Whltby Free Press, Wed*'esday, July 20,1994. Page 27 I ~AR!ERS i HELP I.. ....... ....UE$ BUSINESS TO BUSINESS SELLING (Industrial Sales) Industrial sales is an occupation that is in great demnand. On anygivendday it is one of the most advertised positions. Good sales people are diii cut tafind and are among the -most valuable assets oi a comnpany. This is an occupation where signilicant eamnings are still available. This 140-hour programn wiil provide the skills necessary to effectively selI in a business or indlustrial environment. Eligible aplicants wili have ai least five years work experience and ai least one year in sae.This programn begins on AugustL2 and ends Same .94 Eligibility Criteria: Appicants for this program must be unemployed and recoiving llC bonefits at the time of the course stafl date. ln addition, you must meet the expenienoe requirements and successfully complete entry tests. Location: courses are held at D1AMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE (Ajax) at Suite 404, Bayly St., W. Local callers: 427-1922 Long Distance: 1-800-268-0339 /fIea5e FCCek h4i5 fewpirer EXPERIENCED hairdresser/barber /stylist required ful-time/part-time. Cali Valentino at Brock Barber Shop 666-1544. $475 WEEKLY. Homeworkers needed ta make stylish beaded earrings, year round, at home. Inf. send a self-addressed stamped envelope Io ACCEX CRAFT 829 Norwest Rd., Ste. 813, Ext. 3162 Kingston. Ontaria KW 2N3. EARN UP TO $346/WEEK toi assemble Christmas and holiday decorations year round, at home. Wark avalable across Canada. For more info., send a self- addressed stamped envelope to MamoChstmas - 2212 Gladwin Cr, Unit D-2. ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontarlo K1 B 5N 1. STUDENTS WAtITED full time sales position for 'Whitby Summer Etertainment Guider (commission), door to door, evenings. Cail Durham Student Marketing 666-3614. $200 - $50 WEEKLY! Assemble rducts athoe Easy, no selling 09 id direct. Fuil guaranteed. No Ilexperience necessary. Caîl 1-504-641-7778 Ext. 142,24 hours. Trent University ' at Durham College Fali 1994 Compete a degree, part-time or fuli-time, in any of the following subjects: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, History, Political Studies, Psychology, Sociology For information or a brochure cal[ (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 (0'OSHAWA IODRIVINO "SCH-OOL 17OKhawa *728-0091 Full Divers Education Courses AUGUST l6th Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course AUGUST 22nd Mon. - Thurs. 4 day course P R1IVA TE LESSONS REGSTEREO à APPRVEO DY THE ONTARJO SAFETY LEAGUE ESTHETICIAN interested in joining local Aveda-ooncept salon. Send resumé ta: 1B-701 Rossland Rd. E., Box 369, Whitby, Ont. Li N 9K3. AIRLINE JOBS! Now hiring $10. $25 per hour. Ail positions bath skilled & unskilled. Excellent pay/benefits. Cal (601) 799-1362 ext. Al13,'24 hrs. ATTENTION MONS! Stay at home with your children. Earn extra incarne in your spare time with Discovery Toys. Educational toys, books & games for ail ages. Contact Susan 668-9977. WANT TO RUN your own business? Be a Dickie Dee ue-aeam saleseson. For more infa, contact Sophie t 666-9539. RELIABLE, MATURE person requiredta prepare homestyle meals five days a week in Whitby restaurant Phone 723-0522 after 8pm. HEALTH CARE AIDE, qualified, seeks position in private houseÂnstitution. Ceal Mina evening 668-0236 or business 666-4750. CUBE VAN 16' for hire with one or two men. Household or commercial maves, short or long distance. Phone 433-0775. Cati your Welcome Wagon Hostess now. 668-6653 Phono JOBLESS? Hire yourselffI l'il show you how you can wodc for yourself and earn et: your own pece. Simplel No previous experience or training required. Caîl Mike ad 666-2807. WORKIG ROTIER J.C.N.S. Distributions is iookig for self starters ln the folowing fields - Sports Nutrition, Environment and .Children's Nutriton. Enjoy the success that you create yourselt, set your own pace, monthly cash bonuses plus you'll -have the chance ta travel 10 exotdc Slocations. Shals>ee The Best Way To Eam a Living is doing what you believe i CALI 1-800-267-0480 MON-FRI. 9AM-5PM DISCOUNT STORE for sale. Lifetime opportunity. $85000, less. inventory. 4,500 sq. f1. in Whitby. Call 416-441-3200. Ir you love children, eorne an Educational Consultant with DsoeyToys. Earn ae- i ad additional incarne while bu dîng a flexible career around your'famnily's needs. For rmre information. cafi: ALEEN, Educauion Consultant 668-2226 DO YOU KNOW anyone who ceres ta o mnore energetic? We have the answer. Does your job prvide you wth the security you and yo ur family need? Are you paid what you feel you are worth? Cen you afford ai the things you and your famnily would love ta ave? If y ou answered no ta any of the above, explore the possibilities. We may have your answer. Absolutely no obligation. Do you understend this opportunity? Oeil your Independent Lifestyles Distributôr today. 668-4265. HANDYMAN - dean yards, besemnents, cut trees, build decks &fences. Cali 655-3004. NEWSLETIER PRO 1 iwili pmofessionally edit & publish your newsletter and/or documents. Joumalism grad with Mac& experience. CalI 579-0242 PAINTING - professional painting & walipapening. lnterior/exterior. Power wesh & swing stage. No job too smnall. For good price & good work oeil George at 725-7870. Free estimate. FUSSY DUSTER housecleaninp will efuss with your muss. Bi- weekly plans eveilable. Spring cleenin9q every visit. Satisfaction every turne. References provided. Relieble & honest. Cal Tenyss (905) 668-0323.' HOW TO BOOK YQUR CLASSIFIED AD... ~îL/),4f(~iI68611Acspacdb PV Fax your ad to us at o/D J alyu at:Wib reWe're open 9 arn to 5 pm, Monday Monday at noon MIllbe Mr~ 6-54 laeesr 1 ,- Pes o 206, Whltby, Ontanio, to Friday. Place vour ai by Monday lished that Wednesday. you provide ail pertinent " Z~ LiN 5S1. Ads should be malled at noon for Wednesday publication. rpyb5 mt ae ifrmation, and a to arrive by Monday at noon. If your can't make ft in dLrg office mioney! Or, prepay with your * ~ number where we ca You can endose your payment, yhoswhaeamlslot ta h lf VISA card when placing the ad. reach you, if necessary. or provide billing Information. of our front cloor. . 1