Whitby Free Press, 20 Jul 1994, p. 18

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Page 18. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. JuIy 20, 1994 bJiI Mclntosh Angry 'Cruisers'y It may be bard to believe, but every now and again, the powers-that-be allow me some time for vacation. Last week my husband and I were packing up the Studebaker for a trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake when I remembered: Ohmygoodness! "Wbat is it?" Fred askecj. "Whitby Free Pýress!" I said. "My column's due on the day we get back and' -- the eight words he dreads more than any -- "You've Got To Help Me Think 0f Something!" Actually, thinking up columns is nothing compared to some of the- hazards of being an automnotive writer. rve been writing for car magazines for il years now. When youre working with sometbing as near and dear to people's hearts as their cars, you've really got te be careful. Poesibly the most difficuit is working with memories, especially if Fin not really familiar with the car xn'entioned. A sbarp-eyed reader called to say that last month's column erroneously mentioned that Model T gas tanks were over the eng*ine. He told me they were under he driver's seat. 0f course, he's right. The story had oiginallybeen told to me by an eldery friend, who miàxed up bis Model T with the Model A he later bought, and wbich did take its gasoline through the cowl. If any Model T owners dumped super premium over their engine because of me, I apologize. At least that caller was polite. One magazine I write for targets owners of customized 1950s cars, many of whnm think of the late acter James Dean as a demigod. In an article I did on Mercury, I introduced the subject by saying that Dean drove one in bis "first" film, ' Rebel Without A Cause.' 'Rebel' was actually bis second movie; 'East of Eden' bad been released a few months earlier. ILty littie throwaway line generated an avalanche of angry letters from Dean fans, and even a year later 'a car club known as the 'James Dean Cruisers' cf Illinois let me know that they check everything I write te make sure I don't trip up again when it comes te, their favourite celebrity. (0f course, last month I wrote that I always preferred Marlon Brando to James Dean, and Fin expecting a brick through the window any day now.) J7ve learned neyer te mention that I like a specifie kind cf car. If I say tat 'Kaisers had interesting windshields" or I think Packards are nice cars te, drive," I wiIl be dluged with phone cails and letters asking if I want te buy one that a reader bas for sale. Now, if someone wanted te give one1 away -- bey, readers, I like Ferraris.. rve learned not te identity mysef wben Fin taking phtorpbs at car shows, beause at least one person will follow me around insisting that bis car be in the magazine. Sometimes the owners are too nice, such as the man whose car I pbotographed and wbo sent me long letters with presents inside, teiling me that he lives alone and SEE PAGE 19 r i VOLKSWAGEN unveiled ils Concept 1 car at the Detroit Auto Show recently. The vehicle is powered by either a diesel or electric motor. Photo by Mark Reesor, V4iltby Free Pres Motorists show shift in Ioyalty to auto mnakers Owners of North American name-plated vebicles- are more loyal te, their auto makers than in recent years, whereas owners of Asian naine-plates are less loyal te theirs, reports the Canadian Automobile Association <CAA). In CAA's 1993 vebicle durability survey, 27,778 Canadian motorists were asked from wbicb manufacturer tbey planned te buy their next vebicle. Owner loyalty was determined by the percentage wbo plan te buy from the saine manufacturer tbat buiît their current vebicle. Accordingly, owner loyalty te, North Americ4n manufacturers is 54.8 per cent, up fom 51.7 per cent inl992, manly due to a increase iu loyaltyamong Chrysler owners. Loyalty te, Asian auto makers is 54.2 per cent, down from 55.9 pr cent in 1992. Làoyalty to European brands is 53.2 per cent, compared tel 49.6 per cent in 1992. Detailed survey resulta appear in CAM' Autepinion '94 Annual car buying guide, plus specifications aud colour photos of aIl 1994 cars aud light trueka and comprehensive information on eIder models for the used car Ths publication is recommended for anyone considerng buying a new or used vebicle, and it is a source cf information for aIl Canadians wbo own or drive cars. It is available at CAA Member club offices and new stands acros Canada. mYou wilI corne for the price... and stay for the service! You will corne for the price... and stay for the service! You wilI corne for the pnice... and stay for the service! LEASE FOR OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Proven 'o serve you BEST sinoe 1972. WH#TBY J A n "f CA REand CAA award winnor.HV2 SRentais in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas delÎvey.6 CW&E R 4 t!I~1b) 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby R, a, E W C~~WAC - ...TOP DOLLAR FOR E5MITES EM >- 4s month walk away lase, 80.000 km fre, freight, P.D.I. and taxes extra. O.A.C. Expires July 31/1994.RI YOUR TRADE! ONTO

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