Whitby Free Press, 3 Aug 1994, p. 16

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Page 16, W hitby Fr e Press, W ednosday, Augus 3, 199 4*-Y Whitby ends losin stra Whitby East Side Mario's ended a six-game losing streak with a cere-r-hind 7-6 win over Scarborou gh on Wednesday last week in E astern Ontario Baseball Association senior leaLne lay. Witby was trailing 6-3 when they scored four i-uns in the eighth inning te win the contest. John H effer hit a double, Dar- i-en Johnson hit a two-run double and Trevor Beggs drove in the winninfi-un on a groundeut. Joli' ardy pich ed two score- lesa inninga in relief of Beggs who went four innings and allowed fîve runs. Jeremny Har- ness pitchod the fi-st twe in- ninga, allowing one run. Harnoss waa the losing pitchor the sarne night as the two tearns played the ninth inning of a May' game that was neyer comploteci due te ramn. Harness struck eut the first two batters he faced, an errer allowed a baserunner, and balk sent the runner to second base. The runner came home on a single. It was the third one-run loss for Whitby in four games. They lest 5-4 to Orillia on July 21, 6-3 to Little Britain on July 22 and 5-4 te Kendal on July 26. But player-manager Doug McCorkell says the cloe garnes are an indication that the team is startinq te, corne round after some prevous one-sided losses. Whîtby has but seven wins in 22 garnes this season. Games -against Scarborough and Orillia this week te complete the regular season takeon even more importance as they are two of the three teams (Ajax is the other) that will join bt in the playdowns te, deterine the B levelrepresentative in the Ontario Basebail Association championshis over the Labour Day weekend. T-he playoffs will likely begin Aug. 6. Whitby won the B play- downs last season te, earn a trip Bi*g bowl tournament hosted by Whitby club A major lawn bowling highlight of the Ontario lawn tournarnent will be hld Aug. 14 bowling season," said club at the Whitby Lawn Bowling spokesperson Brian Perl<s. Club. 'Wo anticipate that a lot of The local club is hosting the lawn bowling enthusiasts will be first-ever Jeffrey Douglas/Fortune visiting Whitby for the event." Financial Challenge Cup Major Tom Edwards will competitien, a new, major lawn officially open the event. bowling ovent. Fi-ee bleacher soating at the Seating will be available'from club's Brock Street South location 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. on the 'day of will enable spectaters te see the teurnament. tep-ranked bowlora in action. "People can come and go as "The new comptition will ho a they please," said Porks. Lac*'r Uosse coach suspended A Whitby miner lacrosse team coach was last week suspended by the Ontario Lacrosse Associa- tion for four games. Scott McMichael, one of the tearn coaches, had been suspen- ded indefinitely after a "verbal altercation» wîth a 15-year-old referee during a July 21 game. A review of the incident waa held July 26 when the terni of the suspension was announced. McMchael aise, received a one- gamne sus pension as a Brooklin Riedmen major lacrosse team . Nedidn't play in the July 23 Redmen contest. J uiy 27 Six Nations M> S. Cathanines 14 J iy 29 Si. Cahanines 14 Six Nations il (St. Caharinesa wlns 4-2) Top 15 roguiar asonscer John Grari. Peer. PloyS ocrosTracey Kehasky. Peter. playn wresShawn Wiiamns. Soar. roud - boat4 o7 Shane McKenzie K-W Rad Sqtire. Six Nations ltby vs. Braipton Joas Derh. Whitby 13 Whtby 6Grant Johnston. SI. C. tI Whlby 6 Kyle Goundry. Peler. Josh Sanderson. Orange. 7 Brmpton 9 Man Shae. Whâeby Dallas Squîre. Six N. 7 Whiby ID Jody Hlaiough. Bur. 8 Branptan 9 Steve Toit. S. Cah. Val McGraw. Brampton whitv is Rick Moron Peter. 9 Brarmpton la (Brmpton arme 4-2) 12 Pete!orbruh 14 12 Torria '13 9 Peerbarough il 15 Tarorio 7 5 Patorborough 9 (Poiorborough Win4- 1 6 ongeville9 10 K-W 4 7 rgvle 1 7 K-W 8 (Oagvi&wrnsl-0) Six NatMlans St. CMdhaius 20 Jtly 22 iy 24 Six Ntiions 10 S. Calhekioe iy 26 S.C@Othark 11)i&x Natim il Godarde pauMa MMig Dshe. K-W Mi. Wy. Whhby Chris Suxiesmon.Cranevile Tom Vaiee. Brsrpton JmS Yale. Peterborcugh op PTS 26 32 26 25 24 25 17 24 25 22 Wlltby Worslor scerer Jonm Dorls MMiiShearor Jian roabi But Macithur Shaydon Santos r1es Mie Fryer ScottManani Steve Taylor Ryan mater Jan Fltors M&O Wye Jasimi Kevin Lunais Jim Browa Dam l'amer Brg uiei WaynePadc Don Laloueur W" ns MNi Dm S. AL"3n G -yKw Sean Sinad jeu YOD Kelly (pond Dre Miàl1ough Anàm Matin Gord Nub OP 26 20 25 26 25 26 23 26 23 26 26 21 24 24 25 24 25 17 13 3 5 5 2 te the championships. In the5-4loss to Orilîha, Har- ness drove in ail four Whitby runs with a three-run home run and a sole home run. Meanwhile Jeif Hardy allowed only four hits and two earned runs as he went the distance on the meund for Whitby OrilL won the game with two runs in the seventh. Steve Dormer took the loss against Little Britain allowing six earned runs in die six in- nings played. The garne was then called due te ramn. Dormer aise went the distance in the 5-4 loas te Kendal. bilt scores 3 foir Ont. Kristy Hoit of Whitby had three goals for the Ontario team that won the first sanctioned junior Canadian -women's field lacrosse championship. Ontariolost only one gamne, 7-6 te British Columbia, in the round-robin but turned the tables in the final, defeating B.C. 10-8. Hoît bad two goals in the second game and one in the third g ame of the round-robin for Ontario. Whitby's Krista Hass was the tep goalecorer for a second Ontario team that competed only in the round-robin. Hass had 12 goals, while another Whitby resîdent, Maggie Hinkson, had nine goals for t he Ontario club that was third ever- ail after the round-robin. The Ontario club team lest 13-2 te, the Ontario provincial team and 9-2 te B .C. . fore rée3linjgoff four~ straight wins. Erin Brady of 'Whitby had three goals for the club team. AIso playing in the teurnament were Shari Bryksa, Sarah Mcoey and Suzanne Ogilvie- King, ail of Whitby. Whitby iroquois soccer HOUSE LEAGUE sHRiM July 29 Purpie AlKan Evelyn Blue Devis Brandon Ccx Adida Dard Raxpai Sara Fitzgerald 1 Keliucky Fried C. AIek Eitrrger Timothy PaMy Whitby men's slo- pitch Suardnge es of Augus 1. BLUE DIVISION WL T Hanbet Plass M 5 0 Mafigaid Motors le 6 1 Sutan Group 15 7 1 Ad atgToleoinm. 13 8 1 ian BaronMors t1 12 0 Hlughes Hawkis 9 10 1 ilarry Keesters 9 12 0 BLUE UIGHT DIVISION Master Bedroom Circie Taxi Aucoin Heating & Air Melanie Pringieu MacAskilVFispoport Golden Milii Movie Shop il il 91 s 14 7 14 8 14 Scores aed MVP* Juiy 24 Whitby basebaR SOUIRT A J uly 24 owuc la Whity dio TD Bank 09.AIlKnGs JWt by Lions Chi> 14 Whitby Audio Duindu C. Guardian 8 BondaiTransport Aind Gos 20 GOd~ BOndai Transport 20 W.cu Oual 27 7 Golden Havks VIdaInsUa 14 Saflng ers J.pty 28 MoCaonse W. Frank 4 Owca TO Bank 1u Rauy Sevime J uly 29 Whitby Audio 13 Optirniel OU Whby Liom Ckb 14 Drds C. Giiad. KP. C¶p 5 Al Kind Gas auddy DJ 7 TD Bank Vick Insurance Bowuao MacCanne W. Frank 20 Srilng Driers ialregdie sa un 10 (dsetfJu11 29) KP. Copy M4cCanrVs W. Frank Routai Transport Whilby Lions Clb Owsoo Viok Insrance ANlKknd Ga Ouaiity DJ Golden Hosic TO Bank W.C. Town Wigger Customa 4 Big V Phurmacy Jirru Provenzano 2 Michael Deverish ChrWcopher Deveniah Kinaren Oité 2 Owasco Jeury Beggs Patrick Johnstan 1uy 28 Osasco 2 Whitby Optimiat Jordan Fitzgerald 2 Trial Tool 0 Kinarnen CAl> Patrick Jobriston 8 GrahmNicoldson 3 Jeremny Beggs 2 Michael Gennaro Brya il Chris Glover A*&M: OWMM 14 M" oIplastics 7 movi Sbop Hughes Hawks 2 Mmter Bedroora 3 Wt~on Grow 1 CieI.Tmd 9 Ian Bro'n &Mos O Mlanie Pringies 6 M.slVApopori Mangoid Majors Aucoin Meating & Air Jty 25 MoMis hop Advauiage Telecom. MikW&hfl Ken Ciad Bed Achiord Dan Jennings Riad Mutin %ayPwaia Bria Wmwi Raob Bonzie Tim Cran 8 AI Starlield 12 Ron Hurd Master Bedroom 7 Hanet Plasics 14 Dan Faihiert Cirai. Taxi 2 Marigold Majors 4 MacAskilVRpoport 4 lan Barron Motors 14 Pari Reynolds Day. MasAskiil Bob summnerteld P«ringles 13 Norm Orvs Statn Group e Ken Leo O>tirysCiw i> 5 12 Whby Aio 5 12 Dundas Ctr. Guardfan 6 12 SmIkiiig rilors 4 12 Roary Sunrise 3 14 Charnpionsp pisycfs begin this weelc. SOWIRT B MaMillon Orch. Loacom Conaifr SJuly 25- Dm D~Free551U1C.A. il July2 4 IMpe Attwkl SJuly 27 ô Brooldin Kiss Marvin Enterprîàos July 28 2Domg Fréeemon C.A. * MitchellInsuranoe Es Jerry. Dn g 13 ID CelebnimnTo Go 6 8 M"cillmi Orch. 3 15 D"n e. Dutd 5 10 CelobrdiansTo Go 9 8 LeamnnCons4 g5 7 AndersonV ifClr1 28 Jerrys Drug 5 la DunduSt. Dsral O 11 Execdim Chesnr a 1iu ssrsaig (m of liy 29) Du Freman C.A. 17 0 MitchellInsuwsnoe 1 6 LeecornCong t, 7 l4ghluMdVan& Storoge 9 6 AndrSanVet Cîrc 9 6 Whitby Gnsrnen 8 7 Jerry. ODrug Wurehouse a 8 Mervin Enteprhs 8 a 9 Coloiratmorrs To Go 7 9 Durdm St. Derial Cuire 7 9 Plaque Attack 6 9 MacMillan Orchards 8 1D Market"VeRomrerlP5 Broinlium" 3 l' Executive Cleaer 4 13 Charrp«iosp playofs begpntbis wss 0 Mooee Lodge 3 Consumras Andrew Van De Vdc 2 Dianavidson Michael Saxtan 0 Black Bremner 2 Tama, Kelly Adarn Redmn Dunbarton 0 MarJetry 5 Bil Hawrahan 4 Tonya Cunningham 4 Carson &Weeks 0 10 T.m25M Tripe AAA Sports 4 T.Arris Loamn Mich Moffat 2 AshlejrBec s Shans Verwey 2 Tyler Gain Cody Baker 2 2 PC WarehouseO iTeun#lo 2 BroddCansuking 2 WrggersCustomn 1 Laforine 1 Dodd &Soter Daniel Sabrzella ZacharBide Michael Devenish Mackenzie Power Nahan Boilon 3 Arion Merlin David Turner Jonathan Gregory 2Shae Chy Oda. Home Therapy 2 Learm Oansuisrg Ohrastopher McGrMh 2 Malthew Hosoock Whilby Kinamen 8 Burgundy Brigade Peter Hetheringtan 4 Eria Clancy Ian Farquharsn 2 Soott Wason Team413 2 Grson Machine Erie LeWano Shone DaWmon2 Stephanie Parfiti Michael Alarru Pediras Pizza 0 GAR Maagrnet AndrewMunh2 AIes Siuee MAJOR SOIUT* Canalia Ti (by defaui) SlophonDiaedo 2 Tharnes MakWoiz 2 MWthen Foule Simion S. DaielLongo Kinmon Oh Duiin Curry 1 <rns not givo) 7 Broliln Optirnist Pal Alois2 i Broolin L"o Aux. 0o Ragera le Shan Moilo 4 PauldSCool iy 6 2 owaeo o oAs Gregory Simmions 3 ROOKIES 0 Conqwumr Gm Chrisopher Broae Juiy 20 3 Brodd Conutlng 3 Consumer as N. PuderoclîlBarber 3 George Miquovali Ilakend 3 Cuson à Woels 3 Mdhew MeJnk3 MildioU Wood 2 Androw MSzel Cauody Reid o Drivoline Trva. Alesader Doliko 6 Steon Korios 3 2 Jooph ViOli2 PricigleCr. Ocndan0 Owmoo Volts. à 0 KsihHsa4 Victor Coscaroi BnslIey Fishor5 rwoeors Grou Equron GruO Poinek Fîzgorsd Jumir Kell Cokic Kyle Raer 2 l'ail Irish Udn. Progreas Clii> O V B9odd Conaiing 6 Todd Fleury 2 Steven egarJi Eleri Papadaicos N. Puderechi- Barber 2 GardAtclo 4 S. Kroelenstoel 3 Taylor Ricthardson Ceio Uisa Dettacoli Lindsay Sysi Sarah Smsrt BryanMLcCughman Coty Rosa BrandonIGng Gordon Geler Toma Robinson MurcuSDettacoli KellyONeel D"rekwevor 0 P ringle Cr. Guardan 3 kmvom rsGroup Aaron Mohan 3 Andror. Si. John Ricky Halenda 3 2 Mthow MokîlcA3 Cogh Uvicîgatns O Tylor Hibend 6 Lanley Pluma 0 4 Drrrelne Tran. Boys MOSQUITO Whâby Opthslst 3 Ten#44 2 Langly PAMn*%g Allas Anchar 3ys (no ngsvoni) a9wk.Jrrpor Errintanley Wgsrswmiluwe3 Jiiy2 Alixandre BzarKM. eFlgwolil Ion Wasson5 Ncholmlhois Jo. CoLacicco samien LOINT Jîiy 9 Rager.C"ll Shm ons Mnia2 randon Fuse' JarresSyal AlssuaderUmmai3 4 BraddlConsA4 1 iSionKoria3 %àais. Ofge Jooph Voli AlaMasterOsiz Trial Tools 2 OplusisiCli DardaIDonpee 2 JalvuSS Bbd*,um rs" îO»* Rid3 4 Ouco Voka. 0 Adam Paaizi 3 8 Flyor 3 Ranger SeanKeay 3 Ryan Kea Androw Kely MI FoMer Whilby Optiisi 3 Maderche Caler. icha eDluca 3 Robert Shaha AsionTaylor Ontario junior A lacrosse Fket Whr Jtdy 21 Brnpton J uy22 Whkby July 24 Braryton Jtiy 25 Whâby Juiy 28 Bamion Jty 29 Whkby Peterborough vs. Teronto Juiy le Taronto iy 21 Pelerborough iiy 23. Toronto Ji y 25 Ptworarouh Jity 26 Toronto (F orngelvllle s. Cltduru-Wat JuLv 1 0.sagevla 1 1 1 1

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