Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1994, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. JuIy 20, 1994 Twelve teama, including Whidtby, remain te compete for the right te represent Ontario in the Canadian major midget basebaîl cbampionships. Whitby Network Architecture advanced by defeating both Stoney Creek 4-3 and Milton 12-8. Ken Caiway pitcbed a complete gaine against Stoney Creek, allowing three runs on aven hita while striking out eight. Jeremy Schott was the offensive -star of the gaine going three for three while scoring two runs. Other mun acorers for Whitby were Josh Mifler and Mi'dgets winlife The Whitbyxnidget A lacroase teain,. sponaored by Brine, completed the first set of the Ontario provincial qualifiera in Orsugeville this past weekend with the team, winning ail five gaines. Coach Jim Bishop steered bis squad through their paces te beat the fast--running tearn from Six Nations 11-2, St. Catharines 14-1, Kfitcbener/Waterloo 14-2. Oraugeville 14-4 sud the iast game againtatn 8-4. As usual , Whtby got superb Under- 14s improve record Whitby's under-14 boys' soccer teani, sponsored by the Bank of Montreal, continues to be a dominant, force in league action with'a 7-2-2 record. Duriug the week of June 27, Witby bad three gaines, two againat a strong Ilington team. The firat result was a 2-2 tie on goals by David FIllion sud Stan Dymeeki. In the second gine Whitby got the firat goal only seven minutes jute the game as Danny Mattiu's pais was convérted by Mark Ëngelage. Islingtou tied the game on a penalty shot, then took the lead with a high bail over keeper Brandon Cedar. Engelage notched his second of the gaine, then Islingtou mespnde with a third goal *for a 3-2 lead at half time. In the second half both teains were evenly matcbed as the pay went froni end te end. Islington took a 4-2 lead until Craig Woods was pulied down, giving Whitby a penalty shot. Engelage earned the bat trick as he scomed on the rebound froin bis own penalty shot. The third ganie of the week saw Whitby-facing local rivalIs Osbawa Turul. Raiders. dominated the firat half for a 3-0 lead at bialf time on goals by Woods, Engelage sud Mark Cassidy. Oshawa fought back in the second half te score two goals on a corner kick and a penalty shot. Woods was again fouled in the box sud taking tbe penalty shot gave Whitby the 4-2 victory. On July 23 at 11:30 a.m. Raiders pay Gloucester Horneta (at Peel Park) in the quarter-finals of the Outaio Cup. Santos scores 16 for Ont. ladies team Troyhanue Santos of Whitby had 16 goals and Jen Johnson of Brooklin 12 for the Ontario team that finished seventh at women's field lacrosse tournamnent in Vail, Coi. receutly. Ontario won tbree, loat three and tied one ganie in the event that attracted the tep 14 teama' goaitending fromn Gee Nash who also colected four assista. Marty O'Brien had eight goal and eight assists, Niail Maynard eight goals and seven assiste, Pat Jones three goals snd il assists, Gavin Prout four goals and nine assiste, Jason Ward four goals and seven assista, Steve Voituk eight goals and one assist, Paul Salle six goals and three assista, Zac Aitken four goals and five assiste, Steve Death four goals and four assista, Ron Death three goals and two assista, David Stabile tbree goals and one assiat, Derek Suddons two goals and two assista, Brad Leed two goals, Luke McKay one goal and one assistt and Bryan Power one goal. The other team niember was Mike Denahain. This continues Whitby's unbeaten record this season. The Whitby teani cana be seen in action against the Awkesasne junior B teani (a gaine payed three weeks ago) on Wednesdy, July 27, 10 a.m., on Rogers Cable 10. Whitby slo- pitch W L T PTS Til GaleChaw5mm 0 1 O 20 AvNgTellmmL9 1 O E Bmkr~theBani 9 3 O 1 HermslcService 6 5 1 13 EndSide Maros 6 5 0O12 DwuhaflSquash Club> 6-5 0O12 Auto Zonu 3 8 0 6 Mr.Tmnuniiulof 3 8 0 6 .Don Chwey/uGWOVn2 7 1 5 Sq»« VMio Svic 0 il 0 O Mrtrainsmmieon 12 East 35de Marias 1 Aulo Zone 9 Advarar TeW. Il S *oVwding 15 Barm and he B. 27 Durhami Squash 6 Toit Ges CharIl.. 21 Bazlwand the 8. 9 Ato Zone 2 Advage Tle. 12 Mr. Trmnùmnlen8 Dura Co-op lob bal Scores July ID Pf ingle Creek 1 10 NorthviewCsual. 4 Fadher Iaor 24 Willow Park 2 7 Norhview 3 il OushawaValley 5 Ormond Woods 2 15 Wilow Park 1 12 Oshawa Creek 20 Ahol Green il PrngI. Creek 3 21 =Iarleol 15 PriglCrok2 14 OwTnVb il East Whiby 19 Oter Creek 2 10 Conuideration 25 Norlhview 1i 12 WilliamnPea 17 Rsslend Ridge 18 Staning@ as of juail)1 W L T RA P Faher Laor 7 1 0 29 1% Pringle reeki1 8 1 O 70 12 Osh.a Valley S 2 0O811 2 Prngle C" .3 2 O 85 12 Orrnd Woods 2 6 2 O 90 12 AhoiGreen 6 2 0 91 12 Pringle Creek 2 6 2 O 0l3 12 Norhview 2 5 2 0 53 10 Consideration 5 2 0 84 10 OrmnondWoods 1 3 3 1 76 7 Norhview 3 3 3 1 84 7 Ot or reeki1 3 4 0 74 6 Roaslnd Ridge 3 4 0 75 6 Oter Creek 2 3 4 0 102 6 Margold 3 50 82 6 BowmanileValey 265110N95 - C-"hVIS11 6& O 9 2 Jerzy Aronowicz. The second game turned out te bea slugf'est with Whitby coming out on top 12-8. Cami Newitt started on the uiound for Whitby, oniy -to, be relieved by Brad Newport who went three innings before being relieved himself in the iast inning by Aronowicz. Newitt was the winning pitcher on record. Brad Newport sud Jeif Bremner both bit home runs for Whitby. The final weekend of pay for the Ontario championship AAA will take place July 29 to Aug. 1. Durham lakeshore womens fastbal stasnff Chlass Picolle Pirdes Whirby Sun! Rebels Dodd & Souler Sour Grape July 8 Whgtby Sun. juiy 13 Chauls Rebes July E5 R"bes Scores 15 Robele 1% 7 Pricole Pwetes 5 m4 Sou rapes 2 24 Dodd àSouter 4 Whitby 0ic basebal BANTAM J une 10 Braâlbuy HuUlnq Jura 25 WMBA Auxilary Whilby OptIlidi July il The Brick WhitbyOptIrnhm Durharn Polo July 12 July 13 July 14 Sizzler Rsslujra Whulby Optimis 7 DIS km-rai e 2 12 The.Brick 7 il Therik 9 17 The.WatShcp 2 7 Whby Kunen.4 5 Nurse Chsv Oldu 5 3 WMBA Auxilisy 2 8 KFC 1 12 The Wet Shop 3 4 The Bricku 4 Stuminge es af Juiy S W L The Brick 12 4 Bradbury Hegng Il 4 Whilby OplirnimI 10) 3 HanetPlatics 10 4 Sozler Restaurant 10 6 Durhams Polose 10 6 Nuraishev Olds 9 5 Polar lrmlaiaona 7 a Kenucky Frled Chlcken 6 a Whilby Kirimmen 5 10 DIS knurancie 4 7 WMBA Auxilary 3 10) WhibyKiwanis 3 12 Th Wet Shop 1 13 WEST PEEWEE 1 25 I 23 I 21 1 21 0 21 0 20 1 19 0 14 2 12 1 il 2 10 2 8 0 6 1 3 Juy 4 Whitby OplimisI il Grook Tycoon Dc=4eà Loyd 17 OuaiyDJ Roary Club> 25 Whlby Clemr Stllon Grop 6 SWim Chalet July 6 Dynes & Lloyd 9 Whrlby Cle"nr Tkni>erïnPrring 4 Whrlby Fiee Prom. CmeedmCyle 13 Ouaiuly DJ July il Tkrterlne Prrilng 7 Sevims Chalet July12 Ouaily DJ 10 Grook Tycoon Swles Chale 14 Whhby Optirniet Whilby Cleaners ID Creedai Cycle Dynes a Lloyd ,4 StÈton Gro&q, July 13 Whilby Fee Promu 9 Groek Tyco Tkrterlno Prring 9 Roary %oni J*dy 14 Gre" Tycoon 7 Sales Chale Rotay Club> 18 Whitb Optimi Ouauity DJ 13 Wbulby Cleaner saofJiPy 1 W L T Roarylub> ID 3 2 Salshalet V 3 1 Whllby Oplîmis 8 6 0 TTiterne Prin 8 3 O W=hitbyFru rmu D Ee&Lodeller 7 6 O Sutton Grou 6 7 1 Creeds cycle e6 8 1 Ouaty DJ 6 7 O GreekTycoon 3 V10O Whilby Cleaers 2 12 0 EAST PEEWEE July 4 Shoppars Dmug Maril15 Whitb Toyota ' I Central soceer league Under.17 A cividan »sof Juy 14 Mavern 6 i 13 Norh Scarlorough 3 1 2 19 Croatla 3 2 1 13 Whiby 3 2 119 Gle Sieila 2, 2 2 21 Petrbrough 1 3 3 Il Scrborough Bzz. 0 7 0 2 Usir-6 E cvidan (one of lwo ivlulons> en of July4 W L Y OF EutVYork 6 1 1 28 Olynpic 5 2 0 23 Whitby~ 4 2 1 22 wat oue 4 4 1 3 Turul 3 2 1 21 Peterborough 0 5 1 14 Unde-1P lsidn (ane af faur clvlulanu> »sOf Juiy 4 lui niglon Whutby York Veu Olynplo Scart,. Blues 2 Weml Rouge Turul 7 0 4 1 3 2 2 4 1 3 2 4 Os5 Uruisr-1U E civlon (ane af dhm clildans) » fMuatY 4 Norh Scrb. 1 Woxord T&U Seak àBurger Forains RoflIng Par Esto Bonnet Tranqport July 6 Par Enao T&D Steak àBurger JuW 7 Formns RooCng JuIy Il TAD Sek &Burger July 12 Top Ouaity Beciord Serice Par Ena July 13 Bonnet Trnport July 15 Shoppers Dm9 Mar Forains Roolmng 14 ItnornloaMIl 18 Lennox DOmis 18 Big Oonut 9 Top Quardy Kchenor 3 O 0 le Brawpton 2 2 0 9 NW Azzurri 2 2 0 10 Unlonville 2 4 018 NY Azzurrl 2 6 0 13 Chiguaou ¶ 1 3 O 11 Whltby 0 7 0 2 Urder-12 P clvisdof (on.eaoftwmu ivlalans) » ofJuiy 4 Nuh W L T OF NrhScarborough7, O 1 31 Wexford 6 2 030 woobrdge 4 2 021 Elo&rloolcm 3 3 2 20 York J.l 4 4 O 19 '0rrl 3 4 0 24 2 4 019 aridby 2 5 019 EmtYork O 8 1i 4 North 9cm Noth 3co Olynplo Ajan Pckering West Roui NY Hemîts Whitby EmitVork Wexord 1 North 5cw Darlinqton Pickering Rexdale Aja Oshw.aS4 NY Huat. EioNrcolw Norh Scas Weal Roui Scarb BlU Wexford 2 (oneuoati&-- v..idonu) »s ai Jtiy 4 W L T 0F /.1 5 0 O 38 i.2 3 1 1 il 3 1 1 21 2 2 114 1 23 14 Under-lO W L T GF 5 O 3 35 5 1 2 22 5 1 2 20 b. 1 5 O 1 21 4 0 2 26 3 1 314 3 1 3 22 3 3 1 15 DC 3 4 114 s 2 3 214 e 1 42 5 rb. 2 2 5 0 17 go 1 4 2 5 m 0 80 2 ? 0 7 00 Broolin ICismen 9 Jerrs Dm9 Wmre. 9 Whilby Ki=sne 5 Marvin Enlerprimes 3 suai Jaiy Es 8oýodSeervi 7 Dou ,Fraeran C.A. Irtemetronai Mil 3 Leaom Consulllng Whkby1Kinsmen Whhb Toyta 8 Anderson Vol Clinlo WhrtbyToyota Celebreions To Go Shopporu Dwug Mari 8 Mchel Insurance Forari Rooling 8 Iighlard Van a Slorage Whittry Toyota e Mrvin Enerprises Jerrys Drug Warahous liturndiona Mil 1 Dundais St. dna ordre LeaosDruis 9 laque Allack Top Oumily 13 MasMilanOrdhards Markelng Rosore Grot.p Lennox Druis 5 Exective Ceaws T&D Steak & Burger 10 Broolain enoro Stautings mu af lily 1 StsoppesuDm9 MarI T&D Steak & Burger 10 Top Ouailly Calmsion 9 Forains Rooting 9 Pr Esta8 BeIdord Service 6 Bonnet Transporl 6 Whitby Toota 4 fIntemalonal Mil Service 3 Big Donuls 3 Lennox Drum 1 SOUIRT A ICI Ccpy 10 TD Baink 3 W.C. Town 12 Whrtby Audio il July 12 DundasCîr. Guardian 1 AI Kind Gas O MoCannu W. Fraink 6 Oualty DJ 2 July 13 GoldenIHaiwksa il Rotary Sunrime 3 Oplirnisi Clubi 11 i Srning Drillerai 7 WUhiby Lions Club> il Omaco 2 Rondal Transport 9 TD Baink 6 KP.Copy 13 Whrlby Audio 3 Stanwinge ne 01Jadil; W L T P KP C 12 O 0 24 Rý daAranMi il 3 0 22 McCarns W. Fraink Roaly 9 3 O 18 Whiby Lions Clii 9 5 O 18 AIKl(nd Guo 8 3 1 17 Golden Hawks 8 6 0O Il Owawso 7 4 O 14 Ouaiuty DJ 5 5 3 13 Vicklnoiurainco 5 .7 O 10 TD Banak 4 7 1 9 Srni Driller. 4 8 1 9 w.c.Tw 3 6 2 a OplinimI Club> 4 9 O a WhitbyAudlio 4 9, O 8 Dundas Cîr. Guardian Drugs4 9 O 8 Rotauy Sunriseo 1 2 O 2 SOUIRT B July 10 Dundas St. Dental SJuly 11i AnderSnVet CHis 21 Celebrigions ToGo SJuly12 SJerry. Dnig Ware. 14 Whityby IGiramen 13 July 13 13Eseci*re Clsaner 4 Doug FraemnunCA. Plaque Atlark Ce nbeio To Go 3LeecoisCoSsulwag ID Brookî in saisn 6 6 DundsSt. Dentidl 6 20 F-tghiaMn Van 15 11 Leanom Consuling 9 9 Brookin Kmscn 9 9 Marvin Esterprases 4 Il MacMillen Orcharda 0 15 Exoctir Cleaners 4 14 Marketing Romore 13 12 DundeS.DerUal 10 19 Anderson Vat Clinc 6 12 W-ghlaind Vain 9 6 5 7 8 6 5 6 6 4 9 4 g ~ 10 4 10 2 9 MOSQUITO WEST July 1 P* M&M Moe 24' ColucclPools 20 Sarr urger la Cotuccu Pools 17 Dodd & Sater 13 July 14 12 Mafigold Ford 9 Lonnox Druis 7 Juy 1 6 Glen Graphics 4 Starr Burger Devlle Produce JLY 16 Devlle Produce 10 WhiltyJayco 12 Glen Graiphicu 21 Whilby Firolighlers 13 Brooklln Kineren 1B Whllby Flrofighlers 18 BDO 8 Whlby Jaiyceos 9 MAM Mes 23 TRC Industrial 13 Whilby Firelighlem 19 Whitby Firelighterm Staninge asaof Joiy 16 Dodd &Soulèr :ï i Lennax Drurn il 3 Man lad Ford il 2 M&MMeails 9 4 BDO 9 5 Stafr Burger 8 5 Glas Graphies 7 5 Whiby Jaiyceas 6 7 Colucci Pools 6 7 Jonsen Auto Body 5 8 Deville roduco 3 9 BrooklinKl(nsman 3 9 Whiby Firelighlers 3 13 TRClIndustrial O 13 MOSQUITO EAST Opturuil Club> July il Legal Beagles Vidaege Construction Doug Turner Carpe. July 12 Canaian Tire 1% *eh Maintenance July 14 Bankaof Mortreal Stuti Coleatbes l-ardoo Construction Juiy 15 Lega Beagles 1 Hardco Construction O 8 Hado Construction 8 10 SunleaiFairms 2 5 Swish Maintenance 1 il Suralea Fns 9 1B W. FrankRPealty 4 10 Warien's Prirding 7 12 Duhams Dodigo 6 6 Rogers Calels 3 r' Villge Construction 5 7 Doug Turner Carpen. 6 &soal Jtdyy E Legai Beagles Hardco Construction Bank ci Mortr"a Oplarniasl Cki Rogers Omble Dou5 Turner Carpenlry SlMairienasco Stuli Colectaurles Vilage Constructions Warrens Printing Sunlea Farms Canarian Tire W. Frank Rdealy Durham Dodge 1

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