Whitby Free Press, 10 Aug 1994, p. 13

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Whltby Froe Press, Wednosday, August 10, 1994. Page 13 Councliors upstoverreo val fhsitalsigns FR OM PAGE 1 Both the Town and Ontario Ministry of Transportation wore notified in Mareh of the hospi- tal's requost, Kealey recalled. But nlytheministry, which has jurisaiction over signs on Hwy. 401, obiiged, hoe said. Although -Barton's lettor appears to indicate that the hos- pîtai mistakeniy assumed the rinistry was responsible for al signs in Whitby, Keale said that was not the case at al. uWe actually talked te thern. It was discussed with the Town prior to July 18 (date of Barton's iotter)," said Kealey. uThey (works staff) assured us that they would give us assis- tance in removingthe signs.» Public works director Wayne Hancocic was on vacation and flot available for comment. Yet, Fox and DoIstra both in- sist the matter neyer camne Up for discussion. "As far as Pm concerned the H signs should remain up. I don't To cope with stress One of the best ways to cope with stress is te talk about it - and Distross Centre Durhamn will provide a listening ear. Distress Centre vohinteers can help. The centre bas 22 years of experienco. Cl 433-1121.I MephistOTlT care what Marc Kealey says,» said Doistra. "The bottom lino is sim- ple ... whore doos liability faîl if we have emorgency open and nothing to say where it is?» ho asked. "If they're worried about liabi- Iity, they should add te the Dol:stra said if the government is"concerned about giving people the wrong impression thon it should got its ewn kouse in order. For instance, the 1994 Ontario road niap "bas it <sign markings) ail through it,» said Doîstra. "When y ou corne off the 401 the first thing you'li look for are the signs,» ho said. Fox concurred with Doistra's recoloection of the issue. «I wasn't aware of that regula- tion,» said Fox. "I don't beliove that was the message that came te the Town. I don't recail that being.part of the scenario at al »ho said. "We as a councit have not dealt DR. MICHAEL GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102 <Dundas-Centre Medical Buiflding> Whitby. LI N 2M3 430-4822 Evenlngs & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome with this issue.» Fox, Whitby's representative on the hospital board of diroc- tors, said ûhe matter nover arose there either. "As a hospitai board wo nover discussod it, ho said. Ministry of Hoalth spokesper- son Barbara Selkirk said the subject is a «complex and diffi- cuit issue,» but there are ne specific regulations te cover romoving signs. "Given the fact that emergoncy is net open 24 beurs a day, hospital iawyers May have liab;i- lity concerne,» said Selkirk. " ospital may think it is misleading the public if there are signs," she explained. «Rthor than misioad anyone, it May be in the hospital's best interests te ask te have the signs corne down.» Selkirk stressod that it is an individual hospital's decision whether or not te koep signs if it ne longer offers 24-heur service. There are oxampies of both in Ontario, she noted. w k DENTAL FACTS *Baby Bottle Syndrome This s a dental condhuon that cari destroy your child's teeth through early sonious Wday. II occurs when a bottle containing sweetened water) is given ta the infant before gaing ta sieep. The sugar in the liquid mixes with bacteria in the dental plaque (which is on the taoth) ta form acids that attack tooth enamel. Each time your child drinks Iiquids containing sugar, acids attack the teeth for at least 20 minutes. When children are awake, their saliva tends te carry away the liquid. But during sleep, the saliva f low decreases and these luquids pool around the teeth bathing the teelh in acid. Pacifiers dipped in honey or sugar can also damage thé teeth. Iflyur baby needs a botule for comfo' bfore falling asleep, ftilt the bottle with plain water. But the ministry advises hos- pitais te "take a good look" beforo . contemplatxng such actien, Selkirk said. «We won't corne dowr, heavy- handed. We den't want te croate difficulties for hospitals» she said. «We believe the hospital is trying teprotect the cornmunity, just theway council is.» DeIstra, hoever, promises te, flýght any attempt to remove the 'fthey (hospitai officiais) want the signs down they sheuld take thom clown thernselvos,» eo said. Deistra aIso asked why the matter was coming forward at this time. "Why ail of a sudden? I don't understand that,» ho said. «We're holdinig.publiceimeet- ings. We (counciD)just submitted a report on why we should keep it as a hospital." As far as Whitby General offi- ciais are concerned, «the issue bas been clear in our minds from Fali Fskions For Women & Children Fat toe $ASH$-p579-9912 355TicsnRd . Wib 1.].1. e pI r i*s oJp UhTf I3) ' 11 : the start,» Kealey repiied. "This, is one local politician <Doistra) making ha!y," he said. Admitting ho feit "uncomfor- table" discussing the matter, Keaiey said uemnotions run high» when people are faced with change, such as the debate over the hospital's future. «TMis (sign issue>~ is adding fuel te the fire," ho said. The M akings of a Perfect Escape Ail the comforts of a mator home. Ail Uhc case and cfficiency of driving a van. Discover why Roadtrek is thi bst selling North American camper van. Roodtrek- The Motor Home That.. Drives Like a Vant" by d HOME & PA RK --WMO T OR HO M ES OWASCO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Pro yen Io serve you BEST since 1972. An "ICGARE" and CAA award winner. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby Ç~co 6866410 mummi 1

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