Whitby Free Press, 13 Jul 1994, p. 31

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday. JuIy 13, 199. Page 31 Laffey'scutch it spelis vîctory forseeet Mfike Laffey doubled ta drive in two runs with twa out in the bottoni of the seventh inning ta give Whitby a 9-8 victMoraver Pickering #1 in South Durham mosquito select baseball action. Down 8-6 gaing inta the battam haif of the seventh, Whitby #2 showed patience in loading the bases with none out. Lucas Naylor singied ta iead off, Mike Wynîstorf and Justin Patter fllowed with waiks ta Iaad the bases. Ryan Matthews became Whitby's first out, caught looking at a third strike. Bryan Mantie grounded into a fieder's choice but a wild throw scored Wynistorf ta cut the Pickering Iead te, 8-7. With runners at second and third, Sean Newport was.walked intentionaily te once again ioad the bases and set the stage for Matthews shared mound duties Laffey's heroies. with Màtthews picking up the win in a relief raie. The trio Brvan Donnelly. Newport and ailowed only three earned runs aver seven innings. Popp and Andrew Carter. Scoring runs for the home side were Wynistorf (three), Naylor, Whitby has three wins in as Potter, Mantie, Matthews, Justin znanY garnes to start the seasan. Bal pshe aros wnning run for Whitby B a k p s e c os trkat n ladjsie eutth..,0 i tfe §n-.- -£%- The Whitby ininor mesquita basebali teain, spnsred by Roy's Enterprise. scored a run in the tap of the lOth inning and held an te, defeat Ajax by the score of 4-3 June 29. Whitby had the win in sight with a 3-0 lead gaing inta, the bottani of the seventh, but Ajax crashed the party scoring three runs te send the gaine inta extra innings. The eight and ninth innings were tense as bath teanis put runners an but were unabie ta, advance them. In the top of the lOth , Michael Bekiaris drew a walk affer two were eut. Craig McLelIan advanced him ta third with his second hit af the night. Bekiaris scored the game winner when a balk was called on the Ajax pitcher. Ajax were held ta, six hits by Matthew Tosoni and Brandon Petch.That duo combined for 13 walks on ýthe night. Petch was tough in the eighth, and struck Tosoni came on in the lOth and shut down Ajax in order. Intermediates. win 11.7 Whitby Warriors TelecopY systems/Bay Sports interme- diates were victarieus in their zone lacrosse game versus the Mimica Mounties 11-7 lest week at Iroquois Park. Jason Jankewskci led Warriers with two geais and three assista and captain Ryan Ferd potted the hat trick and added a helper. Shorewall Railing Whitby Harbour Contract W94-46 Tenders for the construction and installation of an ail steel galanized railing along the shorewall at the Whitby Harbour will vbe received by Ginny Lock, Purchasing Agent until 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 20, 1994. Pecfications and tender forms are available at the Town of Whitby Treasury Department, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Telephone (905> 668-5803. extension 236. The owner shaîl have the right not ta accept the Iowest or any tender. GINNY LOCK, C.I.M., P.Mgr. PURCHASING AGENT You're lnvîted! Opening of the Port Whitby Boat Launch JuIy 20, 1994 The Port Whitby Boat Launch will be offlicially opened on July 20, 1994. The public is invited to attend the opening festivities at the new launch. Join us at the unlveiling of the plaque, ribbon cutting and ceremonsal launching commencing at 2:00 p.m. The Boat i. aunch is located on Gordon Street just south of Victoria Street at Port Whitby Harbour. Participate in this event and enjoy Whitby's Lake Ontario Waterfront! For additional details caîl our staff at Port Whitby Marina 668-1900. elI Hey Mom, I'm Bored! Tiy a week or two of summer camp! The Community Sohools Summer Camps have spaces available for children 3 to 5 and 6 to 13 rearsfage or further information contact the Community Sottool in your area. Belîwood Community School 30 Bellwood Drive 571-4770 Glen Dhu Community School 29 Fallingbrook Street 666-0969 Palmerston Community School 400 Palmerston Avenue 666-0959 Pringle Creek Community Sohool 80 Ribblesdale Dnve 668-0666 NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby passed By-Iaw No's. 3530-94 and.3531-94 an the 27th day oft June, 1994 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 , c. P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or a ency may appeal ta the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of Me By-Iaw(s> by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby flot later than the 2nd day af August, 1994 a notice af appealI setting out the objection ta the By-Iaw(s) and the reasons in support af the objection. PURPOSE AND EFFEOT The purpose and affect af By-law No's. 3530-94 and 3531-94 is ta amend Zoning By-law N's. 1784 and 2585, respectively, ta define and establish zone provisions for model homes within plans of subdivisions. By-Iaw No's. 3530-94 and 3531-94 affect aIl residentially zoned areas throughaut the Municipality covered b y Zoning By-law No's. 1784 and 2585. A key mnap showing the lands affected by the by-laws is therefore not provided with this notice. The complote by-laws are available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTAC11NG THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 668-5803. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l3th day of JuIy, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Roselend Road East Whtby, Ontario Li N 2M8 NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F A ZONUNG BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation oaf the Town of Whitby passed By-law No's. 3528-94 and 3529-94 on the 27th day of June, 1994 under Section 34 ai the Planning Act, RS.O. 1990. c. P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of te By-law(s)_by fiîung with the Clerk of the Corporation af the Town af Wl itby nat later than the 2nd day of August, 1994 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-Iaw(s> and the reasons un support of the objection. PURPOSE AND EFFECT The purpose and eifect of By-law N's. 3528-94 and 3529-94 is ta amend Zoning By-law Nos. 1784 and 2585, respectively, to estabîish zone provisions for residential sales offices within plans of subdivision including a definition and parking requirements. By-Iaws No's. 3528-94 and 3529-94 affect ail residentially zoned areas throughout the Municipality covered by Zoning B- law No's. 1784 and 2585. A key map showing the lands affected by the by-laws is therefore flot provided with this notice. The complete by-laws are available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACT1NG THE TOWNS PLANNING DEPARTMVENT, 668-5803. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l3th day of.July, 1994. DONALD G. McIKAY CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE iOWN 0F WHITBY 575 Roselend Raad East Whtby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Swim Classes We have spaco for youl Take trne to enjoy participating in a swim class this summer, or just drop in for a quick dipi The Clvlc Recreation Complex and Anne Ottenbrlte Pool Offer Sensational Summer SwlMMlflg U~ Improve swimming skills. U Swim classes teach water safety, a summer necessity. U Rent the pool and have your own Pool Party. 0 Participate times. with your kids at the Family Swim Cail the Complex at 666-19911 for details. pi G I I1 Fitness Classes Join Your Frlends and Get Fit! Take time to enjoy articipatiflg in a f itness class thIs summer. Whltby Clvlc Recreation Complex Offers Flexible Ftness V Choose from any summer fitness or aquafitness program. te Participate at Advanced levels. Beginner, Intermediate be Enjoy our new Special Summer Workout class V' Don't forget our Weekend Program, back by popular demand. e Purchase one class for a low price of $30. Cali the Complex at 666-1991 for details. Dog Licences Ali dog awners are reminded that your dogs must be lcensed. A dog licence identifies your family pot and ensures a free ride homne tefirst âime your pet s found, provded you're home and âime permits. For furtiier information, contact the PAW Animal ContraI Centre, 4680 Thicksan Road North. Whitthy. phone: 427-8737.

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