Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1994, p. 26

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Paqjc 2.,- Whtbv Frffl Prer. '%W.udnesday, August 10,, 1994 WHITBY STUDENT Lisa Morrison was one of f ive Ontario black students to receive the Harry Jerome Scholarship, recognizing her strorig academic performance and communhy involvement. That's proud mom Maisie look- ingon. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby.Fre Press Citizen award recipient to attend conference Chandra Hunter of Whtby will attend the fourth annual Students Commission National Conference in Ottawa Aug. il ta, 17. Hunter, 19, a recipient of an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year award, has previoualyý attended the conference at which "students talce their ideas ta Ottawa and make adute listen,» Ir she says. The confer3-nce includes dis- ALANA CHADEE cussion of some of the major issues facing youth today, she says, incIuding education, emplo- ment, gender issues and violence in society. Hunter has been busy raising $850 to attend the conference, and la stili accepting sponsor- ship. She 18 also eager ta receive ideas on "how we can change things," both before and after the conférence. JOANNA KAVITA EATON GARDNER After the six days of the con- ference, students write recom- mendations in a 40-page report which is then presented ta the Governor-General as well as to, political and business leaders. Aylocal youth wanting to «make positive changes here" once the report is brought back ta Wh'tby can contact Hunter through The Free Press (668- 6111). MARTHA SONYA WORBOY SULTAN-KHAN MEGHAN KAMCKE Trafagar studemànts move on Several local residents who were students at Trafalgar Cas- tde School are university-bound this faîl. Alana Chadee has been awar- ded a scholarship ta stud music p erformance at Laurier University in Waterloo. Joanna Eaton, an Ontario scholar, sciences Guelph. will study biologkaàI at the University of Kavita Gardner will study sociolog and anthropalogy at Concordia University in Mon- treal. Meghan Kamcke, an Ontario scholar, was awarded a Chancel- lor's acholarship ta study hiatory at Carleton University in Ottawa. Sonya Sultan-Khan, an Ontario acholar, will study- general arts at the Univeristy of Toronto. Martha Worboy, an Ontario acholar, will study English. at Queen's University in Kingston. Jerome award presented to Whitby student By Mark Bteesor To cali Whitby student Lisa Morrison community-minded would be an understatement. Morrison, 19, who graduated from Anderson CVI with a94,per cent average and has workced hundreds of hours as a volun- teer, was recently honoured with a Harry Jerome Scholarship. The $2,000 award, sponsored by the Black Business and Pro- fessional Association, is given to five Ontario black students who excel acadernically and are actively involved in their coin- munity, in remembrance of Jerome, a sprinter who represen- ted Canada in three Olympics. Morrison qualifies on both counts. Besides her academic achieve- ments, she's put in almoat 800 hours as an active youth volun- teer at Oshawa General Hospital over the last five years, was a volunteer peer tutor and member of the Prefect Society at Ander- son, and a volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation. She teaches Sunday school and is on the lay training committee at her church (Winchester United), co-founded the African Canadian Outreach Network (ACORN) and organized a pro- grarnta teach dance at two Wtb cornrunity schools. In he spare (?V) time she worked part-time as a secretary at a local medical centre, did babysittingi for the local 'coin- munity, p ays piano and takes ballet, jazz and tap dancing les- sons. How did she find time for everything? "One thing would juat run into the next. it was part of my routine that, on Wednesday nights, for example, I would volunteer at the hospital and then go straight te dancing and then corne straight home and do something else.» Many of her volunteer jobs just rolled my way,» she admits. «Ifound it hard te say no --but I enjoyed doing them, that's why I kept it up,» she adds. I like to help people and I like- te consciously aid the com- munity. «I like te help others and to see that others are benefiting from my work.» The community will have te do without Morrison, at least for a while. She will soon move to a stu- dent residence and begin studies at the University of Toronto. She has her sights set on being either a doctor or a pharmacist. Morrison says she feels honoured ta receive the Jerome Scholarship. "It's important nowadays that black people are seen in- this different Iight because now there's so much negativity... the award celebrates the accomplish- ments of young klack students -- it celebrates the accomplish- monts of black people... "It feels good t be recognized. I'm starting ta realize naw that perhaps I do do a bit more than the average student; I neyer really thought about it before." "Shes a daughter that moat mothers would like ta have » Morrison's mother, Maisie, adcis proudly.» SSINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL The orientation barbecue is just weeks away and this is just a reminder ta Sinclair students ta be prepared for that first glimpse of ths arnazing facility .. you will be so impressed. Thanks ta the parents who have volunteered ta assist with the barbecue ... we will be in touch. More help is still needed, so if you can spare a few hours, let us know. Be sure ta sport achool spirit when first we rneet -- clours of blue, green with accents of red and gold. For those who have not followed our news, aur school team name is the Celtica. Student arnbassadors will be on site for a training session on Aug. 23. Just a reminder, we will rneet at the front stops of the school at 10 a.m. and you will identify yourself with your rod sweatshirt,, or red t-shirt. Don't forget ta bring along your favourito musical seloction. Congratulations aIse go ta student basketball keenors who have signed up for the first annual basketball carnp this month. You'll bo the first ta break in the gym floor and initiate that Celtic spirit. Studont services is stili rogistering students, so if you are now ta the area, cail the school at 666-5400 ta make an appointment. Soptember is juat around the corner, if you want ta be a part of aur first achool year. Vondors are wanted for the Sinclair Secondary firat annual Crafts and Collectibles to be held Nov. 5 in the school. Cail the school for a vendar's information package if you are interested. Area schools get funding The Ontario governinenthas given $514,199 ta chooi boards in Durham Region ta update classroom technolcgy and improve technological education programa in secondary schools. In Whitby, Henry Street High School, Father Leo J. Austin Separate Schol and Ecole Secondaire Saint Charles-Garnier will receive fundinig. The fund assista boards in acquiring new comnputers and other equipinont needed ta imploment prograins in commuicatons, construction, technical design, hospitaiity services, manufacturing, personal services and transportation.

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