Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 20, 1994 Page 21 Motori'sts are becoming more demanding, says CAA Motorists are becomin' more deînending when buying i vehicle, &ccording to this Canadian Automobile Association (OAA). That conclusion was drawn from a survey of 27,778 inotorisa, in which each respondent was 'ourovided with a list of features and asked to indicate which ones they wanted on their next vehicle. ..With the exception of extended warranties, which lost ground, more motoriats wanted. more feutures this year than lest.' For inistance, air bage are wanted by 66.2 per cent of mnotorists, lup from 60.48 per cent lest year; power door locks are desired by 49.3 rei cent, up from 45.3 per cen t lest year; and air conditi&niing is wented b4 73.6 per cent, up from 71.8 per cent lest year. . PONTIAC SUNBIRD FEATURES: 4-wheel ABS automnatie transmission e air conditioning e AMIFM stereo cassette e pulse wipers 6 trunk release e power door locks e Roadside Assistance PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN FEATURES: driver's side air bag e 4-wheel ABS e air conditioning e AM/FM stereo cassette e pulse wipers a power door locks e Roadside Assistance The Excitement Yo u expect. PnicedRight! PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN PONTIAC GRAND PRIX FEATURES: dual air bags " 4-wheel ABS e 160 H.P. 3.1 litre SF1 V6 engine " automatic transmission * air conditioning " AMIFM sterea e sport appearance package " power door locks e Roadside Assistance PONTIAC Based on' a 36 month lease for SunbrdlGrand Arn equippad as describad. A minimum down payment of $2,098/$2M4, freight $595$595 and $300/$300 security depoait are required. 12 andi 24 month ferma also available. Offer appjias f0 quatuied retail customners onfy. Some mleage condtionsa pply. Licensa. insuranca, and taeasflot includeti. Dealer may lease for lasa. This offer may flot ba combineti wil h riy othar offer. Factory order or Deaaler trade msy be necessary. See Dealer for defails. .Baseti on as36 month lassa for vehicla equijped as dascribed. A minimum clown paymant of $2,562 andi $350 security depoaft are required. Sonne mileage conditions apply. Price for 1994 Grand Prix equipped as describeti. Freight ($760). license. insurance and taxas flot ncluded. Of rs appty 10 1994 new or demonstrator modela. Dealer msy sl/lasse for axas. Offars appty f0 qualiiad ratait customners only. This offar may flot bc combineti or useti with sny other offer. Factory order or Dealer trade msy ba necessary. See Dealer for dtaîls. tFirst month SmalLeaaa payment will be waived for qualified purchasers. Minimum down paymant applias.