Whitby Free Press, 21 Sep 1994, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Septemnber 21,11994 , Page 25 Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY. SCHOOL ANDERSON Welcome 1.ack te another year of school. The flrst weeks are now behind us, and most people have moved into their lockers and used their writing utensils. As an OAC student, I arn looking forward te finishing my final year of.high schoel. Sinclair has, thankfully, decreased our population, but Anderson hallways are stili crowded. Many events are approaching fast. For the musically inclined, 'Brigadoon' auditions were held last week, and well carry a cast list for Anderson's musicial next week. Also, auditions were held for this year's. drama presentation, The Donnellys, Part 3, a.k.a. 'Handcuffs.' Members of the castfor the play, te ho staged in January, include (in no partieular'order): Gina Dionne, Cindy Holmes, Jennie Ott.away, Deb 'N-Clark, Christine Shapardanis, , Katy Griffiths, Pam Kirkland, ,Stacy Espie, Nicole Norris, Lori Beale, Ashley James, Leanne Dairymple, Janis Leering, Jeanette Bradlley, Ashley Maraden, Mindy Bell, iCarol Jamieson, Fawna Reeson, Andrea Cook, Maya MacKay, Angela Epominandos, Terrance Balazo, Shawn Murphy, Brad Blumbergs, Rob Fodor, Andrew Godin, Craig' Armstrong, Aaron Kylie Robert White, Aaron Jeffs, Eric Annan and Steve Miles-Berry. Stage manager will be Jeanette Perrin. Both productions feature large caste,. and congratulations te ail who camne out for auditions. Frosh week was held last week, and multitudes of Grade *9s flocked te either the gym or the cafeteria at lunch to participate in their induction into high school life. Activities included musical chairs, a barbecue and a jello-eating contest. In sports, soccer tearns are planning strategies and the rugby teain is looking forward te another adventure trip te Wales. in 1995. The girlsW basketball teai had their first gaine yesterday t Eastdale. AIl three teanis are strong as usual, and are, eager te repeat their past successes this year. The girls' field hockey team, coached by Ms. Piller,aIse piayed at Eastdale yesterday. Student council - bas started selling activity cards for everyone participating in extra-curricular activities, and our yearly fundraiser will start in about two weeks. For graduating students worried about "the future," the college/university seminars are starting soon, so make sure you're there. As for the club scene, many activities are off and running. Intramurals are now showcasing the annual whiffleball c etit f;f. in.Theatre sp-orts iso ; Congratulationg, Coltica. Wo've survived our first whole week at Sinclair. We had our flrst "unusual Wednesday" and even thoueh some things will need toh changed, the day was fairly successful. With 51 activities to choose from in each period, there was something to suit every taste. To name just a few, there was floor hockey and aerobic classes in the gym, as well as nurnerous seminars, including one on how to quit smoking, which bas proven successful. In only one day we have received reports that four of our students hVave already quit smoking. Keep up the good work. Besides the Wednesday program getting off the ground, numerous sport teams have as well. For the boys there are 'rugby, volloyball and aocer, and for the girls there are basketball and field hockey. Good luck to al tearne. I have noticed this past week that fewer and fewer people. are becoming lost in the halls. That is great. Slowly but surely those feelings of confusion are slowly fading away. A few reminders: do flot forget to bring in $25 for your SAC sticker. It will be needed, too, if you are planning to attend the school <ance on Sept. 29. Everyone is encouraged to corne out and participate. >qChelsea Balzan HENRY ST. H.S. SARAH MCLACHLAN performed in an outdoor concert during Orientation Week at Durham College. McLachlan is Ëronmoting her most recent album, 'Fumbling Towards Ecstasy, with a national tour, and 'Durham was her only campus stop on the tour. Photo by Jeremy Dresar, Whitby Free Press Juliana Metselaar TRAFALGAR CASTLE Another' school year begins, and everyorie at Trafalgar is getting inte the school's routine. This,year we -have. many new girls frm round the world as well as our Canadian students. It is -.interesting te ta]k te new people about their countries' customs and wbat they think of Canada. We have girls from Japan, China, Taiwan, Mexico, Antigua and the Dominican Republic'this year, and although it's difflicult for many te adjust te, their new surroundings, m~any fiendships have already been made. To start the year off on a positive note, the atbletic association organized a tremendousiy successful Activity Day. This year, our four bouses -- Maxwell, Farewell,. Carter and Haro -- ail showed more spirit than ever before and everyone had fun in the various events, including a water balloon relay, limbo competition, cbeering contest, sack races, and, of course, air bands. After a barbecue lunch outside in the glade, the wbole schoel went te Wbeelies where many people tried rolier skating for the flrst time, and some people surprised us ail witb their previously hidden talent for it. House games will ho starting seon, teo, with each house trying te gain the inost pointe by the end of the year te win the bouse trophy. The various clubs, committees and tearns are aise starting again, and ail of our girls are encouraged to participate and try semething new. Our soccer and basketball tennis have just been chosen and both the Debating Society and Grad Committee are looking for volunteers 'and new ideas.ç Coming up (bis weekend is ourr annual camping weekend, wbich a is always tons of fun,. and v provides steries for tho rest of the y!ear., I*know this year is going te ho the best yet at Trafalgar and b we've only been bore for a couple of weoks.1 Academic advic'e for ath letes Durham College has developed a new programn this year te ensure the academnic success of athletes. The Intercollegiate Athiete Academic Success Program (IAASP), a joint progmam of Durhamn College Student Services and Durham College Athletics, ensures tho academic success of intercollegiate athietes by providing a comprebensive program of success skills and advising. "This is the flrst time a program this detailed bas been offered for athietes at the college level. We are expecting te ho quite successful for both Durhami College and the Durham College athlete," commented Laurence Bisbop, program coordinator and academic advisor. An academic advisor helps students define attainable goals and challenges tho athlete te reach these goals. The athiete must maîntain a grade point average of 2.0 te continue playing the sport. Hello, aill you high school confidentialg, and, welcomne te Wednesday. Anyone who wants te go te Friday>s dance -should think about buying. a ticket soon, tickets will not Ie sold at the door. Ml you Grade 9 students out there, encourage your parents te corne te Grade 9 Parente' Night tomorrow (Thursday) at the school. Once again the guidance department has outdone itself with the organization of last week's Grade 9 Iibrary/guidance orientation. If any guidance teachers or librarians are looking burnt out this week, it's because of the millions of questions they were asked. Also last week we had our flrst SAC assembly as well as a pep rally. Student council put on a successful show. Student cards were distributed by Adam M4urray, the 'Student Card Fairy.' Nice legs, Adamn. HAC introduced us to our new biouse league system. If you don't know your bouse colour, ask someone in your home form, they should know. At the pop rally we were introduced te, this year's Hawks football team, teugh break with the loss on Thursday, guys. Eacb homeform elected a representative te the new Students' Congress last week. These reps wiIl meet once a month and wilI bring student views te, SAC's attention. ' Impact' was up early Saturday morning planting- trees for the Town oFWhitby. Wbat dedication. The cast of An Evening of One Acte' has been chosen and posted, good luck wi th your rebearsals. Co-op students began their ifirst semester placements on Monday. For some students this is their flrst taste of the rosI world. Your co-op teachers wiII visit y ou in the next few weeks, so looscbus That's it for this week. Be good, and smile -- only 48 bours. until the weekend. eveî, Icar har From reading (o math, Sylvan Learning Centre' helps children make the grades. With our positive, individualized instruction, st-udents, find their grades soaring - along with their seif-esteeni. lnstead of dreading sehool. students actually look forward to it. We've already helped more than a million children turn their grades around. Let's talk about how we can help your child. e S y lv n g,,a woSAPak-P ag, wole Léa nin 180 Dudas t. ., W itg v 4ý>

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