Whitby Free Press, 17 Aug 1994, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, Augus! 17, 1994 Whitby Free Press 668-6111l Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn ta 5:00 pm * Fax 668-0594 Employee stabbed at Pool hallin ......... . W hitby ................ ........ .. . .......... ... . .. AUCTION SALE."Kahn Country Auctionsu - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles nerth of Hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine turnishings, glass, china, cellectables, primitives and other unusuals. Se join us every Wed. and participate in one of Ontario's *true" auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, cheque (with proper I..) or Visa. Preview trom 1:00 p.m. "Consignment & estate selling. our specialty. Cali us today - Kahn Auction Services - 683-0041. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, AUGUST 19 at 5:30 pm 3 miles east of Litte Brtain on County rd. 4 The Prvperty of E.W. ROBINSON of Lindsay plus others Oak library* table, 3 PC. modem bedroom suite, walnut oval parleur table, oak rocking chairs,- antique dressers, washstands, almond side by side fridgeireezer & 30 in. electric stove, microwave, Queen Anne style chestertield & chair, portable colour TV, 9 pc. wainut dining room suite, flat top trunk, spinning wheel, IBM word processor, organ stoal, modemr dressers & chests of drawers, press badk highchair, parleur chairs, wooden & chrome office chairs, qty. woaden & metal office desks, 4 hp snewbbower, 410 shotgun, Lakefield Mossberg 410 shotgun, 30-30 Winchester lever action, qty. gold stick pins, 110 John Deere Riding lawnmower, 12 ft. aluminum deep hulI boat with 9.6 Chrysler motor & trailer, plus a quantity et china, glass, antiques, househoki & collectable Rtems. DONôr GREG CORNEIL AUICTIONEERS RR #1 Little Britain 705-786-2183 AUClION SALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 18at 5pm AT THE ISLANDER BANQUET HALL ON SCUGOG ISLAND. The estate of the late LAURA LYLE af Port Perry with Heintzman piÎano,' boat mtor, S&S tridge/freezer, good app liances & furniture, windsurfer, toys & mjuch more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES. 905-55-8073 W1flI THANKS TO St. Jude, for favours receved with promise ta publish. G.S. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known ta fail. O mast beautiful tlower of Mount Carmel, fruittul vine, splendor et Heaven, Blessed Mother af the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. O star af the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Haly Mary, Mother of God, Queen et Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you f rom the bottom et my heart to PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known ta f ail. O mest beautiful flower a! ýMount Carmel, truilful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mther et the son af God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nessssity. O star et the sea help me and show me here you are my Mther. O Holy Mary, Mther et God, Queen et Heaven & earth, I humbîy beseech you ftrom the bottom af my heart te secure me in my necessmty (make requests). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin pray fer us, who have recourse le thee ( times).. Holy Mary 1 place th s cause n your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 censeculive days and then you must publish it and il will be granted te you. LM. PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known ta fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruilful vins, splender ef Heaven, Blessed Mother et the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. O star et the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Hely Mary, Mther et God, Qusen of Heaven & earth, 1 humbly beseech you ftram the bottomaof, my heart la secure me in my necessity (make req uests). There are nons that can wth stand your power. O Mary canceived without sin, pray for us, wha have recourse te thee (3 times). Hely Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 tîmes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish il and it will be granted te you. M.B.K. THANKS TO 9T. JUDE. Maythe Sacrsd. Heart of Jesus b. adered, glorified, Ieved and preserved fh roughout the werld new and forever. May the Sacred Heart et Jesus pray for us foroyer. St. Judo, werker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helpe r et the hopeless, pray for us. N me limes daily for ight days. Promise publication. M.F. PRAYER TO TH1E HOLY SPIRIT, you who mako me see everything and show me the way ta reach my idoals. Yeu who give me the divne gif et tergive and forgel from ail that is dene te me and yeu. 1i n Ihis short diabgrue,you are in allistanceseof Mylite waKh me. Want ta thank you fer everything and contirrn once more that I nover want ta bu soparatod tram you ne mater how great mny materiai dosires may bu. 1 want ta bu with you and mx boved onos in yeur perpetual gbory.A persan may say this prayor, 3 consecutive days, 3 limnes dally, witlîout asldng for their wish. Afler the 3rd day their wish wil 4e grantod no matter how difficult and promise ta pdnt this dialogue as- soan as your favour has been grantod. Thank you ta the Holy Spirit Wsh granted. AD. FRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known ta tail. O mest beautiful tlower af Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splender o! Heaven, Blessod Mother of the son ef God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. O star et the sea help me and show me here yau are my Mother. O Hely Mary, Mther et God, Queen af Heaven & earth, 1 humbly beseech yeu t ram the bottem ef my hear tot secure me in my necsssity (make FRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer knawn le tail. O mest beautiful tlewer of Mount Carmel, truittul vine, splendar of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me lin nesessity. O star af the sea help me and show me here you are my Mather. O Hely Mary, Mother et God, Queen ef Heavon & oarth, 1 humbly beseoch you fram the bottom a! my heart te secure me in my necossity (make req uests). There are none that can withsland your power. O Mary conceivod without sin, pray for us, who have rocourse le thee (3 times).. Holy Mary 1 place thîs cause in your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer far. 3 cansecutive days and then you must publish it and it will bu granted te you. A.D. FRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known te laul. O most beautiful tlower ot Mount Carmel, fruittul vine, splendar af Heaven, Blessed Mothor et the son o! God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in nesessity. O star ot the sea help me and show me here yeu are my Mather. O Haly Mary, Mother of Gad, Queen et Heaven & earth, 1 humbly beseech you t ram the batam 0 f my heart ta socure me in my necessity (make requests). There are none that cari withstand your power. O Mary conceived withaut sin, pray for us, who have recaurse la thee (3 limes).. Holy Mary 1 place thîs cause in your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish it and it will bu granted te yau. C.JJB.J. TIIANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart ai Jesus for faveurs roceived. May the Sacred heart et Jesus be adored, glerfieid, loved & preserved threughout the world now & forever. O Sacred Heart af Jesus, pray for us. St. Judo, worker et miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper et the hepeless, pray for us. Say this p rayer 9 tiems day, b y the eighth da your prayer will be answered. Publication must bs promised. H.S. FRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN, neyer known ta fail. O most bea uliful tlewer af Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor ai Heaven, Blessed Mother of the son et God, Immaculate Vîrgin, assist me in nesessity. O star of the sea help me and .she.w me hors you are my Mather. O Hely Mary, Mother of God, Qusen et Heavon & earth, I humbly beseech you t ram the battom of my heart ta, secure me in my necessîty (make req uesss). Thers are nons Ihat can withsland your power. O Mary conceived withaul sin, pray for us, who have recourse te 'thee (3 limes).. Haly Mary I p lace Ihîs cause in your hand (3 limes). Say this prayer fer 3 consecutive da s and thn you m'ust publish it ancflt will bu granted te yau. LM. PSYCIIIC READER~ palm & tarot cards tells youpst present & future. Helps in lave, business, marriage & health. 85-95% aoeurate. Known on T.V. & rado throughout Canada 25 yer e.pe nce. $5 off with this ad. Loaed inOshawa. 721-9435. PSYCHIC, ASTROLOGER & Spîntual Advlsor. Personal readings & printots. (416) 208-3707 or (905) 619-2358. IC. - Babe, thinkin about y's al the lime. 0k 49%/.I just wish, well, y ou know. Trust everyting is alright. See ya soon? Good Lord, hope sol c9nnectidns 24 hr. DATELINE Gents 970 a day -Win a FREE Splish Photo by JD.W. Rentai! Phologrephy Cali FREE! 430m7060 IF YOU DON'T HAVE A LOT 0F TIME, i there's something for everyone ~\. in the Classifieds. Whether you're buying, selling, renting 3 , ook.îng for employment or services, I you're sure to get resuits. 6 5 Cail our Classified Dept. Today 668-6111 An employee was stabbed twice in hie sida after a confron- tation early Sunday morning at a Whitby pool hall. The 21-year-old Whiitby man was taken ta Oshawa General Hospital, where hie was treated and released. Police "ay the incident occur- red around 1:30 a.m. at Classy Q's, 129 Brock St. N., when an employee tried ta brak up a flght.klcae Other employees quickycm ta bie aid after the stabbing, and the suspect fled. Police were given a description 1and began searching the area when they were approached by a man who tald thein hie had seen the suspect walking on Beech Street West, west of the former Cabi Foods plant. A lone officer searching the area, later spotted the suspect hiding in à field about 25 feet east of Harris Street, north of Beach. *He told the suspect hae was under arrest and called for backup. A 28-year-old Pickering man was charged with aggravated aiRaUlt and weapons dangerous. ]Bowl for United Way Five-member teais can enjey the Oshawa Postal Warkers' mixed bowling tournament for the United Way of Oshawa- Whitby-Clarington, at Leisure Lanes, 728 Chiamplain Ave., on Saturday, Aug. X0 at 1 p.m. Teams are guaranteed three games. Sign up by Friday, Aug. 5. Prizes ta ba given include high tears as well as individual prizes such as high single and high triple. Proceeds fromn the teamn entry fee of $75 support the United Way Of Oshawa-Whitby- Claringtan, which helps fund more than 200 prograins fremn 43 agencies in aur cammunity, fromn which mare than 80,000 residents receive direct benefits. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 9 1. Duff erin Street was eriginally John Street- Watson Street was Maitland Street; Brock Street in Port Whitby was Richmond Street, and Arthur Street was Ann Street. In Brooklin , Cassels Road was eriginally called Mill Street. 2. William Hodgson Jr. (1827- 1904) grew up in Broeklin and was a sign if icant Ottawa architect, whese patron was Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald. 3. General Isaac Brack, Governer of Upper Canada, stoppad at the Lynde farm in Whitby on his way ta York

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