Get Inta dancing The .tudio of Dance & Performing Arts, 307 Brock St. N., under the direction of Inta Leja, offers complete training in ballet, jazz, tap, modern, drama, voice and modelling for those aged 3 to adult. New courses for faîl include modemn (Limon) musical theatre, ~1y'cal and Boys Klub (boys on]y The studio has a high standard and students are prepared for wor]d renowned exams. The In-ta Kids Dance Co. gives students the opportunity to perform and compete in Canada and the U.S., with the highlight of '95 a trip to New York City. Scholarships are available. Leja is a professional dancer and choreographer in Canada and Europe, and brings to her students a wealth of showbiz knowledge. Tutoring service goes back to basics Guaranteed resuits are what A-Litt]e-Extra-Help Tutoring Service is ail about. If, after 30 ]essons, the student has flot progressed one full grade level in a specifie subject area such as math or reading comprehension, the service wiIl continue to teach a child free of charge until they do. "The guarantee applies to elementary-aged children who are experiencing difïficulty in the core subject areas. "However, many of our students are at the high school level. We employ a 'back-to-basics' approach to Iearning that many parents find reassuring,' says Maniette Peever, who, since 1988, has been helping students with their school work outside their classroomn. As a teacher, Peever is aware of the cutbacks many school boards are facing and the effect on students. Her company is designed to supplement and reinforce the skills taught at school. A-Little-Extra-Hel p adinnisters a standardi zed, comn- prehensive diagnotitc test to determine a child's grade placement and age equivalent and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This allows the teacher to develop an individual pupil plan that focuses specifically on problem areas. Fali '94 - Sept. 7th, 1994 15 Parmk,-woocf ESTATE &GARDENS [ jour the magniriccnt 55 rÎoom mansion. Enjo\ thc dclightful Grccnhousc Tea Roioi .. Special Christmas program begins in mid November. Aduit $5 - Senloer/Student $3 Family $12 579-1311 Groups wclcomc by appointmcnt - 270 Simcoc St. N., Oshawa MARIETTE PEEVER of A- Litte- Extra-Help tutors Aaron and Melanie. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whtby Free Press