Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1994, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 20, 1994.... ................. ...... Redmen of the past to reunite this weekend Past. and present members of the Brooklin Redmen major box lacrosse club will gather Friday and Saturday for the first-ever Alumni Reunion Weekend. At least 15 inembers of the 1969 Redmen teain that won a Mann Cup, the Canadian cham- pionship, will be ameng those attending a Friday night dance and Saturday night, garie bet- ween Redmen and Fergus. "The boys in Brooklin say it will be a bash,» says 77-year-old Art Morton who coordinated the reunion and the establishmnent of a Redinen alunini association. The dance will. be at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena in Brooklin, startinig at 8 p.in., with tickets available te anyone for $5 at the door. Master of ceremenies for the event will be Bob McKenzie of Whitby, hockey analyst for The Sports Network and Toronto Star columnist. Aise speaiking will be coaching great Jin Bishop. Amrong the former players attending will bo 1965 and 1966 Redmen team inembers Pat Baker and Ter Davis, botb - considered by Morton te be âmonqg the finest players of their era; Elmer Tran, the scoring star on the teain that won the 1969 Mann Cup and another ali-time great; his brother Paul Tran, named best defensive player in Ontario lacrosse in the- 1969 sea- son; Glen Letton, all-tizne Red- men scoring leader until passed by Tom Wreggitt iast season. Saturday nigtsgae is at Iroquois Park inWhitby, and members of the '69 teain will bo gathering on the floor between the first and second intermission of the gaine. Carson,-Cberry of Pickering, widow of the former Jin Cherry wbo won - the inost dedicated playel' award for Redmen in 1962, will be escorted on the floor by Elmer Tran for a cere- monial faccof te start the gaine. Morton, who bad positions as. tramner, manager and president of the Redmen frein 1957 te, 1969, says the weekend events lay "the groundwork for future events, the alumni club." Those joining the club, for a fee, will receive a book about the Redmen that includes statistics (compiled by Larry Power) since 1961. Statistics were unavailable for previeus season, as Redmen were formed in the 19409. Morton says hie got about 100 responses te 400 letters mailed out te former players. Hie expected, and got, notice that many players were ne longer at former addresses in rnany instances. However, he is «somewhat dis- appointed» that inany who recei- vedletters didnt bother te res- pond at ail, whether or net they could attend the weekend. The aluinni club already bas 85 mnembers, and Morton, who was chief sterekeeper at Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital before retir- ing in 1982. Hie epct more will join thîs weekend. PITCHERS Tim Puddister (above) and Brent Heaslip combined on a two-hitter as Whmtby bombed West Hill 13-1. The Whitby 'unior team, sponsored b y he Brooklin Legion, advanced to the final of the first annual Whtby juvenile/junior basebali tourna- ment but lost 4 -0 to Port Hope. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Port Hope captures inau-gural.tournament Whitby lest 4-0 te Port Hope in the final of tbe first annual Whitby juvenihe/junior basebal teurnament over tbe weekend. Deug WIrigbt threwf a four- bitter for Port Hope who were able te capitahize on the their opportunities as Whitby pitcher TJLim Imeson allowed oniy six bits. Brett Rayne, who had one ef the Whitby bits was nained gaine mes t valulle p layer for Wbitby. Imeson, Blair Hardy and Steve Woods bad the other Whitby bits. Port Hope phayers each recei- ved jackets as champions of the teurnament, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise. Tournanient orgiizer Tony Vandoieweerd,'Whitby Miner Basebal Association president George Clay, and Rotary Sunrise representative Barry Mount pre- sented the championsbip trophy te Port Hope. Whitby and Port Hope were both unbeaten as tbey entered tbe final. Whitby won tbeir opening gaine 13-1 over West HiER as Tiin Puddister and Brent Heaslip combined on a two-itter. Steve Hershey bit two doubles and a single and the other players in the Whitby lineup each had at least one bit. The Whitby teain, sponsored by Brooklin Legien, rallied in the last inning te defeat Clinten- Goderich 9-6 in the second gaine and move direc.thy inte tbe final. Hardy Imeson, Simuon Gosg- nach and Woods eacb had bits as Whitby jumped eut te a»4-0 lead in the first inning(. temod Horsiey started onth on for Whitb y and was reiieved by Jamie Gillespie in the third in- ning when Clinton fougbt back te take a 6-5 lead. Whitby scored four runs in the iast innn g,,and got key defen- sive lay s fri Keitb Milîs and Brett Rayne, te win tbe gaine. Warriors 2nd, meet Brampton in playoffs Whitby Warriors begin playoffs on Thursday against Brampton after a win and two losses in the paslt week resulted in a"second- place finish for the regular sea- son in the east division of the Ontario Junior A lacrosse league. Warriors begin a best-of-seven series against third-place Brampton at Iroquois Park on Thursday, gaine turne 8 p.m. The second gaine is in Bramp- ton on Friday night 1(8:30 p.m.), the third gaine on Sunday at Iroquois at 8 p.ni. and fourth gaine in Brampton on Monday at' 8 m.n if needed, a fifth game will be played on Thursday, July 28, 8 p.m., in Whitby; a s ixth gaine on *day July 29 i Brampton, 8:30 p .m.; seventh gaine on Saturday, July 30, 8 p.m., iný Whitby. Warriors lest 20-14 to Toronto Beaches on Monday last week, sM ' .. ... ... Whitby Rlier Skating Club members won three national chamjpionships in Burlington %ai Schmidt-Hansen won the Canadian titie i uior ladies' freestyle and =eeca Wood- bouse won junior ladies' figures and ladies'combined. Woodhouse finisbed behind Schmidt-Hansen in ladies' free- style. Stacey Miller became national champion in elementary figures and was second in level 1 soie dance, third in combined and sixth in lcops and freestle. In senior, Jeffrey Kidd was second in men's figures and Jen- nifer Muigrew was third in ladies' figures. Andrea MeCron was third in elementgry freestyle and fiftb in figures for a fourtb place finish in combined. In novicè, Jennifer Caukwel was fifth in level 1 solo dance and eigtb in open lcops and nov-mufigures. Mugrew and Kidd qualified for the world cbampionships in Italy in tbe fail. clobbered Sarnia 20-4 on Thurs- day and tben fell 11-7 to Missis- sauga Chiefs on Friday night. John Sicinski scored four goals for Mississauga and Darcy Sweet had two goals. Mike Fryer, Jonas Derks and Saydon Santos each had two goals and Steve Taylor one for Warriors. Derks bas five goals and an assist and Matt Shearer three goals and three asssists in the romp over Sarnia. Crosbie had tbree goals, Brad. McArthur two, with singles te, Taylor, Fryer, Gary Kane, Scot~t MacDonell, Shaydon Santos, Brent Lunnie and Dan St. Aubin. Chet Fletcher had three goals for Sarnia. David Suzuki bad six goals and tbree assists in the Beaches' win over Warriors. Derks and Croshie each scored three go ais for Warriors, Shearer and MacDenell two each, Jason Pitters, Keviin Lunnie, Taylor and Fryer one eacb. Redmen, SIX Nations tied for lst. place Brooklin iRe41nen defeated Bramipton 7-6 last week and now share top spot with Six Nations in Ontario major box lacrosse. Affer the loss te Redmen last Wednesday nilit, Brampton fell 15-8 te Six Nations the - next nigbt. Six Nations defeated Peterborough on Saturday te move inte a first-place tie with Redinen with only a few games remaining. (Redmen were scheduled te lay Tuesday night in Owen Sound. ]Result was unicnown at press time). Redmen, playing at home, led Braxnpton 42 after two periods in a fierce defensive battie. Redinen stretcbed their iead te 6-2 bofore Brampton came back with three straigbt goals te close te 6-5. Bill Passfleld scored witb 52 seconds remaining te) give Red- men a 7-5 iead. Dan Teat scored bis second of the gaine witb 26 seconde ieft for Brampton. Gar Gait bad three goals and an assist for Redmen wile Tom Wreggitt had a goal and four assiets. Fred Jenner and Erie Perroni aise scored for Redinen while Tom Maracbek bad tbree assîsts. Jin Veitinan had a goal and tbree assists for Brampton. Brampton may have aise lest tbe services of one of their tep scorers. Bob Hamley left the gaine witb a knee injury. Redmen bost Fergus in the Alumni Gaine on Saturday night at Iroquois Park.- The gaine starts t 7:.30 pi.. A:- Broekiinlitedmen-Six Nations major lacrosse gaine scheduled for Wednesday nigbt, July 27 will npw be played at Iroquois Park.' The gaine was eriginally te, be played at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena. A recent battie between Six Nations and Redmen, the top two teains in the league, was at Iroquois Park and drew the lar- gest crowd of the season.

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