Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1994, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, August 10, 1994, Page 25 Ùnder-15S wnAjxtournamentf The Whitby under-iS select soccer teamn recently won their firit tournament of the season in Ajax. In the first game against Willowdale Epiphany, which was played in heavy rain, Whitby took an . early lead on goals by Mike Hadden and Marcus Pavne. In the second haif Epiphany fought back and tied the gaine. With 20 minutes left Payne scored his second goal to give Whitby a3-2 win. Witby Hughes Hawks mite rep girls' softball teain recently added threa more wins te their record. On July 17 Hawks defeated Markham Lynx 20-10. Hits came from Danielle Morison, Ashley McDonald, Caitia Qsborne, Susie Crabb and Erin Fraser. Pitcbing duties were shared by Maria Tannant, Lyndsey Matsumnura, Karen McWilliams and McDonald. On July 28, Hawks met Oshawa Shamrocks and managed to hang on te the laad and win 16-15. McDonald pitcbad very well for Hawks, walking only six while facing 32 batters and striking our Whitby's under-9 girls' select soccer teain, sponsored by Envoy Business Services, bad two wins and a loss at tha West Rouge Ail- Star Tournamant Aug. 6-7. Whitby got off te a flying start with a solid 4-0 win over Scarborough United B. Goals wera b y Sylvia Forbes, Monika Forbes, Kati Danibar and Heather Skelton on a penalty kick. In thair second match against Piekenn, Whitby saw a much improved sida fronthe week bafore and suffered a 1-0 loss. South Durham select basebal Whitby 41 Pckering Ajax Whitby 92 Markharn June 12 Whitby #1 Pickering J unoe J une 26 Whiby 41 Whiby 41 Divison A Whilby 81 Pickering 01 Whilby 42 Whitby 83 Pickering 82 SANTAU Staudonge w 0 Oee 4 Markharn 17 Aa e0 Whftby #2 15 Ajax 5 Whilby #2 V Whtby #2 PEEWEE Saardnge w L 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 O 1 2 1 2 1 2 In the second gama againet league ivals Ajax, Whitby dom-inated and won 10-2 with two goals from each of Shaun Devenul, Payne and Mike Cross, and singles froin Josb Smith, Mark Dawson, Aaron Prica and Alan Duncan. The third game of the round-robin against Port Perry was not played as both tearns had already qualified for the final. The final was played on the seven. Matsumura came in te face the final three batters and get the third out. Hitting for Whitby wera Fraser, Crabb, Osborne, Tannant, McWilliams and McDonald. Hawks dafaated Lynx 26-6 in Markham recently. Matsumura pitched three innings with Tannant, McDonald and McWilliams pitching one aach, striking out 14. Hawks hitters wera Fraser, Caitia Osborne, Monison, Jannifer Scott and McDonald. Hawks have two league gaines left plus one rain-out bafora heading te the provincials. The third gaine of the day saw the Junior Marigolds bounca back with another shutout over the Scarborough United A tean 2-0. Goal-scorens were Frances DaPaima and Alicia Julian. With Pickering and Whitby in the saine division, Pickering advanced te, the final based on bead-to-head play. Other inembers of the Whitby teamn are Ashley Buchanan, Natasha Nzaakor, Mlissa Grabain, Alexandra Shaw, Krystyn Firka, Andrea Fudali and coaches Rick Shaw and Peter Skelton. Se$ J une 12 Whibyoî WhibyU MMarns Whbyl83 Junoe Pickering #1 Whtbyu91 Markhars Whilby 82 June .26 Markharn DivIion A Ajax 91 WhtbyD91 DIvIsionB Pckering 82 Whilby 92 Markhrns Whibyf93 Whilby 84 June 12 Pckering 92 Pckering 41 J une 19 Ajax 8 Whitby 93 June O26 Pckering 92 hby v82 Whitby 91 2 Pickeing 91 Es Ajax 8 Whitbv802 4 Pckering 92 E8 Ajax ID WhibyD94 g Pickerng #2 7 Whilby 03 e Whiby 9 7 Whiby 41 4 Whiby 02 il Whilby #3 MOSQUITO Stardangs w L 2 1 3 O 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 2 0 2 Scores Aax 81 Aax 82 Whitby 81 Whitby 83 Whitby 84 Whitby 81 Ajax 92 Prckern lrg8 Wilby4 Whitby 83 Sunday morning wîith Port Perry playing a very defensive gaine but they were no match for the teamwork of the Whitby squad that won 6-2 with three goals froin Devenul, one each by Francesco Pinciotta, Smith and Dawson. Pony club teams to compete at CNE On Aug. 1 the Durham- Pony Club particiated in the regional finals of, the Central Ontario Prince Philip Cames. The gaines are a series of relay races on ponies -- carrying an egg on a spoon and riding around a pattern of polos. The WA level team of Jaine Alloway, Sam Burlie, Tennille Mattbews,, Angela Mercer and Iàsa Reid placed first and will go on te compete at the ONE. Sbould tbey finish in the top two places there, they will go on te compete again at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The 'B" teain macda up of Lisa Alloway, Carly Hare, Beth Murray and Andrea Smith also finished in first place. They will also go on to the CNE on Aug. 20. The "C" levai team. of Alexis Bradbury' Adam and John Hancock, Katie Murray and Theresa Rutherford ended the meet witb a first-placa win. Thora are no further competitions at the "'C"# levaI. Trisha MeCourt, riding on a combinad DurhamlKawartha team, won a fourth-place ribbon. Whitby mmo basebail MIDGETIJUVENILE July 24 Alsafe Secu<iy John Pdle C.A. Churchers Auto. JuIy 25 Churchors Auto. Duf s Toing Whitby Oplimist Auguat 1 Whilby Optimist Churchers Auto. A~ ut7 DEflTowlnq Alsafe Socury Whitby OptimisI 10 MotrCitSun 5 9 City Contre Auto 0 3 Whitby Opinti 3 .6 Cky Contre Auto 6 6 John Ptle CA. 6 5 FUeiteoLW"ory 2 9 Motr Cy Siurn5 8 Fifeslsiro Livery 2 7 City Contre Auto 4 8 JohnPtte CA. 5 4 Moor'CiySidurn 1 Fimul rgtiar Mea ng (on of Augit 7) w DuffsTowing 13 Churchers Autornotivo 8 John Pilte C.A. 8 Whitby Oplimist 8 Alsae Socurity Locha. 6 Fiteahire Lvry 4 Chy Contre Ato Ropair 4 Molr Cy Sdum 2 BANTAU LTY 0 2 5 2 5 2 9 2 11 2 July 25 DIS Insurance 9 The Wet Shop JuIy 26 Whitbr Optimlsl 9 DIS mac Polar Installations 6 KFC JuIy 27 Whilby Optimiat 7 Nurse ChevOlds Fnal rogmiar atandoge (ms of Jtiy 27) The Brick Hano Plastics Bradbury Hoging Whitby Otms Durharn Police Nurse Chev-OIds Sizzier Restaurant Polar Installaions Whilby Kinsmen Kenucky Fried Chicken DIS insurance Whitb i i WMBX A ux ignay The Wat Slscp L T P 4 1 25 4 1 25 4 1 25 4 1 25 6 0 22 6 1 21 6 1 21 1D 1 13 e0 2 12 13 0 122 15 1 Bariam ToumsuUi July 22-24 The Brick SozlerRestaurant Nurse Chev-Olds Durham Police Sazlle esaurant Durham Police Whilby Opliist Bradlbury Hiing Whhtty Opliiso Polar trtaliions Mant Pbstas Bradlbury Hediig The Brick Nurse ChovOkts Polar Instaliions Hant PiPtcs Other members of the team are Stephen Hrrnto, Mark Bowman, Steve Race,- Cullen Scaneli, Brett Andrew, Adam Luin, Ryan Mattin and Joe Hanna. Intermedi*ates'finally defeat « Whiy Warrior ntrmedates pp provin cial esars in Hamilton Aug la table witb two, Peterborough on Suri In their flrst mat bested East Gwillim] Fodor firad three gc lVullq leads Pirat Terri Mullan bac including a home ru in t4s,.a. runsas uPic Peterborough rs Talecopy Cann scorad twice and added a Spot elpr aring for tha Z, l ac Edgar set Up two and c.haxnpionsbI*p scored once. Gond Brown bulgad 3-14, set the the twine twica. Travor Naibor, victorias in Jason Cartiar and Tom Peterson Iday. aIl assistad twice, and Ryan Ford tch, Warriors scored once and had a halper. ibury 9-7. Rob Warriors finally found the als and Brad secret ta hr'atilnoe cch-nival Peterborough Lakers constanut runmng and lcose ball tenacity. (~fl Wanniors topped Lakers 7-4 i Peterborough and gained confidence for next weakand's chamionships. Jason Jankowski led the Warriors with tbrea goal and a Cj S helper while Edgar and Brown each firad one and set up one.. cl thrae hits Peterson had two assists. Nick untaddrv Paacock and Ford each had a .inand Pro.o goal. downad Sour Grapes 13-8 in a recent game in tha Durham Lak- ehr omen's Fastball League. Tracey Lincmnajer had threa hits and scored two rune, Theresa Peters two bits and two runs and winning pitchar Fran- kia Matsu two bits. Sour Grapes led the gama 6-0 wben Pirates exploded for aight runs in the third inning. Tha game was tied 8-8 until the sixth inning when Pirates scored lfive runs. Pirates are in second place in the league, behind Classics. Seleets lose The Whitby under-13 select soccer teamn played Cobourg at home on Aug. 2 a.nd Iot 6-1. The Whitby goal was scored by Kurt Boyce. M oe.* ,*. po*r*s..éiiikw> ...p..... Bradbury Hsalssg 7 Whilby Oplimist 65 July 26 Sizzlor Restaurt 7 Durham Police 4 Whkby Jaycees Gien Graphis Champions: Sizzlo Restaurant Staa Burgor Runner-up: Durhsam Polie July 26 CansoJlian champ: Brat>uy Healing Broolin Kinsmen July 28 SQWRT Maigoldincolgn ClunqsoàNisp playofs Fil August 1 BrooldusICrnon TO Bar' Owaoo Michel Insrzec Auquel 2 Whiby LlonsCkob Anderson Vol CInsc Doug Frooen C.A. 1Leecom Conssiing August 4 Riendali Transot Snilng lihrs Auquel 5 Whktby Kinsmon Marvin Erierpnses Executive Cleones Whkby Audio August 6 Paque Atoek Mecilan Orch. spyders TO Bard(c Whliby Lions Club owesco Doug Freeman C.A. KA. Copy LeacornConsulting Rendali Trarsport AUl Kind Gas OptilmatCkib McCannss W. FraM 8 Whiby Kinsasen7 Plaque AttackO OundasC. Guard. 10 MacMillan Orcht. 2 W.C. Town 2 Mauvin Enlepnsos 7 Rotary Sunrise 3 Exectivie Cleaners2 Golden Hawkrs 5 DunddsSt. Detal W Whilby Audio 3 MarketingRosouroo 0 Spyders 5 McCwa's W. Frank Rolazy Suns. Gokden Hawsr Dundas St. Dari Optimial CIA> Colebrisons To Go Dundas C. Guardian W.C. Town Clerions To Go Brooklin Knsmen Anderson Vol Clinic Michel Insurance Ouaiy DJ Jarry$ Drug Ware. Vck Insuranco Hghland Van Sm-ihng Driloers Markinsg Resource MOSOUITO WEST J dy 25 Hardoo Construct. Vitage Conatruci. Doug Turne Cap. JulY 26 Candan Tare Siun Collectisle Juldy 27 Optiffiat Ci 11 Warens Prning 12 Sun Colloctblea 7 Surgea Farmfs 0 10 HardoConstruct. 9 Bankaci Montrt 13 CanadanTire 0 Faut eguiar staningo (se of Juiy 27> 8: Legal Beagles 8 Hardco Corsetrud ion Bank of ontreal Doug ~ TurnerCavpenry SWlMaienanco Rogers CaNle Viage Construction lu Colloimes 4 WaoeWos Pristing 7 cara Tire 0 Sunlea Farmu O W. Fransk Really 4 uhmDodgo W L 15 1 13 3 12 3 il 5 e1 6 g 7 9 s 8 7 7 s 5 il 4 ti 4 13 3 m4 2 15 MOSOQWTO EAST Dodd & Sorier Manigold Linoda Lennox Daim M&M Mois Starr Bwger Glon Graics ColUOC Pools Wtntby JayaSe JerxsenAto Body BrooldasIGosmnon Devls Produce Whitby Fireightors TRC Industrie 8 1-sonAuto Body 8 12 ClcIdPOOls M4 TRO Indusrial 2 15 TRO Industriel O mia mgier olrdbgo (et of JmIy 28) L T 2 1i 2 1 3 1 5 2 5 2 s 3 9 2 12 0 12 2 14 0 17 0 MOSQUITO Chsanponis l yofl 13 August 1 4 Lennox Daim 12 800 1 Ban o Mor red Dodd & Sauter 4 Rogers CaNe 13 Doug Turner Carp. 1 Augut 2 8 Margd Ford 2 Starn Burger 2 Augus 3 l ViLge Construction 1 August 4 7 Lennox Druns 13 Smrish Maintenance 13 M&M Moul August 5 Dou Turner Caup. Sw aintenance Meigod Ford fi WhkCbyOplsrnist 4 AugustO6 Logai Boagles Frank =alY 9 Wesren~s Printin 8 Bankadlontroa Sunlea Famis Glen Graphies Brolfrr Knsmon 1 Sunlea Farine il Suf Colleothles ID Brooklin Kinsn 19 Durham Dodge 12 Calucci Pools il Jonsen Auto Body 28 Frank Realy 12 Deville Produce 9 Warren~s Printing 6 Glon Graphis 7 Rloer Cabl 6 Whrtby Jaycoe 9 Canadian Tirs 7 Hardoo Construction 10 MAM Meaia 6 Starr urger 8 VAlge Construction 18 TRO Industrial 8 Whitby Firofighler Il Devise Proco 7 B00 14 Jersoen Auto Body 4 Canadian Tire e ColUCCI Pools TEE BAL Juiy 25 Cookies Crunchers KSC Securily Banikof morreal Air Con J aiy 26 Ewinng Pools Little Caesar Papor Factoay Karbeli Sped &C. JuLy 27 Pinewood Contre Air Con WiliamnD. Litle Jly 28 Century HanseViêdea 20 Whitby Krwmen 20 EB Saeec Moies Super. 1B 15 Ilepoe C"el Union 25 26 DairyOuQ~ 20 e0 Adv.rtsing Plus 13 25 Pringle C. Guarclian 24 25 Brookîn Kinmen 25 14 Whit. Trophy Hou». 26 20 Whitby Optinlst 15 29 Fascott Molor 28 17 CroanserCtltng 1 1B Laasgley Pluntirrg 20 Mt e swn three more Pickering has the edge on Whitby in tourney 1

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