness in the 60 days prior te, an election. Rogers has *now agreed to repeat the show Oct. 15 at- 3:30 p.m. and Oct. 16 at il a.m. -- the cut-off date for people te declare their Etandidacy for the municipal election je Oct. 14. Rogers will run a disclaimer prior te 'Media Journal',stating the show je non-partisan, not limit what can be discussed or who it can be diecussed with, and will consuit with paneliets about any regulatery or legal concerne that may grise. "I believe that Rogers Com- munit y 10 has decided te take the role of ceneor in order not te, upeet or embarrase the local goÃ"verning élite"» paneliet Dale Jackson of CHEký-ý News char- gd in'a letter te McWade after tKe show was pulled. «These calîs were comning in and they were from regular, everyday, average people who fiayound a chance to get on the phone and vent their anger,» said Jackson 'later. «Unfor- tunately this show just got, a little too much influence for Roerd liking.» We certainly don't favour n candidate," added Stewart. We feel it was an excellent forum for the public te, hear various pointe of view... and Rogers, through censorship, has taken that cern- munity forum away... «We do a lot of local stuff and local politicians are often the ones making decisions... we like te, talk about people and we like te give them t he freedom to phone in, too." McWade denied the charges. "They did it (the program) for two years and they're free te talk about anything they wieh to talk about. "The diflficulty je with the CRTC, not with us... we felt that because the show had two candi- dates on it, eesentially conduct- ing a debate becauee they're i-un- ning againet each other... that We wouldn't be obeying the legis- lation (by repeating it)... "(The CRTC) want a balance 50, that the eple running in an election allJ1ave the same chance, so some people can't appear on regularly-scheduled programes that would give them a perceived advantaire over someone else that ien t. able te get on." 'The only, exception, he eaid, le aIl-candidate forums, where each person running je given a chance tepnarticipate. Jackson -- Whitby Free Pres reporter Mike Kowalski, Stewart and Scott Anderson of the Osh- awa Times are the other panel- iets -- argued the regulation applies only to partisan program- ming. «It basically eays that you have te give candidates fair and equal coverage... the p anel le staffed by four qualifie& journal- jets. The CRTC under any con- ditions would'consider us non- partisan." Jackson was also concerned about a previous show in which panelists were told net te diseuse political wrangling between Nicholson and Diamond'because the matter was before the courte. In fact, Diamond only consul- ted her lawyer and the case neyer went te court, Jackson said. "I euggeeted (in the letter) that it was suspiclous that both these incidente încluded Mayor Nancy Piamond and the conflict, bet- .Ween her and Brian Nicholson. kt et seenis like there's sort of a bas in her faveur in these dcci- siens... "I believe hie (McWade) made an arbitrai-y decision te pull these; what motivated hlm is what 1 would lîke te, know." McWade misinterpreted the CRTC rules uwhich are deeigned so one politician* doesn't et pro- moted on the airwavee. Th at le not what. we're doing,» said Stewart. Rzelive Whitby' s history ,'Hiistery of the Whitby Library' will be hcld on Wedncsday, Oct. 19, 7:30 te 8:30 p.m., at the Wihitby Public Library main branch. Registration bogan Oct. 1. Local archiviet Bilan Winter will bring some of Whitby Library's past into the present with a histery of the library as seen through the eyes of Lyman T. Bai-lay, the firet chair-of the firet public library board. DINING LOUNGE Oktobçvrfg,5t âpizeial* DaiIy Lunch &Dinner Specials Sunday il arn - 3 pm Weciding & Banquet Facillties Avallable GOOD F00D AT GOOD PRICIES COZY FIREPLACE COMFORTABLE ATMOSPHERE IMPORTED BEER ON DRAFT Municipal parking at rear with walk through. 22 rokSt eouh Wib 666221 TV

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