Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1994, p. 30

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Page 30, Wltby Free Prees, Wednosday, JuIy 6. 1994 Bruele peks oWt on hosia controversy FR OM PAGE 3 1992, according te the Region clerke department; a' health council spokesman says the cern- niittee was.' set Up in April; 1993. Brunelle adds it wasn clear -when the comnittee waa formed that ene éf the options being iooked' was cIosing Whitby General. AS te the charge of ne Whitby residents, Brunelle peinte eut thaet fermer WGH bear-d of direc- ters, chairman- Ed Buffett and Jean Achmatewicz, both Co mmit- tee members, are Whitby resi- dents. Brunelle' says lack. of cern- munity involvenient la partiaily te, biame for the situàtion WGH je in new. «Petitions and signs and al the rest of it je great... (but) quite frankly, the Whitbly General Hospital in years gene by has spent big dollars and an awful lot of time and energy trying to gt Ple interestedfin the hos- UIt was like a' big. leeper; nobedy was payi'ng any atten- tion. And now, al of a sudden, peeple are ceming eut of the woedwork.» Bruneile's han several sugges- tiens on hew residents canhlp save WGH acuto care services. Beèause WGH la under util-, ized, <when yeur docter is send- ing you te, a hospi4l, yeu sheuld make sure ho sonda you ý te Whitby General instead of going tô Oshawa or Ajax.... people sheuld inast.» That goees-fer blood tests, mammograzus and ether miner tests tee, ho says. «Rather than geing te, ono of theso doctor's clinice go te the hospital... that'e stufthat the hespital dees and neede the money fe6r.» Doctors aise need te get invol- U'~ you realize that thero hasn't been a (local) docter eerv-, ;e g the hospital. since 1989... the Whtby hospital is having te hire a firni called Medemerg that gets docters' from aIl over the pro- vince... and ites costing tho hoapi- tal last year $110,000 just te pay for this extra service? If our own doctors would put some time in there that wouldnthbanjen -- wo woulA't have that coset.n Brunelle aise recemmends cal- ling local 'MPPs Drummond White anrd Gord Mille and candi- dates fer the (Conservatives and Liberals -- ' this, la a political world we live in... the policial solution is a good one.» Suspect arrested Police have arrested a suspect in the vandalieni ef cemetaries in Whitby and Oshawa. Robert Colazie, 36, cf Scar- borough in' charged with two counts cf mischief and two countseof mron iconnection with the more than $200,O00 in damage dons te Mount Lawn Cemetary in Whitby and Union Cometary, juet acroîs the border in Oshawa. Colazie was arrested June 30 as a result ef an investiation by Detectives John .Keatrng and John Mè,Lean cf the Durham Regional Polic'. Criminel Inves- tigation Branch. Police say the vandaiism is stili underivestigation. aMDEl ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SUBMISSION OFFIE A AOON - Ciles of Oshawa/Whitby, Ontario, for h. Ministry of Finance - Regional Assessmeni Office. Submissions are invted from owners or authorized agents for the leasing ta Management Board Secretarlat of aprxmately 7700 useabiFe square feet (USF) of contiguous (B.O.M.A. standards) gênerai office space on on. level. The building must b. asbestos *free, meet Management Board Secreiariat's Environmental Requirements and have barder tree access, ail as specified in the ProposaI Cail documents. Parklngo Minimum of fifty-two (52) parking spacea on site ton (10) of which shal b. designated. Occupancy Dateu Within the Ciies of OshawaNJhitby in the area bounded on the: West: By Hwy. #12 (Brockç Road) East: Park Road North: By Dryden Road/ Anderson St.1Rossiand St. South: To C.P.R. Rallway iracks Decembor 31,* 1994 or soonor. term extension option. The conditions are set out in h. bease Proposai Cal, which can be obtained from Elaine King: (416) 327-3945. Thèse conditions include that the resulting, lease ag reement shahl be a lease in accordance with the Management Board Secretariat standard form of bease. In addition, the proposai shouid b. based on a' '"TURNKEY', as per the minimum requirements set out in the boas. Proposai Cali. In order to b.coensidered, ail proposais must b. submifted, in seaied envelopes, in aoeordance with the Proposai Cali documents available f rom: Manage ment Board Secretariat Leasing Services Branch 5th Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley SretWest Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Attention: Etaine Klng, quoting projedt #L-8621, Tel: (416) 327-3945. Ail submissions are to b. delivered at h. above address and must b. rec.ived by Elaine King before 11:00 arn on July 20, 1994. For further information, please contact Wafter Cormack at <416) 327-3985. The iowest or any submission may not necessarily b. accepted. M.B.S. as tenant, Is not subject 10 the provisions of h. Federai Goods and Services Tax lègisation. In achieving the goals of empioyment equity, the Ontario Govemment intends that. equitbie empioynrnent practices b. supportod in the priva. sector. WADE Alice - In loving m emory of a dear mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, who passed away July 1, 1993. "A sulent thoug ht, a secret tear, keeps her memory ever dear, time eases the edge of gref, memory turns back every leaf." Always remembered by your family $750 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GST) 150 each additional word; (140 +10 GST) 150 each additional word; PLUS GST 990 per agate lune WSPLAY A.S....A....... (Acs wfth borders, pictures or graphies) Regu lar display rates apply - $1 .05 per agate line (14 agate unes per inch) Minimum size 1 column inch $14.70 CONTINU OU I;SRUN DISPLAY ADS 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes). G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monda noonprior to Wednesday publication. 668-M6111 Please check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will ot be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cos1 of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost 0f the insertion. The Whitby--Free Press reserves the right to classif y or reject ail advertisements. Anuiersalescommercial Rpace for Lat à Found Announcements Rout or Sale LQwottaIges Antiques. 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