Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, Auguat 10, 1994, Page 3 Hearing against doctor resumes sometime in fait A disciplinary hearing against a Whitby doctor is scheduled te resume in Sep tomber or October. Dr. Denis Gabrielle, a Whitby resident who practises in Ajax and aise serves as a coroner for Durham Region, bas pied not guilty te charges of sexual mis- conduct, incompetence and dis- honourable conduct. The hearing, conducted by the College of Physcians and Sur- geons of Ontario, begn Aug. 2 and was scheduled te h ave ended Aug. 5 but teok longer than expected. Itcouldr't continue without conlîting with previousiy sche- duied hearings before the college. Gabrelle'scertificate of regist- ration' -- formeriy called a medi- cal license' -- was suspended in May, pending the outcome of the hearing, after the coliege recei- duct. Lodge plans SUMMer Fest FairviewLdgs fifth annuai Summer Feat wil be held on Saturday, Aug. 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be games, entertain- ment, craft booths, jpetting zoo, antique car show ana many more displays and activities. SAVE OUR GENERAL HOSPITAL <SOGH) are available at many locations around co-founder Joanne Prout pn a button on Whitby, for $2 each to raise money for the Whitby General Hospital board chair Jim fight.PotbyMkResrWhbyFePes Souch. SOGH is sellung the buttons, whichPht yMrResrWht FPes Hospitalfundrai@sing campaign *Parks & Recreation Program (ail homes) For blanket coverage of ALLIhe homes andlor busirisses in Whitby OR la selected ameas only, cal the WHITBY FREE PRESS - 668-111. If you cld not get afler which is listed for full cistrbution, give us a cal.j FROM PAGE 1 that we don't (support it),» Kea- loy said. Kealey aIse reférred te the efforts of ctzn' roup Save Our General H ospita (OGH) te retain acute care services at Whi*tbyGeneral. 09GH has cllected 20,000 namles on a petition te be presen- ted, te Health Minister Ruth Grier and is selling lapel buttons to offset the cost of its varieus activities (see separate stery). "With 20,000 signatures 1 Pettion FROM PAGE 1 sales will be used to offset SOGH's expenses. «We are asking for a $2 dona- tion, but if they don't have it we don't deprive people of a button," she said. Any excess funds wiil be dona- ted te the hospital should SOGH's efforts prove successful, Prout said. Otherwise, the money will go to another «worthwhiie local cause" yet te be determined, she said. Meanwhile, there is stili time left for anyone wanting te sign SOGH's petition, Prout noted. The petition can be found in various locations around Whitby and deer-to-door canvassing la stili underway in somne areas. Net only does SOGH want the province to reject any proposai which eliminates acute care ser- vices, but the petition calîs on the government te mantain Whitby General as a "fuil-ser- vice" active treatmentfacility- This would include reinstating 24-heur emnergency service which was redueed earlier this year te 14 heurs in a cost-cutting move by hospital officiaIs. Durham C-,entre MPP Drum- mond White bas agreed te, arrange a meeting between the health minister and SOGH representatives. ROTARY(AE . .. .. .. 3. . .. 12.. . . 93..3 think it's pitiable that she (SOGH co-founder JoAnne Prout) wouldn't say te thein 'Give me $1 and I will give it te Marc Kealey te buy an ultra sound unit',» said "I thiînk any groupthat would go eut and coliect money when we are trying te raise money for our hospital is wrong,» he said. SOGH should instead be work- ing with the hospital te further its aims, Kealey suggested. «We think it's great that the community is doing things, but by the same teken, let's work toether,» ho said. Kealey said the money raised te date indicates many residents approve of the hospitai's "busi- ness as usual» approach. "Irve 'had about five phono calis » he said. "f? there's concern that the hospital is not functioning right, thon the community's not caling US. "We're not getting anybody cal- ling and we raised $8,00 after one month it must mean we're doing weii'.'1 With every windshield replacement and this adIVNAW DE ULNG I'FRTO WhtyAuto Glass will donate $5.00 te the fl AW NEFLNGf uO W O Whitby Courthouse Theatre. We challenge Whitby Merchants & Businesses te MATCH OR EXCEED aur challenge. Contact Dave at 668-2003* -HNe Mmw w V, o. 'o Fn nly. r I ---- - - - - - a ON VOUR INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE WITH THIS AD* Whty Auto Glass uses an lncredlble new prooess ta repair wtindshIed stone chips. And your Insurance conmpany viwa ae your 11 udsS.E su ~eo tn ear a~TOLL FREE1-806894 IVYeýcibln sane ea clo.MOBLE ERVCE 00-668-9247KANSI p u rInurne ow lon. n MOISEVI u ARANTE cofi O RKM.01155AN ai IoorPur 1 9 . m-;th most insufance companies Wth this ad at limo of purchase.