Whitby Free Press, 6 Jul 1994, p. 22

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Page_22, Whltby Fr0. Pres, WednesdaY. JuIy 6, 1994 W7MA/Rtar Snrie Turninnt fr JckMacDonald trophy manager < the Wbitby Brookli The Whitby Minor Basebal Association will hold tbe' first annuel Junior/Juvénile Basebal Tournantent, in co-operation with the Rotary Club of VWitby Sunriai, starting on Friday night and ending on Sunday night, July 15-17. Teama froin across Ontario and the Lakeshore Braves from the Montreal circuit will ail be competing for the Jack MacDonald memoialtopy In addition to the =rphthe tournament champions -will -be presented with championshif jackets and the final game wiIl Whitby girls softball DOSe 27emwkl s Century 21 - raned ouf RayCIhv.WGSA Bravos - ralnod ouf EBeoa ou 7 Action Plus Mobile Juoe 27 BernerLTéer Bacittad Sarvloo Pwimra La Poit Store Plso Thomas Ct* rnol R ai Cffudffl Laglo PointStore Pli PaitrureLaluls il WGSA GiIa 18 Fiwmhonws FrlendG 15 Bsck.'s Mik 7 st-i0'a W L 7 0 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 NOVICE E Mew Pol ilWGSA Prates 1D Brookin Opikeet 5Home Para&» ieAr 5Ewcrtl<Iden sianingo se thé selection and presentation of most valuable player trophies, as*well as runner-up awards. Thé Ontario teants consist of entries front West HilI, Çlinton-Goderich, Barrie, Ingersî, otam, Port Hope and Eacb tearn will play two gaines at Iroquois Park and'the third gaine a Fairman Park. Atr playing three games the winners of tbe two divisions will compete in the chamnpionship gaine at Iroquois Park on Sunday night, July 17, 7 p.m. "Without question, some Shoppera Drug MM BeisiLunter - Oshmaa Bocod Service Contre TRIsy Optlclan J une 27 Valntnos 1 Mercwry Ato 13 Dynes à Lloyd 13 hb Kinumon 7 Whltby Optnt Il Lovidl i rga 7 etuig ecuyAuto Body 5 d LovsI3r4 '4 Valmninos 3 Dynes & Lloyd Jswelsua 3 Whitby Kimen 2 WhOptImii t 2 SINSOR *TE Swing.. id Whklw SunrliRotaMy 8 North¶fthâby Denta Group 5 Durburn SmailIChhno 3 EastermCarpetClenhig 3 Wbltby Kkimon 2 Scotte KFC 1 Hitina lalon Stuuings WGSAJys 5ï2iOà1b DDOS Mkdkig 4 3 O 8 BLg V Orugo4 3 O 8 àDù àswote 3 3 1 ý7 irvestârGro3.S3 1I'7 Kdghts et Col l 3 4 0 8 Brfflo iOm de 3 4 00- BrooknKiR=m.n 2 5 0 4 JUMOR *TE June27 MaiMIlan Orhard vs ML - ralnsd ou Pto.nix Carvom Brooldi Kkwmun- r"udout RP 011 v& u wn Cul, - rained out MOS Mwkdkig vu. Mr. Trmuuoson rln.d o&A PhoenkCar àTruack 5 OIIu Brookn runun 5 1 O ID =Om" ig3 1 2 S WuhaCh Rgite 3 3 0 6 MietsTrarnCLon 2 3 1 5 IML 2 4 0 4' IP on 2 4 O 4 MaMlanOrcharch 0 S 0 O excellent basebali is in store for the basebail enthuiasta and local fans won't be disappointed," according to Ji Andrew, Liegion Juniros. Ele expects to aie the local boys right in- there ta, the end. For furtber information, cal tournament chair Tony Vandoleweerd at 668-3754. Minor MosquDitoes tops inPtebrog Whitby took top, honours at the July 1-2 tournament by defeating the bost Peterborough team 16-9 in the championship gaine. Whitby earned a trip to the finals with an 11-8 victory over Oollingwood.- The tournament hosts bad wins over, Cobourg and Bramipton before meeting Whitby. Ini Wbitby's win- over Collingwoad, the -"player of the gaine" was Brandon Petch, who pitched four strong innings allowing four runs on only two bits. He contributed at the plate with a single and a double. Also cashing in two bits each were Nicholas Pubela and Adarn Sylvestre. The bit totals for the gaine were 8-5 i Whitby~s favour. The Whitby bae were hot in the early innings af the final gaine as the champs scored seven runs in the first two inmnn They added nine more over th last tbree innings ta put tbe game an ice. Matthew Tosoni was awarded' "player of tbe gante" for bis swim CENTRAL REGION CHAMPIONBIIPS .IUNE 24-26. ETOMCOKE OLYMUN 101UNDER GIRLS Kluy Bsnnrg 19- 200bisit Srd - 10 bisai. 200 IM 4th -50 bromt 6th - 100 fNy lit nnser-up for hgh poirt trcphy. finishilng one poit behind the wilnr 101UNDER BOYS .Andrsw Seamon. 71h - 200-motre bsok outstaixding. play in the chantpiopsh'p gaine. Tosoni threw six and a tbird innings allowing one bit and striking out five. He was a big part of the offense with four singles in five Mtidgets be*â ChrisGoring drove in thé win- ninq run it he first gainaeand Wluitby went on ta, win tbe secnd gme of a doubleheader with Kingsten Tewnship in reent midget basobali action. Whitby led 5-1 in the first game before Kingston eruptéd for seven rune ta take an. 8-5 lead into the final inning., Mark Wiker bit a single ta drive i Jamie Turner, who had walked, and Dave, Houg, wbo had single, ta make it 8-1.' After Terr re and Jason Linden -walked. Goring smacked at bats. 1Petch showod.biùs slugging power with three doubles wbile JustinHawe and Michael May each belted two singesi. at, Kng stonl one into oentrifield ta knock in the tying and winniing runs in the 9-8 win. Poinroy bit. a. two-run homer for Whitby earlier in thé contéat. Darryl Jennings went all the way on the moundaga-nat a frustrated Kingston squad in the second game, won 11-1 by Whitby. iànden and Turner éawch <rove' in three runs. -Whitby now bas six wins and four lasses for the season. Boxer, best a t CHIN Whitby boxer James Mullane won big in bis first open classa. match, scoring a technical knock out over thé weekend at thé CHIN International Picnic in Toronto. The Ontario novice junior wel- treight champion deéated Deug Mason of London's - No Fear Boxing Club.' Mullané gave Mason, a more experienced a pponent with a record ef six-and-four i thé open css, two eight counts i thé' first round and anothér pair in thé second - thé fight was stop- ped in thé second afler thé last count. Mullane's a méniber of thé Moter City Boxing Club in Osh- awa; club manager Don Nelson says hé was a crowd favourite at thé picnic and niamed bést boxer of the evening. Nelson and head coach Adrian Denieffé are bath very pleased with how Mullane is coming along; heyre planning*:fl fight- in twi imanth, IalthoeghNelson adits he's bav- mng trouble findin 1 lin-thé area who wàrtt Nelsan says thuy'll likely try and arrangeè but witb a figter foin 'ebec or the IniteStates. Mullané will be offin A 'Àuguat and résume fightingÉin,_Septem- ber. The Mater City club hma fight card schéduled for October 15 at thé R. S. McLaughlin Armories in, Oshawa.1.1 Sarnia-Champs FROMAGE21 executed a double steel.À confident Wbitby tea= allowed thé run ta score whon they elected to take a sure eut at second. They then bounced. back mi thé bettoin of thé inning, sconing four rune of their awn. With one eut Dunford drew a walk and Beckford foIIowed with a sinle. a Joël Prues single* scored Ã"Ïné run, and after.,a run scored on>- a passed ball, Cipparoné knocked in twa more withi a double. With thé score 4-2 in thé fifth Wbitby thon scored four more runs ta put thé gamé away. Cipparone led off with a walk and back.to back boomingz doubles by Stevenson and Mitchell each cashed in a.,run. Singles by Lazary and- Barr knocked in thé final two rune and thé Championsbhip belonged ta Wbidtby. Cipparone, who, had three dobes ana was strong bebind thé plate, was nained playor of the gamo. Balan bad a, double and Dunford a single ta help contribute ta thé 12 bit attack. Whitby's noxt bagule gaine is Wednesday night against Port Hope at Pool Park wihen they put their 10 and 0 undefeated mark on thé lino. SKyboxwinnmers nanis Ioquais Soccer Club sicybox seats aelat prizé: Steve Dolan of Oshawa, 2nd prize: Rosemarie »ý Hallday cf Wbitby, 3rd prize: Bill Dentpsey of Toronto. 4 06 41 5 4 15 5 04 Action Plu a "le Born"a Bene Rot ary Citb W L T 5 10 42 0 3 40 34 0 1 5 0. SOPHMORE J une 28 Whklby urS" D)Wwa mi Whltby Kkunisn 14 Scott* KFC V3 16 EarwnCarpet 15 18 K.Whtby Dental 1V Stauna J une 27 LbolgodLîncoin KkvankChJb Loveil Druge Kvanis Ckb WGSA Gade Marlgold Lncoi FW anWts Frien LOODr? J un. 27 Ruddy Elactria L"onsCk.é BrookIn Legon Newws Pools LlonCk.4b HMeParaasAir Eurocdt Kitole Dlnd WGSA Pkrde Juns28 Bg VOruga lm-~emqm Brookin OptIst DOS Mukating BrookIn Kinwmn Knlghts ofCoWnm InveoorGroip Dodd & Seui W L 5 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 34 2 3 2.3 2-5 T P o 13 1 G o s o s 1 7 I 7 o s 2 5 2 5 o 4 SOUIRT Thundbr dun ThmCook TiIeyOpticluu shoppm e rug Mart Royal Cdii.Loion W L T 8 1 O 43 0 43 0 43 0 1113 BOYS OMs LeVoir 51-5.10bc 1lU14130YS Nathan KGem 2d-0bc Chrie Kionder h-40fe 15/OVER BOYS Sidan Tknrmo t-0fe.O 7th - 200 bock SIh - 10 back lat- 50 b"d AdranLolerswcz3rd - 100 bo.10 brout 200 FREE RELAY 'lt- Adien Lsmlozewloz. Stefan Tlmmse. Crig Taylor. Mika Sfgaioth ""w- @Romp- mmmmlwqqT,- , -l -F-ru 1 zes

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