Whltby Free Press, Weckiesday, June 29,1994l, Page 3 Funding for supportive housing projects. agenda (s) Monday, June 27, Recommenda- t ions from the Planning and Development Committee That a solicitor be retained 10 represent the municlpality at an Ontario Municipal Board pre-hearing conference on July 15. The meeting is being held to consider an application by Donald Mitchell for a home improvement centre and Iumberyard on Spencers Road. Carried That an off iciaI plan amendment application from Godel Investments, Awaiting Developments and Towchester Developments for a 58-acre site on the southeast corner of Taunton and Garrard roads be approved. The developers intend 10 build a 350-unit mixed subdivision on land which is now designated industrial. The officiai plan designation must be changed 10 residential and special purpose commercial 10 aliow the development. Carried That the Durham Region Non-Profit Houslng Corporation be requested 10 assist the Town in ldentifying seniors' housing needs in Brooklin and surrounding area and that planning staff report on the potential for a seniors' housing project on Town-owned land on the east side of Church Street to the rear of the former municipal offices. Carred Recommenda- tions from the Operations Committee That a $554,365 tender f rom Holllngworth Construction Co. of Gormley for reconstruction over-sized sewers will aiso improve diversion of storm drainage f rom the former Cobi Food site when that property is eventually developed for houslng. Caried Married 65 years BILL AND BELLE GRYLLS celebrated their 651h wedding anniversary recently. They were married June 19,1929 in Biggar, Sask. The couple both grew Up on the prairies and were friends since they were children. They moved 10 Haliburton in 1934 and Whitby in the sp ring of 1940 and both worked hard 10 establish their famiFly -- they have six chiîdren, 30 grandchildren and 31 great grandchi Idren. "We not only raised six of aur own, we raised some of the neighbours' kids -- took them in and fed them," recaîls Bill. "My famiîy couldn't be better," adds Belle. "My children always came f irst." The couple now live at Fairview Lodgpe. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whlty Fre.Press Sidewalk done a 2nd time About 120 feet of newly formed cernent sidewalk on Bonacord Avenue west of McQuay Boule- vard had to be lifted and repla- ced Thursday after vandals dug their heels in it. The cost of doing the job a second time was estirnated at $7 000. Ãe* danmage occurred sorne- time after 7 p.m. Wednesday. Sorneone froni the contractor kept an eye on the fresh cernent until that tinte. The damage was discovered the next mornng. The culprits were apparently proud of their deed. They drew their initiais -- D.R. and D.L. -- in one part of the sidewalk. The sidewalk is being buit by Francton Construction of Downs- view. ON YOUR INSURANCE DEDUC11BLE WITH THIS AD* Whitby Auto Glass uses an incredible new process .to repair windshield stone chips. And your insurance company Ml waîve your deductible on stone repairs to keep insurance cost down. 1013 uunaias st. F TOLL FREE 1-800-668-9247 MOBILE SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP with most insuranice comparues with this ad at Uime of purchase.;e