Whitby Free Press, 17 Aug 1994, p. 23

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 17,1994 ,Page 28 FASTBALL FINALS Noviices 3rd in Whitby Hughes Hawks novice fastball teain carne away froin Niagara Falls recently sporting bronze medals from the novice tier II provincial grand championships. In their flrst gaine Whitby faced a strong teain froin Orleans, who jumped ahead early, leading 3-2 at the end of three. But Whitby rallied for six runs in the top of the seventh, and held on defensively in the bottom of the inning for 15-10 win. Andrea Gale notched two singles while Jil Innes knocked out a three-run homer and Lesley Aitkenhead belted a triple. Tania Chappeli, Gail Bradley, Heather Seamone and Elyse Sorichetti had sin ges. 'Gaie assisted Bradley and Chappell to cut down a triple attempt in the fifth, recording the third out. Seamone went the distance on the mound allowing nine hits over seven innings. In the second round, Whiàtby went on te face St. Catharines who led by one at the end of the third. But Hawks'defence shut them Ontario junior A lacrosse Pleyaff scores OrangevIlle vemmi Brampton Juty 31 Brapton 7 Orangevillo a Augut 2 Oreuigeville 13 Braipton 10 August 4 Brnpton 12 Orangeville 8 AugLt 5 Orangevitie 8 Brarriptan 10 Auguet 7 Bramipton 8 Orangevillo 12 Auguet 8 Orangevillo 9 Brampton 12 August 11 Branpton Orangevillo Brapton wins 4-3) Peterborough veosus St. Cathsdnes J uIy 31 St. Catharneos 7 Peerborough 9. AugLt 2 Peterborough 9 St. Catharines 15 Auguel4 St. Cathaines 8 Peerborough 17 Augut 6 Peterborough 7 St. Catharines 12 August 7 St. Cathaines 7 Peterborough 16 August 9 Peterborough 9 S. Catharines 17 August 10 St. Catharines Il Peerborough 12 DOT (Pterborough wuins 4-3) FINAL PLAYOFFS Peterborough verus Brampton Augusi 14 Brarrptoni 7 Peterborough 6 August 17. Branpton et Peterborough August 18, Peterborough ai Brantan August 20. Brampton et Peterborough Auguet 21. Peterborough al ranpton August 22. Brarrptan aï Peterb~orough Winner af s«i» Elvaricos tathe Minto Cup Whitby girls softball BANTAM Playolffs Rotary Club 13 Action Plus Mobile 1D DOS Market ing 17 Berninae8mrs 2 SOPHUORE Playofle Bocker'm 17 MarigoldLinocoin 6 Loveil Druge 1 Fisheran 's Friand 9 NOVICE Playoffe Brookin Oplimiast Dissnand Ruddy Elecij HormeParadlis. Air 10 Lions Ckib il WGSA Pirates 13 Euracraft Kichens 16 BraokinLegion SOUIRT Thunderivision Payi Rayai Cdn. Logion 9 Painit Store Pka 9 down and camne out swinging to score three times in the fourth and three again in the.sixth to secure the 6-1 win. Chappeli led the hitting with a triple and a single while Bradley swatted a double with singles each by Gale, Innes, Sorichetti and Seanione. Innes threw out a runner attempting to steal second base in the first inning. Again Seamone pitched a complete gaine, giving up only five hits and striking out two. The third game was a rematch of the semi-final gaine in the regional qualifier with Wihitby meeting Niagara Fals, always tough contenders on the Hawks' road te, the provincials. Seamone threw a nô-hitter for three and a third innungs before Niagara posted three runs in the fourth. Whitby bats were hot as Innes drove out a two-run triple in the first to, start the scoring. Chappel lashed out three singles, Aitkenhead, Sorichetti and Seamone two each and Gale, Bradley and Calle Osborne one each. Pincb-runner Jennifer Birss scored on Chappell's single in the seventh te lock the gamne away 10-6. Seamone struck out four and allowed nine bits over seven te secure her third win. Niagara pitcher Allecia Bruzzese was a runner-up for the best pitcher award for the tournament. Whitby met strong opposition in the fourth round coming up against Seaforth. Chappeil and Innes rallled fcdr a triple each and Sorichetti and Osborne a single but it was not -enough as Seaforth downed Hawks 12-3. In this match, Seamone gave up ber first walk of two for the whole teurnanient. Seaforth hurler Kristen McFarlene won the best pitcher award for the weekend striking eut 30 batters over four gamnes. The senti-final on Sunday was a copy of the final in Whitby's qualifier as Hawks met Aurora., Hawks had a two and one record against Diggers in league play but Aurora had defeated Whitby twice in the regionals. Three errors in the finit inning allowed Aurora to score four and the Diggers went on to down Hawks 6-2. Aitkenhead posted two doubles, Gale a strtiple and a single and Kisten Foster a one-bagger but the remainder of Whitby's bats were silenced. Right fielder Patricia Cowan made a nice running catch for the third out in the third te, thwart the start of another rally but it was too, late as the damage had already been done. Chappeil was voted the top Peewees beaten in OBA playoffs Whitby Rotary Iost to Claring- ton in the final and deciding gamne of an Ontario Basébal Asociation major peewee A series. Clarington will advance in the OBA playdowns after defeating Whitby in extra innings in the third game of the best-of-three series. Mike Zyhar struck out 10 Clarington battersý in the regula- tion seven innings that ended with the score tied 2-2. Ronnie Fornarolo and Adam Bickle scored the Whitby runs. In the ninth inning, Clarington scored a run, matched by Tyler Wood as he walked and stole two bases in the Whitby haîf of the inning. Clarington went ahead te stay in the lOth innng. Whitby will play in the CNE tournament next week. The Oshawa Hawkeyes atem football teani, which consiste; of several beys from Whitby, won its home opener Sunday 31-0 over Pickering Dophins. Whiùtby resident David Norman led the way with two touchdowns. Others scorers for Hawkeyes were Aston Smith with two ThoasueCook 8 Beaver Luntws Rayal Cdn.LI ian 1V TiIIoy Optician Parinrs Ltos 12 Shoppees Drug Ughtnlng dvision Playoffe Ramax-C.Chanitte 14 Whitby Optimist Valentina's 12 Dynes&S Ltayd Kartbeh 17 Lovadl Drugs Mrcury Auta Bady 15 Whitby Kinsmen SENIOR MITE Swlnger dvision Firet round playofis Auguet 9 Easlem Caupet Durham SmaJI 13 Scitis KFC il 12 Whitby Kinsmn 1D littere <fviion Firut round ployoffe August 9 Braoklin Kinsmer, Big V Phaîrnacy WGSA Jays tivestars Grai.p roffe Broaklln Kirsein ThoaueCaak 5 Dura Cash Bocklord Service 8 Wr.7-aranission 9 Knihts ofCokirn. 15 Brooktln Optirrist 22 DOS Markeing JUNIOR MITE Playoffs 9 MafMilan Orch. 9 Phoenix Car 13 RP Od 7 DDS Mmakting touchdowns and Craig Parkes with one. Two other Whitby residents combined for the final point when quarterback Greg Crabb hit Jason Pottinger with a five-yard pass play for the . one-point convert attempt. Even though the season has started, Hawkeyes are stili looking for new players as final registration is net until Aug. 27. Anyone interested should cali AI Crabb, 404-0197 or Steve Henry 430-1645. No experience is needed, as this is the first level (aged 10-12) of tacle football. Ail equipînent is supplied. ~ SA Whitby Girls SA 1Softball Association WANTED RIP TIAR COACIES FOR ALL AGIS Mail resumé to: Box 545 Whitby, ON Li N 5V3 or contact JOHN HUGHES 666-2223 Deadfine: August 19/94. O ntario batter for the tournanwnt geing eight for 17 at the plate with three walks and two triples and scoring six runs. Hawks will now compete in the North York Women's League playoffs in Newmarket on the last weekend in August. ..*. . . *.. .. .*.*.. . . . .R . . . Y .. -- - - - - -----*..*. * . . . . .. . ..... ...... C0 STEEIL< >LAS GOI Whitby Minor Hockey Association qepresentative Team Tryout Times u 11l players mus'rwearproper protective equipmont. Ai players must present proof of registration. COST 0F TRVOUTS: 1hr.-$6.0 -11/i2 hr.-$9.00 - 2 hr.-$1O0.00 MINOR NOVICE A MAJOR NOVICE A MINOR ATOM A MAJOR ATOM A MINOR PEEWEE A MAJOR PEEWEE A MINOR BANTAM A MAJOR BANTAM A MIDGET A MINOR NOVICE MA MAJOR NOVICE MA MINOR ATOM MA MAJOR ATOM MA MINOR PEEWEE MA MAJOR PEEWEE MA MINOR BANTAM MA MAJOR BANTAM MA MIDGET Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Sept. 3 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Sept. 3 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Sept. 2 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Sept. 2 Aug. 30 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Aug. 30 Sept. 1i Sept. 3 Aug. 29 Aug. 31 Sept. 2 Aug. 30 Sept. 1i Sept. 3 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Sept. 1il Sept. 8B Sept. 10 Sept, il Sept. 8 sept. 9 Sept. 10 sept. 9 sept. 10 sept. il Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. .9 Sept. 10 sept. il Sept. 8 Sept. 10 sept. il Sept. 9 Sept. 10 sept. 11 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 sept. il 5:OOpm - 6:OOpm 6:OOpm - 7:OOprn 2:OOpm - 3:300m 6:OOpm - 7. Ppm 5:OOpm - 6:OOpm 3:3Opm - 5:OOPM 7:OOpm - 8:OOpm 5:OOpm - 6:OOpm 5:OOpm - 6:3Opm 6:0Opm - 7:OOpm 7:OOpm - 8:OOpm 6:3Opm - 8:OOpm 7:OOpm - 8.OOpm 5:OOpm - 6:3Opm 8:OOpm - 9:3Opm 8:0Opm - 9:3Opm 8:OOpm - 9:3Opm 6:30pm - 8:OOpm 8:OOpm - 5:OOpm - 9:30pm - 9:3Opm - 9:30pm - 9:3Opm 7:OOpm 1 1:OOpm 1 1;OOpm 11:OOPM 9:3Opm - 1 1:OOpm 9:3Opm - il :OOpm 7:OOpm - 9:OOpm 5:OOpm - 6:OOpm 8:15am - 9:l5am 10:l5am - 11:l5am 6:OOpm - 7.OOpm 9:l5am - 10:l5am 11l:5am - 12:l5pm 7:OOpm - 8:OOpm 5:OOpm - 6:OOpm 10:l5am - 11:l5am 6:OOpm - 7:OOpm 11:l5am - 12:l5pm 12:l5pm - 1:l5pm 7:OO0pm - 8:OOpm 12:l5pm - 1:l5pm 1 :l5pm - 2:45pm 8:OOpm - 9:3Opm 1:l5pm - 2:45pm 2:45pm - 4:l5pm 8:0Opm - 9:3Opm 2.45pm - 4:l5pm 4:l5pm - 5:45pm 9:3Opm - il :OOpm 4:l5prn- 5:45pm 5:45pm - 7:15pm 9:3Opm - il :OOpm 5:45pm - 7:l5pm 7:l5pm - 9:l5pm .LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA LVA IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA IP.A2 IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 LVA IPA2 IPA2 IVA = Luther Vipond Arena, Brooklin IPA2 = Iroquos Park a For further information please cali: AAA Director - Peter Lang 666-1426, AA Director - Bob Hanoskl 668-9891, i st Vice President - Terry Wltruk 666-3944. 2 TDs for Norman in opening game win IMW mcýý- - 1

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